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Policies & Procedures

Great Gonerby Parish Council

Lone Working Policy


Adopted 17.7.23 for review July 2024




•             Great Gonerby Parish Council recognises that the clerk is required to work by his / herself in the community without                     close or direct supervision, sometimes in isolated work areas or out of office hours.

•             The Parish Council also recognises it has an obligation to comply with its legal duties under the Health and Safety at                   Work etc. Act 1974 and the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 for the health, safety and                        welfare at work of its employees.




•             This policy applies to all situations involving lone working of the Parish Council Clerk as an employee. It also applies                    to Parish Councillors, Volunteers and Contractors involved in lone working arising in connection with the duties and                    activities of the Parish Council.




•             The Health and Safety Executive defines lone workers as “those who work by themselves without close or direct                            supervision”.

•             This includes but is not confined to:

o One worker working from their own home

o Working alone in a workshop or open space

o Travelling alone to attend another agency’s premises or a meeting venue or on other business of the Parish Council

o Meeting with or making a home visit to an individual




•             The Parish Council will, as far as is reasonably practicable, ensure that the clerk, councillors, volunteers or contractors who work alone or unsupervised for significant periods of time are protected from risks

•             When working alone the clerk, councillor, volunteer or contractor:

o Has a duty of care for his / her own safety and that of any other person affected by the Parish Council’s activities

o Has a responsibility to follow safe working practices

o Needs to remain alert for their own safety

o Needs to ensure that they do not take any unnecessary risks




•             The Health and Safety Executive’s guidance on the risks of lone working can be accessed at

•             The Suzy Lamplugh Trust website has a Lone Working Leaflet which can be accessed at


Great Gonerby Parish Council

Lone Working Policy


Adopted 17.7.23 for review July 2024






• When working alone always carry a mobile phone and ensure it is fully charged.


Clerk working from home office


•             This is covered by the Parish Council’s “Home Working Policy” Travelling alone on Parish Council Business

•             Guidance on Driving on Parish Council Business is covered in the Parish Council’s Health and Safety Policy

•             Inform someone, for example a family member, of arrangements and of any changes to these arrangements

•             Leave details of venue and contact details if possible

•             Carrying a torch if travelling on foot in the dark

•             Carry a personal alarm if visiting isolated locations

•             If travelling on foot, plan your route to avoid poorly lit and isolated areas if possible

•             Take account of adverse weather conditions Meeting with or making a home visit to an individual

•             If required to meet with a member of the public, assess the situation and always consider your personal safety.


Consider whether you may need to:

o Avoid meeting in isolated places

o If they are to visit your home ensure that there is someone else in the house at the same time

o Meet in a public place or get someone to accompany you

o Get someone to accompany you if a house visit is necessary


•             If faced with aggression / or conflict from a member of public seek to extricate yourself from the situation with the minimum of risk and get to a place of safety. Avoid getting into any kind of argument with anyone who is being aggressive or threatening, as this will only serve to inflame the situation


Incident reporting


•             An incident can be defined as an unplanned or uncontrolled event or sequence of events that has the potential to cause injury, ill-health or damage.

 •            All incidents must be reported to the Parish Clerk or Chair


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