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Council Minutes - 2019

January 2019

GREAT GONERBY PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of the Meeting held on Tuesday 29th January 2019 at 7.30pm at the Memorial Hall Present: Cllr. Hutchinson Chairman, Cllr. J Critchley, Cllr D Watson As there were only two Councillors and the Chairman in attendance this meant that a quorate had not been formed. However it was decided to continue with the meeting and any matters of a serious nature would be deferred to the meeting on the 5th March 2019. 1. Apologies: Cllr A Critchley – Sickness Cllr I Hammond – Work Commitments Cllr A Maughan – Holiday Cllr J Thompson – Private Function Apologies to be recorded only. Absent: Cllr. I Stokes 2. Declarations of Interest/Dispensations None reported. 3. Minutes signed from previous Meeting The Minutes from the previous meeting were signed as a true record with one amendment to Item 5b where the Minutes should read “He confirmed that the plinth had been built to a high standard and that the outstanding invoice should now be settled”. Proposed by Cllr. J Critchley and seconded by Cllr. D Watson. 4. Official Correspondence and Circulation Report received from LLC Cllr. Maughan for submission to the Parish Council as follows:- CEO arrangements – you may be aware from local press reports that the County Council's Chief Executive, Mr Keith Ireland, parted company with the Council in November after only four months in the role. Council Members have not been given details on the reasoning for his departure, other than the public statement issued at the time which said that the leader of the council and the CEO had different priorities. For legal reasons, the Council's appointments committee who oversee the recruitment of senior council staff has not been able to give members any further details. In December the Council appointed the serving Children's Services Director, Debbie Barnes, to the position of Head of Paid service, which is essentially a de facto chief executive. The role of head of paid service is a legal requirement so could not be left vacant. The Council also decided that it would not reappoint a new Chief Executive at the moment, and the interim arrangements now in place will be trialled until the end of 2019/20. Budget – the budget setting process for 2019/20 is underway and will be voted on by Councillors in February. The budget approved in February 2018 included a provisional budget for the 2019/20 financial year too. However, since approving the draft budget adjustments will be made in line with new financial information and the Government has extended the Council's power to raise Council tax without the need for a referendum. For 2019/20 LCC will be able to raise Council Tax by up to 4.95%, which is a 1% increase on the 3.95% rise originally budgeted for. This additional 1% rise would generate an extra £2.8m cash to protect services. The expectation is that the County Council will approve a rise of this amount. To put the financial position into more context, since 2010/11 the Council's main grant from the Government, the Revenue Support Grant, has decreased by around 86%. In the same period over £300m of efficient savings have been made to Council Services. Our Fairer Funding campaign continues and we hope that the next Local Government Funding formula will take into consideration the extra cost pressures associated with delivering services in rural communities. Almost all Lincolnshire MPs are supporting our campaign, including our own MP Dr Caroline Johnson. Highways Funding – the Government announced in its Autumn budget an extra £420m for potholes, to be spent by the end of the financial year. Lincolnshire County Council will receive £13.7m of this money which is welcome news and indicated that Government is listening to the concerns we have been raising around highways funding in particular. The treasury has not yet released the guidance on what and how the money can be spent on so I cannot say at this stage how it will be spent. However, I understand the Highways Scrutiny Committee will have some involvement in the decision making. In addition, I have also made representations to the leader and portfolio holder for Highways for some money to be allocated to Traffic Regulation Orders. I will updated Parishes in due course when a decision has been made. Invitation to Highways Meeting – on Monday 4th February I am hosting Cllr Richard Davies, portfolio holder for Highways, and our local Highways Manager in the division to look at some of the key issues in the area. As part of that visit I am inviting all Parish Councillors in my area to a Highways Q&A session with Cllr Davies at Long Bennington Village Hall, 11:30 – 12:30am. If you would like to attend please let me know. Cllr. Maughan. A letter had been received from Environment SK advising that they are taking services such as Grass cutting, Hedge cutting, planting schemes etc in house. A request for quotations for grass cutting has been submitted. Updated Register of Electors has been received for December and January 2019 A request from the Dogs Trust received offering talks to local Groups. No action required Request received from Todd Christian re possible circus visit to village. Circus arrangements already in hand. Letter received from LCC re communication on Planning matters. Letter received from Citizens Advice asking for a small Grant. Declined as Parish Council do not offer Grants. Email from Cllr. Maughan re use of Fix my Street App to report highway faults Letter received from Larkfleet Group re providing affordable homes for local people Emails received following PC Thank You letters to High Street resident from James Brearley and Michelle Wardell Letter of resignation received from Cllr. Roy Stedman LALC written asking for nominations recognising past service to Parish Councils and Town Mayors to attend Buckingham Palance in May 2019. Cllr. Blake Hutchinson has been nominated. Circulation Clerks & Councils Direct Glasdon Focus on Local Councils Larkfield – Building Sustainable future 5. Clerk and Members to report back on matters Outstanding:- a) The costing for the new security cameras to be deferred until March meeting. b) The costing of the new Hill Top Fence to be deferred until March Meeting Clerk Report 6 Financial Matters a) Petty Cash - Petty Cash expenditure was agreed and signed off by the Chairman. b) Quarter Summary of Accounts & Budget Report - The Clerk advised on the Budget: Hall Rent- Paid up to December, within budget Office Costs- Within budget but will probably exceed budget of £500 for the year as already spent £484. Donations/grants- none made Subscriptions - paid for the year and within budget Insurance- £406 spent against budget of £500 Audit fees- over budget due to increase in external auditors fees Training - Over budget by £5. £50 budget Expenses – over budget £602 spent against budget of £400. It was felt this was due to the payment of the Chairman’s allowance at the beginning of the year. Burial Maintenance - over budget £2700 spent against budget of £2500 Other – Over budget - £15,698 spent against a budget of £15,171 mainly due to renovations at the Pond Staff salaries - Over budget - spent £9935 against budget of £8685. The Quarterly summary of the balances accounts was presented and agreed. Proposed by Cllr. Hutchinson and seconded by Cllr. D Watson. The Clerk presented the following accounts for payment c) Accounts for Payment PAYMENTS 04.12.18 TO 28.01.19 DATEMETHODPAYEEDETAILSAMOUNT 04.12.1851 3021H M Revenue & CustomsTax Payment314.80 04.12.1852 I/TBDG Mowing ContractorsClear Dead Weeds from Hill Top50.00 04.12.1853 I/TMemorial HallHall Rent October/November/December60.00 06.12.1854 3022 + 3023Ian Carroll Building ServicesFencing round Pond Area162.00 07.12.1855 3024LALC 27.50 28.12.1856 I/TStaff CostsDecember Salaries and Computer436.87 04.01.1957 i/tJames BrearleyChristmas Tree Lights30.00 28.01.1958 I/TStaff CostsJanuary Salaries and Computer436.67 RECEIPTS 17.12.18 Co-op FuneralsCremated Remains Smith M10100.00 24.12.18 Robert HollandCemetery Fees Plot 1P Bilton x 2260.00 24.12.18 Zurich InsuranceNotice Board Claim1,650.00 31.12.18 HSBCMM Account Interest December6.81 04.01.19 G H LinnellMemorial Fees Plot 1P Bilton125.00 24.01.19 Robert HollandCemetery Fees Plot 1U Gibson780.00 The Clerk advised that the Parish Council’s Banking arrangements were due to be transferred to the Yorkshire Bank with effect1st February 2019. The new Bank account would facilitate new signing arrangements whereby Cllrs Hutchinson and Thompson would be able to approve payments on line in future. 7. Advisory Groups a) Planning a) Planning: (SK Planning Meeting 5th February 2019) S18/2217 1 High Street – Two Storey extension to rear and single storey extension to side of existing dwelling S18/2295 Peascliff Farm, Gadds Lane, Belton Section 73 application to vary Condition 3 S18/2119 Application to amend conditions 2, 3, 4, 6, 11 and 15 and removal of Condition 10 of Planning Permission S37/0354?16 to allow the importation of new waste feedstocks and the construction of associated infrastructure as replacements for the approved plant and equipment at Land East of A1, Gonerby Moor, Grantham S18/2382 Walnut Cottage, 44A Covill Close, Great Gonerby Reduce Walnut (T1) by 3m whole canopy and investigate where bracket fungus is growing. S18/2349 10 High Street, Great Gonerby Alterations to ground levels to provide a raised external seating area, erection of fencing and installation of festoon lighting. S18/1470 Certificate of Lawfulness relating to the existing use of building at Hidepark Leather Co Limited, College Farm, Old Great North Road. S19/0015 7A Pond Street – Extend existing single storey dwelling house to the side and rear. No objections received to the above. S17/2155 Notification of Public Speaking at Development Management Committee in respect of erection of Designed Outlet Centre at Downtown Garden Centre on 5th February 2019. b) Erection of Heritage Signs - matter deferred to be updated by Cllr. Thompson c) Amenity Areas - Burial Ground Fees not due till 2020 d) Highway Matters Pond Quotations still outstanding, but will be available for meeting in March High Street Planters – It was agreed to order an additional 8 planters for 2019 and to contact Downtown Garden Centre with regard to planting in the Spring. LCC had sent in report regarding issues with roads. The Notice Board has been dismantled but is not fit to be used pending erection of new Notice Board. It was thought that the new Board might be erected in the Pond area and Councillors are to be consulted on this. LCC advised of the temporary road closure along Belton Lane from 12th February to 27th February for 6 days. The owner of the damaged High Street wall has advised that repairs are still outstanding as matter in hands of insurers. 8. Staffing Matters There were no staffing matters though annual appraisals are due in February. 9. Notice of motions for future meetings There were no motions. 10. Matters for Urgent discussion The matter of verge cutting quotations is to be deferred to March meeting. Cllr J Critchley reported a street light not working near to Hook Cliff Farm and problems to the surrounding area to the drain in the cutting along the B1174. The clerk to report these issues. First Aid Session in March to be advertised in the Post Office, Shop, Pub and Club. Clerk to arrange. The Clerk advised that renovations to the War Memorial were now complete. Names cannot be enhanced as further work would only go deeper encouraging more dirt into the stonework. It was suggested that an enamel plate be attached to the war memorial indicating that names are displayed inside the Church. To be discussed at March meeting. Russell Doyle of Rutland Masonry has suggested we clean every five years. This will be diarised. There being no further business the meeting closed at 20:40.

March 2019

GREAT GONERBY PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of the Meeting held on Tuesday 5th March 2019 at 7.30pm at the Memorial Hall Present: Cllr. Hutchinson Chairman, Cllr. J Thompson (Vice Chairman) , Cllr. A Critchley, Cllr. J Critchley Cllr. I Hammond, and Cllr. I Stokes Also in attendance were Alison Mavros and Robert Plant who have expressed an interest in becoming Councillors. 1. Apologies: Cllr A Maughan – Work Commitments Cllr. R Kaberry-Brown – No Parking available Cllr D Watson - Sickness Apologies to be recorded only. 2. Declarations of Interest/Dispensations None reported. 3. Minutes signed from previous Meeting The Minutes from the previous meeting were signed as a true record proposed by Cllr J Critchley and seconded by Cllr. Hutchinson. 4. Official Correspondence and Circulation Report received from LLC Cllr. Maughan for submission to the Parish Council as follows:- LCC Budget: In February the council approved it's budget for the 2019/20 financial year. This will be the final year of the current local government funding settlement. The revenue budget shows spend of £460m on service delivery (excluding schools) with a use of reserves from the financial volatility reserve of £3m to balance the books and protect services. As previously reported, the budget included a council tax rise of 4.95% for the County Council element, with the additional increase equating to an extra £12m for LCC to spend on services next year. You will also be aware that since 2011 the County Council has had to find approx £300m in efficiency savings as a result of year on year decreases in the main grant we receive from Government. Highways Budget: the council approved the reinstatement of two full weed cycles in the coming year (cost of £150,000), funding for three rounds of safety grass cutting (cost of £300,000) and a full cycle of gully cleaning (cost of £370,000) in 2019/20. A current hot topic from County Hall is the consultation on the future delivery of the Council's Heritage Service. Essentially the Council would like the service to become cost neutral and pay for itself. This means a number of changes are being proposed in order to both improve the offer and make it financially viable. One of the more controversial changes is the moving of some of the items and artwork from the Usher Gallery to The Collection to allow some space at the Usher Gallery to be used for the Registrar Service and Coroner's Court. The reason being that footfall at the Usher is low and there is not enough room for all the items to be on display. The Usher, under these plans, would still be home to some artwork and exhibitions. I appreciate the most controversial aspect relates to places in Lincoln but if you do wish to have your say on the proposals you can follow the link: An email received from CPRE informing that Great Gonerby village had been awarded a brass plaque in respect of being Joint Runner up in Class 2 in the 2018 Best Kept Village and Small Town Award. This has been duly received. A discussion took place and it was decided the plaque should be put on the Clock Pelter’s plinth. A letter received from Community Lincs informing the Parish Council that from the 1st April 2019 they will no longer be handling the administration of our insurance policy and Zurich will become our direct contact for mid-term adjustments, day to day enquiries and claims handling. Email received from LALC with regard to annual subscription – it was agreed that this should be renewed once the invoice has been received. Further email received from LALC with regard to registering for their Annual Training Scheme. It was decided to continue paying ad-hoc for courses attended. Email received from Julie Edwards with regard to the forthcoming Parish Council Elections and how to handle vacancies arising within 6 months of 7th May. Updated Register of Electors received from SKDC as at 20th February 2019 Email received from Highways advising that Highway Issues should be reported via The online system is the quickest and easiest way to report problems. An up-date has been received from Anne Samuel with regard to ownership of the hedge to the side of her property, the matter is still not resolved. An email received from LALC advising that they will have to charge VAT at the going rate on all training invoices. Email received from LCC with regard to implementing Traffic Regulation Orders. Circulation Clerks & Councils Direct InvstSK – Skills Summit and other notifications. Community Lincs – Village and Community Hall Cluster Meetings – Spring 2019 information 5. Clerk and Members to report back on matters Outstanding:- Clerk Report a) Security Cameras: The Clerk spoken to Bill Wilson with regard to the Security cameras - Bill has advised that Global Vision who installed the original security system need to put right alarm problems with the doors and carry out an annual service soon. Once the problems have been fixed and the service taken place it is the Memorial Hall’s intention to switch the Security Contract to All Secure and up-grade the camera system at which time they will come to the PC for their contribution. b) Hill Top Fence – The Chairman advised that four quotations had been received but unfortunately none were like for like. It was agreed to ask Belvoir Tree Services to amend their quotation to include two gates and posts together with three runs of barbed wire. The Clerk agreed to contact Belvoir Tree Services to request the revised quotation. Subject to the quotation being within the agreed budget it was agreed that Belvoir Trees would be asked to carry out the work. The Clerk agreed to advise the Councillors once the amended quotation had been received. c) Verge Grass Cutting – The Chairman advised that two quotations had been received for Verge Cutting, one from BDG Mowing Contractors and the other from SK Environment. Cllrs Hutchinson and Stokes declared an interest in the quotations provided by SK Environment.It was agreed to accept the quotation from BDG Mowing as they are the Parish Council’s current contractors for grass cutting in the village. d) War Memorial - The clerk advised a Completion Report had been submitted to the War Memo rial Trust together with updated photos, just waiting for Grant monies to be received. A discussion took place with regard to applying a brass plate to the War Memorial, but this was not thought necessary. All of the above proposed by Cllr. Thompson and seconded by Cllr J Critchley. 6. Financial Matters a) Petty Cash – The Clerk apologised but the Petty Cash report was not available due to problems encountered during the change of Bankers. The Clerk reported the change of Bankers was now complete. HSBC acknowledged that their performance during the changeover had been very poor causing many of the councillors to have repeated visits to the bank. It apologised for the inconvenience and issued a compensation payment of £200 to those councillors affected. It was agreed that the money would be put towards a Christmas meal and be held in a separate deposit account until December. b) Accounts for Payment PAYMENTS 01.02.19Rutland MasonryRestoration of War Memorial850.00 11.02.19Village & UrbanNew Notice Board1,750.00 11.02.19Village & UrbanNotice Board Legs210.00 14.02.19Smith of DerbyRepairs to Church Clock285.60 28.02.19PlantscapeFurther Planters for High Street432.24 28.02.18Staff CostsFebruary Salaries & Computer437.07 RECEIPTS 28.01.19ShepherdsMemorial Plot Plot I4100.00 31.01.19HSBCMM Account Interest January6.91 The above were agreed proposed by Cllr. Hammond and seconded by Cllr. Thompson 7. Advisory Groups a) Planning Planning: (SK Planning Meeting 6th March, 3rd April) S19/0080 Richmond House, Occupation Lane Rear and side extension to Warehouse S16/2816 Land at Rectory Farm – Further information – The Chairman is to approach SKDC with regard to footpath provision through to Great Gonerby. S16/2819 Land at Rectory Farm – Further information S19/0144 Everards Brewery – Listed Building request for a raised external seating area, erection of fencing and installation of festoon lighting S19/0240 22 Long Street – Single storey extension to include balcony above (Section 73 Amendments to S18/0766) No objections received to the above. Planning Permission has been granted for the following:- S18/2382 – Walnut Cottage, 44A Covill Close – reduction of Walnut Tree S18/2217 – 1 High Street – Two storey extension to rear and single storey extension to side of existing dwelling S18/2295 – Peascliffe Farm, Gadds Lane – Section 73 application to vary Condition 3 (Use of different materials. Cllr. Stokes advised the meeting that a decision on the Easthorpe Road Development had been withdrawn to the next SKDC Planning meeting due to a technical issue. b) Environment – Cllr. Thompson spoke of his ongoing concerns regarding a missing link in the Footpath 4 which runs through to Manthorpe. Cllr. Thompson is to contact LCC again with regard to this. c) Amenity Areas – Cllr. Thompson acknowledged that two heritage signs need to be put up and he will do this. d) Highway Matters An updated Highways Report received from LCC LCC have advised of a temporary road closure between 14th April 2019 and 31st May 2019 affecting Easthorpe Road, Covill Close, Church View, Emminson Way, Threadgold Avenue, Cross Walk, Swadales Close, Woffindin Close and Holden Way for Carriageway Slurry Seal Works LCC advised of a further Temporary Road Close in Long Street (Manor Drive to Easthorpe Road) from 22nd April to 26th April 2019 for essential maintenance works. Update received from Fix My Street to acknowledge the Street Light on Newark Hill has “action scheduled”. Pond Area – The Clerk reported that it has proved extremely difficult to obtain a quotation for the completion of the area but Gonerby Moor Construction have now been approached to provide a quotation. It was agreed that Cllrs. Thompson, Hammond and Hutchinson would meet with the proposed new contractor to discuss a final specification and way forward. 8. Notice of motions for future meetings There were no motions. 9. Staffing Matters The Clerk requested that consideration be given to increasing the number of hours she is paid for. It was agreed the Clerk would provide a time sheet for the hours worked during the coming three months. This request is to be discussed later in the year. 10. Matters for Urgent discussion The Clerk was requested to obtain a new rope lock cover for the flag pole. Cllr. Thompson reminded the Councillors of the Red Cross First Aid Session being held in the Memorial Hall on Wednesday 13th March at 19:15. The Chairman advised that he had received an enquiry from Downtown to purchase the area of Poor Land near to their premises. The Chairman is to contact the Charities Commission to get guidance on the sale and will advise the Parish Council when matters have progressed further as to the best way forward. The Chairman is also to seek guidance on the definition of “Poor” and ascertain who can benefit from the likely increased income. There being no further business the meeting closed at 21.10 Flag Flying Days: 12th March Commonwealth Day April 21st Birthday of Queen Elizabeth II April 23rd St. George’s Day 8th May V.E. Day (Victory in Europe)

May 2019

GREAT GONERBY PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of the Meeting held on Tuesday 7th May 2019 at 7.30pm at the Memorial Hall Present: Cllr. Hutchinson Chairman, Cllr. J Thompson (Vice Chairman), Cllr. A Critchley, Cllr. I Hammond, Cllr A Mavros and Cllr. I Stokes, Cllr. A Maughan (LCC) and Cllr R Kayberry-Brown (SKDC) Karri Davey was also in attendance as she has shown an interest in becoming a Councillor. Prior to the Annual Parish Meeting all the Councillors signed their Acceptance of Office Declarations and the Disclosable Pecuniary Interest Form. 1. Apologies: Cllr J Critchley – Illness Cllr R Plant – Work Commitments Apologies to be recorded only. 2. Declarations of Interest/Dispensations Cllr. Mavros declared an interest in the Planning Application No. S18/2349 submitted by Everard Brewery. 3. a) Nomination of Chairman and Vice Chairman Cllr. Hutchinson advised of his willingness to stand as Chairman unless there was anyone else who would like to take on the role. No further nominations came forwarded and Cllr Hutchinson was duly nominated as Chairman. Proposed by Cllr. Thompson and seconded by Ian Stokes. Unanimously confirmed. Cllr. Thompson confirmed his willingness to stand as Vice Chairman and this was proposed by Clr. Stokes and seconded by Cllr. Critchley. Unanimously confirmed. 4. Minutes signed from the Previous Meeting The Minutes from the previous meeting were signed as a true record proposed by Cllr Thompson and seconded by Cllr. Critchley. 4. Official Correspondence and Circulation Letter received from Malcolm Hall, Internal Auditor advising that in his opinion the Council can complete the Annual Governance Statement by ticking “Yes” in all boxes, with complete confidence. There were however two issues which he wanted to raise. Firstly, to make our decision clearer regarding the amount of the requested Precept and this should be included in the Minutes and reference also made to the Budget which was appended. Secondly, he advised that with reference to Council Meeting held on the 29th January 2019, this meeting being inquorate should not have been held. However the meeting continued and three decisions made which should not have:- a) Approval of the Minutes from previous Meeting b) Petty Cash sign off c) Agree payments. The Chairman asked for ratification of the three decisions taken at the Meeting on the 29th January 2019 and it was unanimously agreed that not only were the Minutes a true record but also all Councillors are happy with the decisions made. As the Parish Council have no wish to withhold payment unnecessarily, a discussion took place with regard to outstanding payments should a meeting be inquorate in the future and it was agreed that an email would be sent to all Councillors asking for ratification for payments to be made. Letter received from SKDC regarding the result of the Uncontested Election. Letter received from the Pensions Regulator with regard to re-enrolment which needs to be carried out every three years. Email received from Marston Parish Council with regard to works being carried out on the A1/Toll Bar Road site, expressing concern that gypsies may be about to move there. The Clerk has advised Marston PC to seek clarification from SKDC Service Level Agreement received from LALC Circulation Clerks & Councils Direct 6. Clerk and Members to report back on matters Outstanding:- Clerk Report a) Security Cameras: The Clerk advised that £1,000 has been paid to the Memorial Hall as the agreed contribution towards the cost of the up-grade to the security system. b) Annual Insurance Premium - The amount of cover afforded for the new Notice Board has been increased to £2000 and also the number of planters increased to 20. The annual premium is £421.44 c) High Street Planters - The clerk advised the Planters will be ready for installation at the end of May. Cllr. Thompson will liaise with Tony Jackson with regard to installation. d) AGAR - The AGAR form needed to be re-signed as some of the figures had been copied incorrectly. Cllr. Hutchinson duly signed the new AGAR forms which had been authorised by the Internal Auditor. 7. Review of Risk Assessments and Data Protection Risk Assessments: No changes made and unanimously accepted as unchanged. GDPR: The Clerk produced a new GDPR Compliance Check List which needs completing. Cllr. Hutchinson asked for this to be distributed to all Councillors for completion and return to the Clerk. It was discussed that the PC holds very little data apart from information on two employees and details of the Electoral Role. The GDPR Regulations have not been amended since May 2018 and were nanimously accepted as unchanged. 8. Review of Standing Orders and Financial Regulations including Quotation Amounts A review of the Standing Orders took place and were unanimously accepted unchanged. A discussion took place with regard to Quotations amounts and the figures remain unchanged i.e. any expenditure above £1000 need full Council approval. 9. Financial Matters a) Accounts for Payment: The Clerk produced the following Accounts for payment and also details of receipts and Transfers made:- ACCOUNTS FOR PAYMENT 16.04.197 T/TPiggott Flags & Branding LtdNew Lock and Rope107.39 23.04.198 T/TGreat Gonerby Memorial HallContribution towards additional CCTV1,000.00 23.04.199 EXPPost Office12 x 2nd 6 x 1st Class Stamps11.52 25.04.1910 T/TLALCFinancial Management Course27.50 29.04.1911 T/TStaff CostsApril Salaries and Computer453.78 29.04.1912 EXPRymanInk Cartridges and Paper67.96 01.05.1913 11Zurich MuncipialAnnual Renewal421.44 03.05.1914 T/TEnvironment SK1 x Verge Cutting319.09 07.05.1915 T/TE J Walker - ClerkMileage37.80 RECEIPTS 01.04.19 SKDCHalf Year Precept14,418.00 25.04.19 ShepherdsMemorial Fees for Moore125.00 TRANSFERS 01.04.19 Deposit AccountCurrent Account (Bollards)2,412.00 01.04.19 Deposit AccountCurrent Account (Belvoir Trees Deposit)3,180.00 05.04.19 Deposit AccountCurrent Account (Loan Payment)3,500.00 11.04.19 Current AccountDeposit Account5,000.00 11.04.19 Current AccountDeposit Account5,000.00 11.04.19 Current AccountDeposit Account5,000.00 11.04.19 Current AccountDeposit Account2,000.00 12.04.18 Deposit AccountCurrent Account (Reversal)5,000.00 23.04.19 Deposit AccountCurrent Account (CCTV)1,000.00 All the above payments and the payment to the Clerk in respect of mileage were unanimously agreed. Payment of the Chairman’s Allowance in the sum of £500 was also agreed. b) Up-date on Bank Transfer Payments: The Clerk has agreed to produce an up to date list of Bank Transfer Payments at the July Meeting. c) Report on Petty Cash: The Clerk reported on the petty cash account, the balance being £19.44 10. Hall Representatives for Next Year: A discussion took place and it was agreed that Cllr. Hutchinson would step down as a Representative and that Cllr. Thompson and Cllr. J Critchley would continue as representatives 11. Advisory Groups a) Planning S19/0375 Hide Park Leather Company, College Farm, Great Gonerby Section 73 application for the removal of Condition 2 (nature of use and occupancy); S19/0387 Hide Park Leather Co Ltd, Great Gonerby Erection of a two storey side extension to a warehouse building and any other applications received prior to meeting. S18/2349 Everards Brewery 10 High Street Alterations to ground levels to provide a raised external seating area, erection of fencing and installation of festoon lighting. S19/0240 Mrs D Ballard 22 Long Street Single storey rear extension (Section 73 Amendments to S18/0766) S19/0638 Mr M Birtle Rose Garden Place, Toll Bar Road, Marston Full Planning Permission S19/0660 Mr and Mrs B C Durgan Mill House, Gonerby Grange, Gadds Lane Use of land for keeping horses for private domestic use, formation of fencing, formation of track to serve existing barn and external lighting. S19/0631 Mr and Mrs Hemstock The Old Manor House, 70 Long Street Side and rear extension to existing dwelling house. S19/0632 Mr and Mrs Hemstock as above – Listed Building Consent S19/0080 Mr D Balfe Richmond House, Occupation Lane proposed rear and side extension to Warehouse S19/0735 Toll Bar Service Station, Toll Bar Road, Marston Erection of coffee shop with drive thru. Concerns regarding unsafe access have been expressed by Cllrs Maughan and Stokes and representations are in course to SKDC. Cllr. Stokes is asking for the application to be called in. Apart from Application S19/0725 no objections received to the above. Planning Permission has been granted for the following:- S19/0115 7a Pond Street - Extension of existing single storey dwelling house to side and rear. S18/2281 Budget Mini Skips – Change of use of land to skip hire S19/0375 Hide Park Leather Company, College Farm – Section 73 application for removal of Condition 2 (nature of use and occupancy). S19/0387 Mr I Blackburn College Farm – Erection of a two storey side extension to warehouse building. b) Environment – Cllr. Thompson spoke again of his ongoing concerns regarding a missing link in the Footpath 4 which runs through to Manthorpe. Cllr. Thompson is still waiting for an answer from LCC regarding this ancient footpath’s missing 60yard link. Cllr. Thompson will continue to chase for a satisfactory resolution. c) Amenity Areas – Cllr. Thompson again acknowledged that two heritage signs need to be put up and he will do this together with the Best Kept Village Runners Up Plaque which will go in the Notice Board. d) Highway Matters An updated Highways Report received from LCC. Belton Lane potholes once again discussed as it was noted that Highways had not repaired other side of bridge. Cllr. Maughan advised that a top surface dressing was scheduled to take place in the summer. Sunken manhole covers on Newark Hill were once again reported. The Clerk agreed to bring the problems to the attention of Highways. The Pond Area - The Clerk asked for a date for the “opening” as the sculpture is due for installation on the 9th May. It was agreed that before a date can be confirmed a “Plate” will need to be made and arrangements for the Grantham Journal to attend. A date is to be agreed at next meeting. Cllr. Thompson to ask Jean Bryant if she would be willing to take part in the ceremony. Renovation work is now being carried out and it is hoped the area will soon be complete. Cllrs Hutchinson and Hammond are monitoring the works. The Clerk asked re gold bands to be painted on the bollards. It was agreed to leave this for the time being. 12. Notice of motions for future meetings There were no motions. 13. Any Matters for Urgent Discussion a) The Advisory Groups were updated and the Clerk will distribute the revised lists. b) Speed Signs – No action to be taken as there is no provision in the budget for new signs. c) The Clerk advised of an interment at St Sebastian’s which had taken place without notification to the PC. The Clerk to chase Funeral Directors involved. d) The Clerk asked if she could obtain quotes with regard to enlarging the Plans for both St Sebastian’s burial area and also for Hill Top Cemetery and she felt the current plans would not last much longer due to wear and tear. This was agreed and the Clerk agreed to approach LALC to see if they could help in this respect. e) The Clerk advised that Notice of Public Rights and publication for the unaudited AGAR will be displayed on the Parish Notice Board and Web Site from Monday 17th June to Friday 26th July There being no further business the meeting closed at 21.10 Flag Flying Days: 6th June D Day 9th June Official Celebration of Queen Elizabeth II Birthday 21st June Armed Forces Day 27th June Veteran’s Day 7th July London Bombing

July 2019

GREAT GONERBY PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of the Meeting held on Tuesday 2nd July 2019 at 7.30pm at the Memorial Hall Present: Cllr. Hutchinson Chairman, Cllr. J Critchley, Cllr. I Hammond, Cllr A Mavros. Cllr R Plant and Cllr. I Stokes Karri Davey awaiting Co-option as a Councillor. 1. Apologies: Cllr A Critchley – Work Commitments Cllr. J Thompson – Family Commitments Cllr. A Maughan (LCC) – work Commitments Apologies to be recorded only. The Chairman welcomed a parishioner to the public forum. The Parishioner wanted to discuss a problem with inconsiderate parking in Green Street. The parishioner has lived in the street for the last five years and until recently had no issues with car parking. However, he is now upset that a large vehicle has taken to parking outside his property which is causing issues and making access to his driveway difficult. He believes the owners of the vehicle live on the High Street. The Chairman sympathised with the parishioner but advised as the owner of the vehicle is blameless of any crime there is not a lot anyone can do. A discussion took place and an approach to the owner of the vehicle is to be made in the hope that an alternative parking arrangement can be arranged. 2. Declarations of Interest/Dispensations None 3. Co-option of New Councillor Copies of Karri-Anne Davey’s Councillor Application form were distributed to all Councillors. Karri spoke to the meeting and gave reasons as to why she wished to become a Councillor stating that she enjoys keeping an eye on the village and taking an interest. The Chairman asked for a vote to accept Karri-Anne’s as a Councillor and this was unanimously confirmed. Cllr. Davey signed the Acceptance of Office and other documents and was handed a file re the Rules and Regulations of the Council for her records. 4. Minutes Signed from Previous Meeting The Minutes from the previous meeting were signed as a true record with one amendment to Page 2 where the number of High Street Planters should read 28 not 20. Proposed by Cllr. Mavros and seconded by Cllr. Stokes 5. Official Correspondence and Circulation Correspondence:- Email correspondence has been received from Downtown with regard to the purchase/lease of the poor land situated near to the store. Cllr. Hutchinson, acting in his role as Trustee to the Poor Lands Committee, informed the Council legal documents relating to the Poor Land have been delivered to Downtown who in turn was going to consult with their Solicitor and ask them to look at the documents with a view to producing a summary on the best way forward. At the present time there is no guarantee of a purchase/lease. Cllr. Hutchinson also advised the Charities Commission will have to be involved going forward and any transaction that takes place will have to be transparent. Zurich Insurance has refunded the uninsured losses following the vehicle impact with the old Notice Board. Excess Fee refunded was £100 and uninsured losses amounted to £420. LALC have written with Post Election Updates for Parish and Town Clerks advising all vacancies should now have been filled but if not to make every effort to do so. LALC have advised of funding available to help regenerate historic buildings, funding to encourage collaboration between Community organisation and Grants to support performing arts and conservation of historic objects. Lincolnshire Broadband Programme has advised of their programme trying to stimulate interest in two Government Schemes designed to provide funding for potential community based schemes. The information is to be passed to the Memorial Hall Committee for their attention. LCC have advised of a funding programme to help communities save their local pub through community ownership. SKDC have sent details of the monthly updates to the Register of Electors. 75th VE Day – Correspondence received from the Armed Forces Charity giving details of the planned celebrations for May 2020. The PC have agreed that it is a good idea to get involved and arrange something for the Village and information will be sent to the Memorial Hall Committee. 1 Grantham Road hedge – the dispute is ongoing between LCC and SKDC as to ownership. It has been stressed that the matter needs clarification as soon as possible. SKDC have submitted funds for the Community Cleaner in the sum of £640.38 Email correspondence received from a parishioner with regard to loud music being played on May Bank Holiday Monday. Letter received from Ray Thompson with information regarding The Pond area and a historic photo of the clock face. The Clerk wrote a letter of thanks for the High Street plants to Downtown. Circulation: Letter received from LCC with regard to Fire safety at home. Poster will be displayed on the Notice Board. 6. Matters outstanding a) The Clerk thanks Councillors for the return of the GDPR Regulation Forms b) Date for Opening of the Clock Pelter – it was suggested to approach the School and ask if the children could be involved with the opening, say after their school Fair. The Clerk to write to Headmistress and ask for dates. There are some loose paving bricks which need to be made safe and also kiln dried sand needs to be swept over the area. Gonerby Moor Construction will be contacted for a quotation. c) St Sebastian’s Graveyard plans are in course of being transferred to disc by Peter Blowers, a friend of Malcolm Hall. It was agreed that a small payment will be made as a thanks for the work undertaken. Cllr. Critchley advised that it has become apparent there is a necessity for signs to be installed advising that CCTV is in operation at all time at the Hall including the camera overlooking Hill Top. The Memorial Hall is arranging for the signs and it was agreed that the Parish Council would pay for the signs to be erected at Hill Top. 7. Review of Internal Audit Plan and Health and Safety Policy The Audit Plan was adopted at the 2nd July 2007 meeting, amended 3rd December 20076, 7th July 2008 and 17th April 2013. There being no further amendments the Plan was duly reviewed and left unchanged. The Model Health and Safety Policy adopted in September 2010 was also reviewed and left unchanged as there had been no amendments advised by LALC. 8. Fixed Asset Register The Chairman asked the Clerk to email the Fixed Asset Register to all councillors following amendment to include bollards at The Pond and number of High Street planters. 9. Review of Flag Flying Days Flag flying days were reviewed and left unchanged. 10. Financial Matters The Clerk presented the end of first quarter accounts for signature. These were duly agreed and signed off by the Chairman. a) Report and Count Petty Cash Petty cash was agreed and signed off by the Chairman b) Accounts for Payment The following Accounts were presented for payment by the Clerk:- Payments 08.05.19B HutchinsonChairman's Allowance500.00 08.05.19M HallInternal Audit Fees120.00 08.05.19BDG Mowing2 x Grass Cutting 1 Weed Control179.00 10.05.19Nigel SardesonInstallation of Clock Pelter130.00 16.05.19Gonerby Moor ConstructionRenovations to Pond Area1,760.00 27.05.19Oldrids & DowntownPlants for extra Hanging Basket23.92 29.05.19Staff CostsMay Salaries and computer453.58 30.05.19Viking SignsClockpelter Signage172.57 03.06.19Belvoir Tree ServicesHill Top Fence Final Payment3,180.00 03.06.19Environment SKVerge Cutting319.09 13.06.19HM Revenue & CustomsTax Payment327.40 13.06.19BDG MowingGrass Cutting x 2 + Weed Spraying179.00 19.06.19Post Office2d Class Stamps7.32 19.06.19Anthony JacksonInstalling High Street Planters105.00 24.06.19Community HeartbeatAnnual Support Subscription126.00 28.06.19Staff CostsJune Salaries and computer453.58 Receipts 30.04.19Yorkshire BankTerm Deposit Interest9.87 07.05.19G H LinnellCemetery Fees - Fowler Plot H7100.00 15.05.19Mrs P A BirchCemetery Fee - Purchase of Plot C9340.00 14.05.19SKDCCommunity Cleaner Grant640.38 31.05.19Yorkshire BankTerm Deposit Interest10.20 13.06.19A WhiteCemetery Fees - Ridler Plot J10200.00 17.06.19DAC BeechcroftRefund of Insurance Excess100.00 26.06.19Co-op Funeral CareCemetery Fees Plot K7 Costello200.00 28.06.19Zurich MunicipalUninsured Losses Settlement420.00 30.06.19Yorkshire BankTerm Deposit Interest9.87 30.06.19Yorkshire BankDeposit Account Interest4.42 Transfers 22.05.19Current AccountExpenses Account170.00 16.05.19Deposit AccountCurrent Account1,760.00 03.06.19Deposit AccountCurrent Account3,180.00 18.06.19Deposit AccountCurrent Account300.00 27.06.19Deposit AccountCurrent Account460.00 All the above payments were unanimously agreed. c) Regular Bank Transfer Payments Form signed by Chairman with proviso that any amendments need to be notified in future. 11. Advisory Groups a) Planning The Chairman read out a letter sent by Cllr. Maughan to SKDC Development Management with regard to Planning Application S19/0737 – erection of coffee shop with drive thru at Toll Bar Road, Marston outlining objections to the proposed development. Cllr. Stokes advised that he is also raising objections. S19/0781 Motor Fuel Group BP Service Station, MOTO Service Area, Old Great North Road, Great Gonerby - Alterations to existing forecourt canopy comprising an increase in height from 4.2m to 5.0m S19/0884 Ms S Bedford 66 Long Street, Great Gonerby – Replacement of modern flat roof with pantile pitched roof, small extension and internal alteration within existing extension. S19/0874 Ms D Billard 22 Long Street, Great Gonerby – Change of use of land to domestic use associated with No. 22 Long Street S18/2349 Everards Brewery – Alterations to ground levels to provide a raised external seating area, erection of fencing and installation of festoon lighting. Planning Permission Granted. S19/0144 Everards Brewery – Listed Building consent for works relating to the formation of a raised external seating area, erection of fencing and installation of festoon lighting. Planning Permission Granted. S19/2040 – Mrs D Billard 22 Long Street - Change of use of land to domestic use associated with No. 22 Long Street. Planning Permission Granted. S19/0810 Certificate of Lawful Use for Erection of tool shed/hobby building including car port at 66 Green Street, Great Gonerby b) The Environment The Pond Area – Bench seating to be deferred till September meeting. It was agreed that planters would be sourced and installed in the area. The Clerk has agreed to look after the Planters going forward and with the help of Cllr. J Critchley will source suitable planters to be installed. c) Amenity Areas It was agreed that the Christmas tree could do with a trim and Cllr. Plant agreed to undertake this work. The Clerk advised that a bush in St Sebastian’s graveyard needed removing as it had overgrown to burial plots. Two quotations had been obtained one for £100 and the other £72.42 from SK Environment. It was agreed to accept the quotation from SK Environment. The Chairman suggested that it would be a good idea to walk round village to keep an eye on up keep of hedges, fences, overgrown areas etc. and advise home owners of any problems noticed. d) Highways Cllr. Thompson sent notification that all the heritage signs are now in situ. 12. Notices of Motions for Future Meetings None. 13. Any Matters for Urgent Discussion The Clerk spoke of the hedge at Hill Top – the matter to be deferred to September meeting. The Clerk advised that the Pensions Regulator had received the Council’s declaration of compliance with regard to Pensions, with no changes made. The Clerk is to liaise with the Recruiting Sergeant with regard to dates for the Christmas dinner. Cllr. Stokes agreed to award the Parish Council a Grant in the sum of £250 under the Ward Member Grant Scheme run by SKDC. The Chairman thanked him for this kind gift. Cllr. Thompson sent notification that the Memorial Hall are organising another litter pick next year and asked if the Parish Council would be interested in getting involved. It was agreed to approach the Memorial Hall and advise interest and request dates. Cllr Hammond advised that several parishioners had noticed a smell of smoke lingering in the area of Pond Street but no sign of any smoke. It seems to generally appear when the wind is coming from a Northerly or Easterly direction and it’s not the smell of the average garden bonfire! It has been bought to the Council’s attention that the area in Belvoir Gardens near the development site is very overgrown with weeds. The Clerk will approach the owner and request a tidy up. The Bassetts Close footpath is very overgrown . The Clerk will report to LCC and ask for the hedge to be trimmed back. There is currently an advertising sign on the corner of Elms View/Belvoir Gardens. The Clerk was requested to contact the Company and ask them to remove same. The public footpath in Easthorpe Road which runs through to Manthorpe is overgrown with nettles. The Clerk will report to LCC for attention. There being no further business the meeting closed at 21:30. Flag Flying Days: 15th August V J Day (Victory in Japan) 3rd September Merchant Navy Day 11th September 9/11 Twin Towers (to be flown at half-mast) 15th September Battle of Britain Day

September 2019

GREAT GONERBY PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of the Meeting held on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 at 7.30pm at the Memorial Hall Present: Cllr. Hutchinson Chairman, Cllr J Thompson Vice Chairman Cllr. J Critchley, Cllr A Critchley,Cllr. K Davey, Cllr A Mavros. Cllr R Plant and Cllr. I Stokes Harry Fletcher awaiting Co-option as a Councillor. Michelle Maloney – Prospective Councillor 1. Apologies: Cllr. I Hammond – Work Commitments Cllr R Kayberry-Brown (SKDC) Apologies to be recorded only. Cllr. Thompson introduced Michelle Maloney to the Councillors and advised that she was interested in becoming a Councillor in the future. 2. Declarations of Interest/Dispensations Cllr A Critchley declared an interest in the hedge at Hill Top Cemetery Cllr A Mavros declared an interest in Planning Application in respect of 10 High Street 3. Co-option of New Councillor Copies of Harry Fletcher’s Councillor Application form were distributed to all Councillors. Harry spoke to the meeting and gave reasons as to why he wished to become a Councillor stating that he had lived in the village for a number of years and wanted to protect the village for future generations. The Chairman asked for a vote to accept Harry as a Councillor and this was unanimously confirmed. Cllr. Fletcher signed the Acceptance of Office and other documents and was handed a Memory stick containing the Rules and Regulations of the Council for his records. 4. Minutes Signed from Previous Meeting The Minutes from the previous meeting were signed as a true record. Proposed by Cllr. Mavros and seconded by Cllr. J Critchely. Cllr. Stokes pointed out that there was not an Agenda Item for Matters Arising from the Minutes, the Clerk duly apologies for this omission. 4a. Matters Arising Cllr. Stokes wished to bring to the Council’s attention the fact that the Welcome to Grantham Sign on Gonerby Hill Foot was completed obscured by overgrown vegetation and likewise the Gonerby Village sign has been obscured by overgrown vegetation. Rectification of this was thought to lie in the hands of LCC Highways but it was also suggested this may be a safety issue. It was agreed the Clerk would contact Cllr. Maughan to ask for his assistance in getting this resolved. The Chairman suggested that the cost of cutting of the vegetation on the road should be allowed for in next year’s budget and will be discussed accordingly. 5. Official Correspondence and Circulation Correspondence:- LALC have written advising that every four years following ordinary elections Member Councils are invited to nominate Councillors/Clerks to act as Representatives on the Association’s County Committee. Cllr Davey has expressed an interest in being nominated and it was unanimously agreed that her name could be put forward to LALC. The Chairman read a File Note from the Clerk with regard to a parishioners complaint re additional ornaments etc being left on graves at Hill Top Cemetery. It was agreed that the Parish Council must enforce the Rules and Regulations of the Cemetery and it was requested that a further letter be written to the Parishioner regarding the matter. If the problem persists guidance will be sought from LALC. An email had been received from Councillor Hammond detailing problems with overgrown vegetation in the Hemplands which was obscuring the street light. It was agreed that Cllr. Plant would have a look at the problem and report back to Council. Cllr Hammond also advised that the Footpath running from Spring End to Barrowby is overgrown with nettles – this matter has been reported to LCC and they are investigating the matter. Cllr. Hammond also reported that the signs for Bassett’s Close and Skinny Winton’s Lane had been removed. It was agreed the Parish Council would replace these. Email received from a Parishioner asking for a further bench to be installed at Hill Top Cemetery. It was agreed that this would be looked at next year when provision could be made in the budget. The Clerk to advise Parishioner accordingly. SKDC have provided three sets of Updates to the Register of Electors. A statement has been received from the Public Works Loan Board SKDC advised that an Ash Tree at the back of Holden Way was diseased and would be removed. LCC acknowledge our communication regarding Footpath 6 and that the matter had been given Priority 1 to resolve. An email had been sent to Cllr. Stokes thanking him for the Ward donation of £250 towards the Pond project Further letter from LCC regarding Footpath 4 advising that the overgrown vegetation would be classified at Priority 3 (“Works subject to Finance and availability of workforce”). Zurich Municipal Insurance confirmed the addition of the three planters at the Pond to our Insurance Policy with no additional premium Email from Countryside Access to advise Footpath 4 and 6 had been cut back. The Pension Regulator had written to advise that Great Gonerby PC had completed a re-declaration of compliance, neither staff members are on the Scheme. The Chairman advised that it had been recommended that Councillors have a dedicated email addresses for Parish Council communications. This was discussed and it was felt that this was not necessary as long as current email accounts are Password protected. Zurich have advised that the Parish Council has access to their free Local Community Advisory Service (LCAS). This will be retained on file for future reference. Circulation: There was no circulation as this is now distributed by email to all Councillors. 6. Matters outstanding a) Bench for Pond Area – Cllr. J Critchely advised that the renovated Pond area had been well received in the village and it was thought that a bench would enhance the area and compliment Charlie Clock Pelter. A discussion followed and it was agreed that the Parish Council was generally in favour of a bench for the area. The Clerk agreed to approach Nigel Sardeson for a quotation and this matter would be an Agenda Item when Budget setting for next year. b) Hedging for Hill Top - A long discussion took place discussing the pros and cons of restoring the hedge and it was agreed that the hedge would be restored in line with original plan. This was proposed by Cllr J Critchley and seconded by Cllr. Mavros. It was agreed that the hedge would be maintained at a height of five foot. Cllr Thompson agreed to establish how many plants would be needed and the Clerk would also seek quotations for the work. c) Christmas Dinner – The Clerk advised that arrangements had been made for the Christmas Dinner to be held at the Recruiting Sergeant on Saturday 7th December at 7pm. Further details will be circulated nearer the date. 7. Poor Land Update from Chairman The Chairman advised that he had spoken to Steve Goulder at Downtown regarding the way forward. The Chairman advised that the Charity current has approximately £1300 but he is not prepared to use these funds for Solicitor fees and therefore it has been agreed that if the Poor Land Charity obtains a valuation for the land in respect of rent/lease/purchase values Downtown will then be in a position to discuss the matter further and to ascertain if the proposition is viable. The way forward is to get a Valuation and this was discussed. It was suggested that the Poor Lands Charity approach the District Valuer to see if this is a matter they could help with. Going forward, The Chairman asked the Council if they would be prepared to loan the money for a valuation and it was agreed the Clerk would ask LALC if this is something the Council can do. 8. Arrangements for Remembrance Sunday The Chairman advised that the arrangements would remain unchanged. The Clerk was asked to contact Peter Jennings to ask if he would be prepared to raise the flag again at this year’s service. 9. Confirmation of M L Hall as Internal Auditor This was duly agreed and the Clerk will write to Mr Hall to advise. 10. Financial Matters a) Report and Count Petty Cash Petty cash was agreed and signed off by the Chairman b) Accounts for Payment The following Accounts were presented for payment by the Clerk:- ACCOUNTS FOR PAYMENT 02.07.19BDG Mowing1 x Grass Cutting82.00 03.07.19RymanInk Cartridge29.99 08.07.19LidlWine Thank you to Peter Blowers for Plan of St Sebastians Graveyard25.80 15.07.19J Walker (Downtown)Planters and plants for Pond300.88 15.07.19Gonerby Moor ConstructionMake safe block pavers and finish with sand230.00 16.07.19J ThompsonOldrid & Downtown Plants & Compost for extra Planter62.81 16.07.19Oldrids & DowntownFurther Planter & Plants for Pond143.49 17.07.19Allsecure ServicesCCTV Signs for Hill Top Cemetery57.60 17.07.19Tool StationWood Oil for Clock Pelter10.50 29.07.19Staff CostsJuly salaries and computer453.78 30.07.19AsdaMemory Stick for new Councillor5.50 05.08.19Environment SK1 x Verge Cutting319.09 06.08.19BDG Mowing3 x Grass Cutting 2 x Weed control276.00 12.08.19SKDCElection Costs143.76 21.08.19Post Office2nd Class Stamps x 127.32 27.08.19Staff SalariesAugust Salaries & computer453.58 PAYMENTS RECEIVED 15.07.19G H LInnellCemetery Fees - Key Plot 1F125.00 31.07.19Yorkshire BankTerm Deposit Interest10.20 02.08.19HMRCVAT Refund1,142.19 13.08.19KDCGrant Scheme - For Pond Project250.00 16.08.19Robert HollandCemetery Fees - Plot 1V - Neale620.00 16.08.19Robert HollandCemetery Fee- Plot 1W - Collingwood780.00 TRANSFERS 11.07.19Deposit AccountCurrent Account - Pond Planters300.00 12.07.19Deposit AccountCurrent Account - Pond Planters150.00 29.07.19Deposit AccountCurrent Account - Staff Salaries450.00 All the above payments were unanimously agreed. c) Budget Report The Chairman presented the Clerk’s Budget Report:- Payments: Hall Rent – Paid out of previous year’s budget in error LALC Annual Subscription paid Office Costs- Within budget. Donations/grants- none made Insurance- Paid and within budget Audit fees- £120 paid to Malcolm Hall – Invoice from External Auditors not received Training- Course for two new Councillors booked for September at a cost of £27.50 each. This will be slightly in excess of budget Community Heartbeat Annual Subscription paid £126.00 Burial Ground – New Fence now installed – Final cost £5643 Grass and Verge Cutting within budget Cutting Expenses – slightly in excess of budget due to Clerk claiming mileage. S137 – No expenditure Staff salary- within budget Receipts: General Admin Costs- to budget Burial – In excess of budget Interest- In excess of budget as £30K held on term deposit The Accounts and Bank balances were reconciled at the end of Quarter 1 and again at the end of August Chairman and Council members happy with the position. d) External Audit Report The Clerk advised that regrettably this report was still not available. 11. Advisory Groups a) Planning S19/1138 - Land off Easthorpe Road. Construction of 46 dwellings, including vehicle access, pedestrian and cycle links. S19/1225 – Mr D Skinner 32 Pond Street Erection of single storey rear extension (prior notification) S19/1168 – Mr and Mrs Bryant – 5 Grantham Road – Single storey extension to front of dwelling S19/1197 – Mr Britain – 10 High Street – Installation of Replacement Illuminated and Non Illuminated signs and repainting to the exterior. S19/1303 – Mr J Meadows – 30 Elms View – Erection of single storey side extension - resubmitted S19/1367 – Mr and Mrs D Skinner – 32 Pond Street – Erection of single storey extension to dwelling. Refusal S19/1225 Mr and Mrs D Skinner – 32 Pond Street. Planning Granted:- S19/0631 Mr and Mrs Hemstock – 70 Long Street – Side and rear extension to existing dwelling house S19/0632 Mr and Mrs Hemstock – 70 Long Street – Listed Building Consent for side and rear extension to existing dwelling S19/0781 – Motor Fuel Group – Toll Bar Esso Service Station – alterations to existing forecourt canopy comprising an increase in height from 4.2m to 5.0m. S19/0874 – Ms D Billard – 22 Long Street – Change of use of land to domestic S19/0884 – Ms S Bedford – 66 Long Street – replacement of modern flat roof with pantile pitched rood, small extension and internal alterations within existing extension. S19/1168 – Mr and Mrs Bryant – 5 Grantham Road – Single Storey extension to front of dwelling S19/0660 – Mr and Mrs Durgan – Mill House Gonerby Grange – Use of land for keeping horses for domestic use and associated works. Notice received of Public Speaking at Planning Committee on 11th September in respect of Construction of 46 Dwellings on land off Easthorpe Road. b) Amenity Areas Cllr Thompson advised that the Clock Pelter would need oiling twice a year – in October and beginning of May. Arrangements are in hand for Anthony Jackson to undertake this on behalf of the Council. Cllr Thompson further advised that Michael Smith had undertaken the watering of the planters at the Pond and that this task would be carried out by Gregory Griffin in his absence. He requested a letter of thanks be sent to both Parishioners. This was agreed. Cllr. Thompson agreed to spray the weeds at the Pond. d) Highways The missing signs for Bassett’s Close and Skinny Wintons Lane has already been discussed and agreed to be replaced. Cllr. A Critchely advised that the drain covers on Newark Hill had collapsed again. This will be reported to LCC Highways. 12. Notices of Motions for Future Meetings None. 13. Any Matters for Urgent Discussion A discussion took place regarding the setting up of a Social Media account on Facebook. The Chairman agreed that he would set up a Facebook page for the Parish Council with the necessary protection in place. The new Facebook page will be run as a trial for the time being. Cllr Thompson advised that celebrations for the 75th VE Day were not now able to be held at the Memorial Hall due to insurance restrictions. A further meeting is to be held with a view to holding an event at the Church. The Clerk asked if the current frequency of meetings was adequate and it was agreed to hold meetings every other month again in 2020 on the first Tuesday of January, March, May, July, September and November. There being no further business the meeting closed at 21:20. Flag Flying Days: October 1st Lincolnshire Day October 21st Trafalgar Day 11th November Remembrance Day 10th November Remembrance Sunday 14th November Birthday of Prince of Wales 20th November Anniversary of Queen Elizabeth II Wedding Day

November 2019

GREAT GONERBY PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of the Meeting held on Tuesday 5th November 2019 at 7.30pm at the Memorial Hall Present: Cllr. Hutchinson Chairman, Cllr. J Critchley, Cllr A Critchley, Cllr. K Davey, Cllr H Fletcher, Cllr. I Hammond, Cllr A Mavros. Cllr R Plant and Cllr. I Stokes 1. Apologies: Cllr. J Thompson – Family Commitments Cllr R Kayberry-Brown (SKDC) Apologies to be recorded only. 2. Declarations of Interest/Dispensations Cllr A Mavros declared an interest in Planning Permission Granted in respect of 10 High Street 3. Minutes Signed from Previous Meeting The Minutes from the previous meeting were signed as a true record. Proposed by Cllr. Fletcher and seconded by Cllr. Davey. 4a. Matters Arising None 5. Official Correspondence and Circulation Correspondence:- Email received from the Valuation Office regarding revaluing Hill Top Cemetery, Great Gonerby. A reply was sent by the Clerk offering to meet on site. Following a report of over grown vegetation from the Parish Council a letter was received from LCC regarding Restricted Byway 5, Spring End to Barrowby, advising works are subject to Finance and availability of Workforce. Email received from LCC Highways advising Balfour Beatty Group Ltd, Colas Ltd and WSP Ltd have been recommended to deliver highways services for LCC from 1st April 2020. Email received from Malcolm Hall, Internal Auditor, advising he will carry out the audit again in 2020 Email correspondence received from a Parishioner regarding dog mess and the provision of further Bins in the village. The matter was discussed at length it was agreed the Clerk would write to SKDC asking if further bins could be supplied and the likely cost involved. It was proposed to site one bin at the top of Pond Street/Green Street and the other at the back of Cox’s Walk but depends on costs. Email correspondence received from a Parishioner regarding ownership of Hill Top grave plots and problems encountered with regard to extra memorials placed on the graves and comments re the state of the driveway, infiltration of stones onto the graves, dog fouling and lack of lighting. At a recent meeting between the family , the Chairman and Vice Chairman to resolve the issues it was agreed the extra memorials would be removed in line with the terms and conditions of ownership and in return the Parish Council acknowledged the need to carry out maintenance works at Hill top including the installation of lighting subject to Parish Council approval. This request was unanimously approved and the work will be included in the budget for next year. Letter received from LCC confirming adoption of the LCC Statement of Community Involvement (SC1) 2019 which replaced the Council’s previous SC1 (2014) Following a request, Cllr Thompson submitted an article to the Grantham Journal with regard to problems with the Pedestrian Crossing in the High Street. A discussion took place and the Parish Council acknowledged the problems with the crossing and it was agreed Cllr Maughan would contact the LCC Highways Manager to arrange a site meeting, hopefully at the end of November. Cllr. Fletcher also spoke of problems encountered by the elderly using public transport crossing the road. Letter received from SKDC regarding Planning Consultations be held on the 30th September and 11th November 2019 Email received from CrowdFundSK regarding a new funding platform for improving places and people Robin Road sent information regarding a mobile app platform for Councils and Local Authorities. Email received from a Parishioner requesting permission to install a bench at St Sebastian’s. This was agreed as long as it was of a good standard and similar to the ones installed at Hill Top. Email from Best Kept Village And Small Town Competition. Sadly we did not do so well this year but will look to improve next year. Copy Letter to Dr Caroline Johnson MP received from Cllr A Maughan with regard to A1 Road Safety and Economic Growth. At a recent A1 meeting held at Marston it was understood that the work needed to improve safety could not take place due to budget problems. Email correspondence to Cllr. Maughan regarding overgrown vegetation on Gonerby Hill. The welcome to Grantham sign is now visible but the two signs on entering Great Gonerby are still obscured. Letter received from SKDC confirming payment of half year Community Cleaner Grant Email received from LALC confirming Cllr. Davey’s appointment as a representative to sit on LALC County Committee. Circulation: LALC Annual Report and Clerks and Councils Direct circulated. 6. Clerk and Members to Report Back on Matters Outstanding Cllr. Plant confirmed that vegetation along The Hemplands had been trimmed back Cllr Critchley – advised that to find a large Elm log for the proposed seat for the Pond area would be prohibitively expensive. Further ideas are to be discussed at the January meeting. Hedging for Hill Top – To be discussed at the January Meeting The Clerk reminded Cllr Hutchinson regarding the set-up of a Parish Council Facebook Page. 7. Review Disciplinary & Grievance Procedure, Freedom of Information Scheme, Data Protection and Complaints Procedures It was agreed all of the above are running well and there was no need for any changes to be made. Unanimously agreed. 8. Poor Land Update The Chairman advised he had further discussions with Downtown and it has been established that the way forward having had the Land Valued is for Downtown to be in direct contract with the Charities Commission, Land Valuers and Solicitors. This means that the Poor Land Charity and The Parish Council will have no further dealing in the matter. The Charities Commission is agreeable to this and it also means there will be no expenses incurred by the Poor Land or the Parish Council. Downtown will be paying the costs involved. 9. Financial Matters a) Quarterly Summary of Accounts to 30th September 2019 The Clerk advised Payments were mostly running within budget with a couple of exceptions, one being expenses and the other Maintenance at Hill Top Cemetery which ran over budget due to new gates being needed when new fence installed. Receipts in respect of Burial fees are in excess of budget, as is Interest from the Bank as there is £30K on Term Deposit, The Accounts and Bank balances were reconciled at the end of Quarter 2 and again at the end of October. b) Budget Setting for Next Year The Budget for next year was discussed and it was agreed the only increase would be to the Expenses budget to £700 from £500. Provision would also be made for vegetation trimming on Gonerby Hill going forward. Cllr. Thompson forwarded an email requesting the Council revisit the School Bell Tower project, after a discussion it was thought that this work could not be carried out during 2020/21 as the Council has further maintenance works to be carried out at Hill Top Cemetery where £5000 has been allowed for in the Budget. The Clerk advised that it was originally agreed by the Amenities Advisory Group in July 2013 that we would provide one seat a year at the Hill Top Cemetery up to a maximum of four and asked the purchase of a further bench could be made this year as there was money in the budget to cover the cost in the sum of £726. Agreed. Proposed by Cllr. Hutchinson and seconded by Cllr. Davey c) Petty Cash – The Petty Cash was counted and Agreed. The clerk asked if the Petty Cash could be closed down with the residual balance paid into the Expenses Account at the Bank. This was unanimously agreed. d) Accounts for Payment The following Accounts were presented for payment and unanimously agreed. PAYMENTS 03.09.19E J WalkerMileage - May to August33.33 03.09.19HM Revenue & CustomsTax Payment327.40 05.09.19PKF LittlejohnExternal Audit Fees240.00 06.09.19Environment SKVerge Cutting - August319.09 17.09.19A GarrettLincolnshire & George Cross Flags16.00 18.09.19Post Office12 x 2nd Class Stamps7.32 LALCNew Councillor Course x 230.00 26.09.19Staff Salaries - SeptemberSeptember Salaries & Computer453.58 07.10.19PWLBLoan Repayment4,923.67 17.10.19BDG Mowing ContractorsGrass Cutting x 2, Hill Top Weeds179.00 17.10.19Belvoir Tree ServicesHedge Cutting Hill Top420.00 17.10.19Environment SKGrass Verges319.09 18.10.19Belvoir Tree ServicesHedge Cutting Grantham Road300.00 29.10.19Staff Salaries - OctoberOctober Salaries & Computer453.78 RECEIPTS 31.08.19Yorkshire BankTerm Deposit Interest10.21 03.09.19Leakes Masonry LtdCemetery Fees Plot 1Q Johnson125.00 16.09.19The Memorial CraftsmenCemetery Fees - Neale IV125.00 30.09.19G H LInnellCemetery Fees - Plot M0 Smith125.00 30.09.19Yorkshire BankDeposit Account Interest2.40 30.09.19Yorkshire BankTerm Deposit Interest9.88 08.10.19SKDCHalf Year Precept14,418.00 24.10.19SKDCCommunity Cleaner 1/2 Year Grant640.38 TRANSFERS 18.09.19Expenses AccountCurrent Account200.00 04.10.19Deposit AccountCurrent Account4,560.00 16.10.19Current AccountDeposit Account13,500.00 28.10.19Deposit AccountCurrent Account500.00 e) Acceptance of quotes for Grass, Hedge Cutting and weed spraying Having received quotations from BDG Mowing and Environment SK for Grass cutting at St Sebastian’s and Hill Top it was agreed to accept the quotation from BDG Mowing for both cemeteries. BDG Mowing and Environment SK quoted for verge cutting and it was agreed to accept EnvironmentSK’s quote in this respect. Belvoir Trees and EnvironmentSK quoted for hedge cutting at the two cemeteries and also along Grantham Road and it was agreed to accept EnvironmentSK’s quotations. f) Budget Loan Repayments – Loan repayments are fixed and no alteration is proposed to these repayments. g) External Audit Report was received from PKF Littlejohn advising that in their opinion the information in Sections 1 and 2 of the AGAR was in accordance with Proper Practices and no other matters have come to their attention giving cause for concern that relevant legislation and regulatory requirements have not been met. The Chairman thanked the Clerk for all her hard work which was unanimously endorsed. 10. Advisory Groups a) Planning S19/0210 Mr B Duggan – Mill House, Gonerby Grange, Gadds Lane, Belton Removal of Condition 5 relating to glazed entry areas around courtyard (S08/0579) S19/1660 – Mr M Gaunt 59 Belton Lane, Great Gonerby Creation of new vehicular access off classified road, with new boundary wall, stone pillars and electric swan neck gates. S19/0210 – Mr B Duggan Mill House, Gonerby Grange, Belton Replacement windows from timber frame to conservation style flush casement upvc. S19/1789 - Mr M Davis Application for consent to carry out tree surgery on trees included within Tree preservation order T13 and T14. Minor pruning to lift crown because of low over hang in garden and on Church Lane S19/1138 – Longhurst & Havelock Homes Ltd Land of Easthorpe Road, Great Gonerby Construction of 46 dwelling, including vehicular access, pedestrian and cycle links etc Planning Granted:- S19/0638 Mr M Birtle – Rose Garden Place, Toll Bar Road, Marston Change of use of land from Agriculture to contractor’s yard S19/1197 Mr Britain – 10 High Street, Great Gonerby Installation of replacement signage and lantern and repainting to exterior S19/1303 Mr J Meadows – 30 Elms View, Great Gonerby Erection of single storey side extension. S19/1367 – Mr and Mrs D Skinner 3 Pond Street Erection of single storey extension to dwelling Appeal S18/1858 – Land Off Easthorpe Road, Great Gonerby. Notice of a hearing following refusal of Planning Permission b) The Environment It was reported that the wild flower area of the field looks a mess and needs trimming back. This will be reported to the Hall Committee for action. A request was also made for the grass to be trimmed back leading to the gibbet to create a small path. It has been noted the road sign on Marratt’s Lane needs to be changed as it still points to the Village Hall which is now in Belton Lane. Cllr. Maughan agreed to arrange for a new sign. It was mentioned that cars were once again parking on grass verges at the new Memorial Hall. It was acknowledge that the car park at Hill Top is very dark but once lighting installed the matter would be addressed. c) Amenity Areas The Chairman agreed to hang the Christmas tree lights which will be in situ from 1st December to 5th January. It was agreed that a payment of £35 would be made to Mr Brearley for the supply fo electricity. d) Highway Matters A discussion took place regarding the cleaning of the bus shelter in Kelham Road and it was agreed to monitor this going forward and not to have a formal clean this year. Cllr. Fletcher advised the bus shelter on Grantham Road is being subjected to vandalism. Again this is to be monitored. The Council were made aware of parking on verges in Long Street causing problems to pedestrians and wheelchair users. This is to be monitored and reported as necessary. Following a Parishiioners complaint a report to Highways had been submitted regarding potholes along the path leading from Cox’s Walk to Long Street. LCC Highways are to monitor the situation and will carry out works as necessary. The latest LCC Highways Hough report from Highways was made available to the Council. 11. Notices of motions for future meetings. None. 12. Any Matters for Urgent Discussion The Chairman asked for permission dog fouling notices are to be installed at Hill Top. This was unanimously agreed and the clerk will arrange for suitable notices. There being no further Parish Council Business the Meeting then moved into closed session to discuss staff matters The meeting Closed at 21:15 MEETING DATES FOR 2020 Meetings held on Tuesdays at the Memorial Hall Belton Lane Great Gonerby 7th JANUARY 2020 7.30 PM 3rd MARCH 2020 7.30 PM 5th MAY 20120 ANNUAL VILLAGE MEETING - 7.00 PM 5th MAY 2020 7.30 PM 7th JULY 20120 7.30 PM 8th SEPTEMBER 2020 7.30 PM 3rd NOVEMBER 2020 7.30 PM Nov 19 quarterly

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