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Council Minutes - 2020

January 2020

GREAT GONERBY PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of the Meeting held on Tuesday 7th January 2020 at 7.30pm at the Memorial Hall Present: Cllr. Hutchinson Chairman, Cllr. J Thompson Vice Chairman, Cllr. K Davey, Cllr H Fletcher, Cllr A Mavros and Cllr R Plant As there was a member of the public in attendance together with the Chairman of the Memorial Hall Committee, the Chairman opened the meeting with a Public Forum. The Parishioner wished to bring the problems of speeding traffic and road safety issues to the attention of the Parish Council. The Parishioner spoke of the increase in the numbers of cars and lorries not adhering to the speed limit and the High Street becoming like a race track early morning and early evening. He wanted to enquire if the Parish Council would be willing to change the speed sign to one that shows actual speeds rather than just flashing “30” no matter what speed vehicle was travelling at. The Chairman listened to the concerns sympathetically and advised that a meeting was in course of being arrange with the LCC Highways Department to discuss the problems of the siting of the zebra crossing. The Chairman advised that he would request a further traffic survey to be carried out in the village as soon as possible and report back. A discussion also took place regarding parked cars in the High Street, but it was thought this probably slowed the traffic down and was therefore not felt to be a safety issue. Speed bumps were also discussed but not thought to be a viable solution due to noise pollution. Going forward traffic in the village is going to increase due to housing developments in the area. The Chairman of the Memorial Hall wanted to ask if the Parish Council would be prepared to make provision in their Precept for the maintenance/renewal of playground equipment. He advised that the Memorial Hall, at the present time, was financially sound but did not have the resources to replace worn out playground equipment. The Chairman of the Parish Council advised that the Parish Council would always assist the Hall Committee where they could if problems arose. He reminded that the Parish Council is already making Loan repayments in respect of the New Hall thereby already contributing, and any further payments would have to be justified. The matter was let in abeyance for the time being. 1. Apologies: Cllr. I Hammond – Work Commitments Cllr. I Stokes – Work Commitments Cllr. A Critchley – Unwell Cllr J Critchley - Unwell Cllr A Maughan (LCC) – Work Commitments Apologies to be recorded only. 2. Declarations of Interest/Dispensations There were no Declarations of Interest/Dispensations. 3. Co-option of New Councillor Copies of Marci Neal’s Councillor Application form were distributed to all Councillors. Marci spoke to the meeting and advised that she was a fairly new resident and wanted to make a contribution to the overall wellbeing of the village. She has lived in various parts of the UK and hopes she will be able to bring fresh insight in supporting the current Councillors. The Chairman asked for a vote to accept Marci as a Councillor and this was unanimously confirmed. Cllr. Neal signed the Acceptance of Office and other documents and was handed a Memory stick containing the Rules and Regulations of the Council for her records. 4. Minutes Signed from Previous Meeting The Minutes from the previous meeting were signed as a true record. Proposed by Cllr. Fletcher and seconded by Cllr. Davey. 5. Matters Arising The Chairman advised that one of the tenants of the Poor Land had not paid any rent in 2019 and to date had ignored requests for payment. It has further been established that there had been a breach in the tenancy in as much as a park home is now sited on the Land. A meeting with the tenant and site visit has been arranged. 6. Official Correspondence and Circulation Correspondence:- Email correspondence received from Cllr. Maughan with regard to dates for a site visit from LCC Highways Department to inspect problems with the High Street zebra crossing. Cllr. Maughan forwarded a copy of the LCC Bulletin for January which has been circulated to all Councillors. SKDC have sent the updated Full Electoral Register for 2020. Email received from Steve Shaw from Power for People Organisation asking for support of the Local Electricity Bill. The proposition and request for support was discussed but it was decided the project was not something the Parish Council wanted to be involved in. Letter from Chairman of the Governors of St Sebastian’s C of E School advising the Governors of St Sebastian’s C of E School, Great Gonerby and Marston Thorold’s Charity C of E School have unanimously agreed to form a Hard Federation between their respective schools commencing 1st January 2020. Letter received from LCC regarding school admission arrangements for 2021 advising that they are proposing a reduction to the admission numbers to Grantham Gonerby Hill Foot Church of England School. Email from the Environment Agency regarding Flood arrangements – no action necessary Email from Memorial Hall confirming Meeting Room bookings for 2020 Email from LALC regarding Annual Training Scheme – it was decided the Council would continue to pay for Training Courses as and when required.. Circulation: Clerks and Council’s News Bulletin Gadson Village Gateways. 7. Clerk and Members to Report Back on Matters Outstanding Cllr. Thompson advised that 200 hawthorn plants would be required to repair Hill Top hedging. This expenditure was agreed, proposed by Cllr. Mavros and seconded by Cllr. Plant. The Chairman requested the Clerk contact SKDC again with regard to the provision of the extra black bins. The bench for the Pond Area was deferred to the next meeting as Cllr. Critchley is dealing with this project. The Chairman ran through the pros and cons of establishing a Facebook page and after a discussion it was agreed not to proceed. 8. Financial Matters a) Quarterly Summary of Accounts to 31st December 2019 The Clerk advised Payments continued to run within budget with a couple of exceptions already reported, one being expenses and the other Maintenance at Hill Top Cemetery which ran over budget due to new gates being needed when new fence installed. Receipts in respect of Burial fees are in excess of budget, as is Interest from the Bank as there is £30K on Term Deposit. The Accounts and Bank balances were reconciled at the end of Quarter 3 duly signed by the Chairman and Clerk. b) Accounts for Payment The following Accounts were presented for payment and unanimously agreed. ACCOUNTS FOR PAYMENT TO 31.12.19 14.11.19 BDG Mowing Contractors Grass Cutting £82.00 15.11.19 Oldrids & Downtown Christmas Gift for Pat Eland £25.69 21.11.19 UK Safety Store No Fouling Dog Fouling Notices £14.26 26.11.19 B & Q Backing Wood for Dog Fouling Notices £8.60 27.11.19 Staff Salaries - November November Salaries & Computer £453.58 1.12.19 HM Revenue & Customs Tax Payment £327.40 1.12.19 Ladywell Accountancy PAYE Services £65.00 05.12.19 Environment SK Verge Cutting - November £319.09 07.12.19 Recruiting Sergeant Councillors Dinner £200.00 23.12.19 Staff Salaries December Salaries & Computer £453.58 31.12.19 Anthony Jackson Removing High Street Planters and fitting 4 Dog Fouling Notices at Hill Top £95.00 31.12.19 Ryman Stationery Ink Cartridges £54.98 RECEIPTS TO 31.12.19 30.11.19 Yorkshire Bank Term Deposit Interest £9.88 31.12.19 Yorkshire Bank Term Deposit Interest £10.22 31.12.19 Yorkshire Bank Deposit Account Interest £5.40 TANSFERS TO 31.12.19 05.12.19 Deposit Account Current Account £300.00 05.12.19 Deposit Account Current Account (Christmas Meal) £200.00 09.12.19 Deposit Account Current Account (HM Revenue) £500.00 20.12.19 Deposit Account Current Account (Staff Wages) £500.00 c) Budget Setting for Next Year The Budget for next year was discussed and agreed. The Precept request in the sum of £28,836 has been submitted to SKDC, and the Clerk confirmed this is the same amount as for 2019/20. The Chairman advised that the Parish Council is in a strong financial position. 9. Advisory Groups a) Planning Planning Applications: S19/1901 Mr M Whitney – 4 Pond Street, Great Gonerby Erection of single storey dwelling with detached double garage. S19/2073 Mr G Gaduzo – 22 Long Street, Great Gonerby New front entrance gates, wall and fence Planning Granted: S19/0210 – Mr B Durgan Mill House, Gonerby Grange, Gadds Lane Replacement windows from timber frame to conservation style flush casement upvc. S19/1789 Mr M Davis 1 Church Lane, Great Gonerby Ashes T13 and T14 – minor pruning to lift crown by approximately 3m because of low branch overhang. Planning granted subject to standard conditions. S19/160 Mr M Gaunt – 59 Belton Lane, Great Gonerby Creation of new vehicular access off classified road with new boundary wall, stone pillars and electric swan neck gates. b) The Environment Cllr Thompson reported the church clock was not working. He advised that a service is due and that he would be in touch with Smiths of Derby. c) Amenity Areas Burial Ground Fees The fees were discussed and it was agreed to an increase of 5% from the 1st April 2020. Proposed by Cllr. Mavros and seconded by Cllr. Fletcher. A discussion took place regarding village tree planting and it was agreed to let Parishioners know that there are 25 free trees are available from the Woodland Trust if anyone was interested in taking part in the scheme. d) Highway Matters The latest LCC Highways Hough report from Highways was made available to the Council. Indicating that the numerous potholes on Belton Lane are receiving attention 10. Staffing Matters – Set appraisal dated for February That Chairman will advise dates to the members of staff. 11. Notices of motions for future meetings. None. 12. Any Matters for Urgent Discussion The Clerk asked for permission for the potholes in the driveway to Hill Top Cemetery to be filled. It was agreed to ask Cllr. Critchley to carry out this work. The Clerk advised that Health and Safety check is carried out every 3 years at St Sebastian’s which was last done in 2017, requested permission to contact G H Linnell to carry out the inspection this year. It was agreed the Clerk would request an estimate for the work. The clerk produced a photo of the new memorial bench at St Sebastian’s Churchyard, it was felt that a couple of paving stones will be needed in front of the bench. There being no further Parish Council Business the Meeting then moved into closed session to discuss staff matters The meeting Closed at 21:45 GREAT GONERBY PARISH COUNCIL QUARTERLY SUMMARY OF ACCOUNTS 30.9.19 Grid

March 2020

GREAT GONERBY PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of the Meeting held on Tuesday 3rd March 2020 at 7.30pm at the Memorial Hall Present: Cllr. Hutchinson Chairman, Cllr. J Thompson Vice Chairman, Cllr. A Critchley, Cllr J Critchley, Cllr. K Davey, Cllr. H Fletcher, Cllr A Mavros, Cllr. M Neal, Cllr. R Plant, Cllr. I Stokes and Cllr. A Maughan (LCC) As Janet Watson was in attendance in her capacity of Secretary to the Poor Land, the Chairman opened the meeting with a Public Forum. Mrs Watson requested an update from the Chairman which was duly given. 1. Apologies: Cllr. I Hammond – Family Commitments, Cllr. R Kayberry-Brown (SKDC) Apologies to be recorded only. 2. Declarations of Interest/Dispensations Cllr. J Thompson declared an interest in two payments made to Gonerby Moor Farms in respect of the purchase of hawthorn hedging. Cllr. J Thompson also declared an interest in planning application S20/0143 as landlord of the property concerned. 3. Minutes Signed from Previous Meeting The Minutes from the previous meeting were signed as a true record. Proposed by Cllr. Fletcher and seconded by Cllr. Davey. 4. Official Correspondence and Circulation Correspondence:- Email correspondence received from Community Heartbeat regarding The Circuit, a scheme being run by the Ambulance Service advising that the scheme is not fully implemented. Email correspondence received from a parishioner advising that the sycamore tree on Church Lane will be cut back to hedge height on the 6th March Email correspondence from a parishioner with regard to traffic calming ideas in the village was discussed but it is felt the scheme cannot be taken forward as not nationally approved. Further email correspondence received regarding hedge ownership along Church Path. Cllr. Maughan advised that LCC have concluded the responsibility lies with SKDC but their acknowledgment is still awaited. Email received from Lincolnshire Lowland Search and Rescue asking for a donation of £200, which cannot be approved Correspondence received from Environment Agency re Water Abstraction – not applicable to Parish. Email received from Cllr A Maughan giving details of next North Rural Panel Meeting on Saturday 28th March at Dry Doddington Updated Register of Electors received from SKDC Email received from Lincolnshire Best Kept Villages Competition to advise the scheme will no longer be run and the Charity is to be closed. Email correspondence received from PWLB to advise that the Parliament has legislated to revise the statutory basis of the Public Works Loan Board, with the change coming into effect on the 25th February 2010. Email received from Cllr. K Davey with regard to trees being removed from around Cox’s Walk/Holden Way and not being replaced. A discussion took place and it was established that trees are normally replaced wherever possible on Council land. Cllr Maughan advised that LCC are committed to planting trees and to approach him in this respect if any trees are required for Great Gonerby. Email received from LCC with regard to a Development Management Review which is taking place. No action needed. Email correspondence received from parishioner with regard to Centrebus’ timetable for services 14 and 24and the scheduling of buses within 5 minutes of each other at certain times of the day. It was agreed the Clerk would forward the correspondence to Centrebus for their comments. Circulation: Clerks and Council’s News Bulletin Broxap Brochure Gadson Village Gateways pamphlets. 5. Clerk and Members to Report Back on Matters Outstanding Bench for Pond Site : Email correspondence received from Fabrications North in respect of galvanised benches available for 75th VE Day. The Chairman asked the Clerk to contact the company to ascertain if they would be able to produce a customised galvanised bench for the pond area. Additional Black Bins – Request not approved by SKDC Poor Land – Up date dealt with under Public Forum Item 6. Financial Matters The Clerk provided a 2019/20 Budget up date as the financial year is coming to close which the Chairman commented made good reading. A full budget report will be given at the next Council meeting in May. Accounts for Payment The following Accounts were presented for payment and unanimously agreed. PAYMENTS 02.01.20 J Brearley Christmas Tree Lights £ 35.00 08.01.20 J Walker Mileage 62 miles at 45p £ 27.00 16.01.19 Gonerby Moor Farms Hawthorne Hedge for Hill Top £ 97.20 18.01.20 Street Master New Bench for Hill Top £ 915.60 23.01.20 Smith of Derby Church Clock Repair £ 294.00 27.01.20 Anthony Jackson Concrete bases and fit Bench for Hill Top Cemetery £ 405.00 27.01.20 Staff Salaries January Salaries & Computer £ 453.58 12.02.20 Gonerby Moor Farms Hawthorne Hedge for Hill Top £ 22.44 20.02.20 P J Garden Care Hedge Cut at St Sebastian's £ 150.00 27.02.20 Staff Salaries February Salaries and Computer £ 453.58 RECEIPTS 12.01.20 G H Linnell Cemetery Fees - Deans Plot A6 £ 100.00 12.01.20 S King Cemetery Fees - North Plot 1H £ 125.00 31.01.20 Yorkshire Bank Term Deposit Interest £ 10.23 03.02.20 Lincolnshire C C Refund for 3 Verge Cuts £ 1,023.77 TRANSFERS 17.01.20 Deposit Account Current Account (Hill Top Bench) £ 1,000.00 24.01.20 Deposit Account Current Account (Staff Costs) £ 500.00 25.02.20 Deposit Account Current Account (Staff Costs) £ 500.00 7. Advisory Groups a) Planning APPLICATIONS S20/0001 Mr Brian Murphy 20 Green Street, Great Gonerby Removal of 4 Leylandi trees and reduction in height to 2 trees S19/2217 Mr J Neal 41 Long Street, Great Gonerby Single storey extension to side of dwelling S19/0735 Toll Bar Service Station, Toll Bar Road, Marston Resubmission of application for erection of coffee shop with drive thru, car parking, landscaping and associated works. This application was discussed and no objections were raised as the central reservation on the A1 is to be closed. S20/0143 Mr Ryan Wilson Motorcross Rear of College Farm, Old Great North Road, Great Gonerby NG32 2AB Section 73 application for the variation of Condition 1 (days of operation) of S16/2363 to allow extra day of operation. S20/0171 Mr I Marsh Highfield Lodge, 16 Green Street, Great Gonerby Cut back tree from front of house. APPROVALS S20/001 – Work Allowed Mr Brian Murphy 20 Green Street, Great Gonerby Removal of 4 Leylandi trees and reduction in height to 2 trees S19/2073 Mr G Gaduzo 22 Long Street New front entrance gates, wall and fence. S19/2217 Mr J Neal 41 Long Street, Great Gonerby Single storey extension to side of dwelling b) The Environment Dog fouling in the High Street has become more of a regular issue and a discussion took place with regard to supply Dog Fouling Notices for the area. A vote was held with 5 in favour of the notices and 6 councillors voted against the scheme. Not passed. The Clerk was asked to contact Neighbourhoods at SKDC to help with monitoring the problem. It has been reported the bus shelter on Grantham Road has lost some tiles and also sustained damage to a board. Maintenance work is required to rectify and a quotation in the sum of £60 was accepted. c) Amenity Areas Lighting at Hill Top Cemetery: Western Power have submitted a quotation to dig a trench and run a cable to install power in the sum of £1190 but this does not include the cost of a lighting column and installation of the column. A discussion took place and it was unanimously agreed to accept the quotation so the project can get underway. The chairman agreed to look into obtaining a column for the lighting. At a later date the column will provide a further CCTV camera to enhance security at the cemetery. The Clerk had obtained quotations for a further gate a Hill Top Cemetery one in the sum of £1002 and the other in the sum of £600. It was unanimously agreed the quotation in the sum of £600 would be accepted. Cllr Thompson advised that the Hawthorne hedge had been replanted and is now growing well . He extended his thanks to all those who helped with the planting. Cllr. Thompson mentioned that there is an advertising board on the fence at Hill Top which should be charged for. No decision was made in this respect. Cllr Davey spoke of Social benches and asked if these could be sited on the Playing field. A discussion took place and Cllr. Davey is to report back with further ideas at the next meeting. Cllr. Stokes advised that he would be able to help with funding once the go ahead is approved. d) Highway Matters Cllr Maughan reported back to Council following the site meeting at the school and the problems with the zebra crossing. It has been agreed to replace the lighting at the crossing to a brighter specification, including fixing the broken one on Pond Street, (which has already been done) Redesign the crossing/markings to make them more visable and enforceable Investigate the possibility of flashing school safety warning signage Review whether the current safety zone is enforceable and whether an amendment to the zone would be appropriate. LCC Highways Hough Reports received for February and March indicating that potholes along Belton Lane have been rectified together with other pot holed roads in the village. Spring Litter Pick – it was agreed that this was a good idea but safety issues along Belton Lane mean that the litter pick will be just in the village. No date agreed but Memorial Hall representatives will discuss with Trustees of the Hall at their meeting next week to arrange a joint litter pick date. 8. Notices of motions for future meetings. None. 9. Staffing Matters That Chairman will advise dates of appraisals to the members of staff. 10. Any Matters for Urgent Discussion Cllr. Mavros mentioned that she had been made aware that the churchyard is currently untidy and some areas unsafe. It was felt that this was the area run by SKDC rather than the Parish Council. It has also been noted that a gated access had been established from the church yard to the field, it was not known who had authorised this and the reason. Cllr. Stokes spoke of problems with a drain in Easthorpe Road which had been reported but nothing done to rectify as yet. The meeting Closed at 21:45 Flag Flying Days: April 21st Birthday of Queen Elizabeth II April 23rd St. George’s Day May 8th V.E. Day (Victory in Europe)

May 2020

No Meeting

July 2020

GREAT GONERBY PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of the Meeting held on Tuesday 21st July 2020 at 7.30pm at the Memorial Hall Present: Cllr. Hutchinson Chairman, Cllr. J Thompson Vice Chairman, Cllr. A Critchley, Cllr J Critchley, Cllr. K Davey, Cllr. H Fletcher, Cllr. M Neal, and Cllr. A Maughan (LCC) There being ten members of the public present the meeting opened with a Public Forum. A parishioner wished to inform the Council the new light at Hill Top was not working yet. The Chairman advised that he hoped the installation of the new light would help reduce the number of anti-social incidents at the cemetery. He further advised that the Parish Council are now in receipt of a quotation in the region of £2,000 for the installation of further CCTV cameras should it prove necessary once the new lights are working. A Parishioner requested the installation of barriers with a code to stop unauthorised vehicles accessing the car park. The Chairman advised that this would be considered as a last resort but was hopeful measures being put in place would solve the problems. The problem of rubbish was mentioned and it was acknowledged that this has been a problem. A Parishioner spoke of their wish for rooted plants but acknowledged that contractors are employed to do the mowing however requested owners to be able to look after their own plot and grass. Another request was for wild flowers to be sown on the un-occupied land. The current owners of the plots at Hill Top want the cemetery to look beautiful like Harlaxton and Barrowby where rooted plants apparently are allowed. The Chairman explained the Parish Council needs to have certain terms and conditions and also the reasons why all Councils have different rules. Great Gonerby Parish Council manages the land at Hill Top and the rules were set following problems experienced at St Sebastian’s churchyard. The Parishioner asked the Parish Council to consider giving owners a voice in how Hill Top is run going forward, the Chairman advised that further consideration is needed and will discuss further with owners. Another Parishioner spoke of anti-social problems experienced on the playing field and MUGA advising that it hard to relax in their own garden. Noise is being heard late at night making it impossible for residents to relax. The Parishioner requested consideration be given to locking the MUGA, the installation of better CCTV and the possibility of barriers for the car park. Tony Saward responded on behalf of the Memorial Hall Committee advising that it was not wise to lock the MUGA gate as this had been done in the past which immediately resulted in the wire fence being vandalised. Remedial work is in hand to stop the noise coming from footballs banging on the metal fence. It was acknowledged that the area is well used which is fine but the behaviour of the users needs to improve. The meeting was advised that it was not just Great Gonerby experiencing these problems but other villages too. The Chairman of the Parish Council advised that the Council is working with the Memorial Hall Committee to try and resolve the issues. It was suggested a formal letter be sent to the police requesting regular surveillance and Cllr. Maughan has said he will do this. Members of the public left the meeting at 20:05 1. . Apologies: Cllr. I Hammond – Work Commitments, Cllr A Mavros – Work Commitments, Cllr. R Plant – Work Commitments, Cllr. I Stokes – Work Commitments, Cllr. R Kayberry-Brown (SKDC) Apologies to be recorded only 2. Declarations of Interest/Dispensations Cllr. J Thompson declared an interest in a payment made to Gonerby Moor Farms in respect of the purchase of plants and compost for additional High Street Planters and also an interest in planning permission granted under reference S20/0143 as landlord of the property concerned. 3. a) Nominations of Chairman and Vice Chairman The Chairman advised that he was happy to continue in the roll unless there was someone else who would like to take on the roll. There being no other applications it was proposed by Cllr. J Critchley and seconded by Cllr. Davey that Cllr. Hutchinson would remain as Chairman. The Vice Chairman advised that he was also happy to continue. This was proposed by Cllr. Hutchinson and seconded by Cllr. J Critchley. All in favour of the nominations. b) Signing of Chairman’s and Vice Chairman’s Declaration of Acceptance Forms Signed. c) All Councillors to sign Acceptance of Office Statements This was done prior to meeting as required by current Social Distancing regulations. d) Advisory Groups to be Up-dated Up-dated and distributed. 4. Minutes Signed from Previous Meeting The Minutes from the previous meeting were signed as a true record. Proposed by Cllr. Fletcher and seconded by Cllr. Davey. 5. Official Correspondence and Circulation Correspondence:- Further correspondence received regarding ownership of hedge at 1 Grantham Road. Cllr. Maughan advised that it had not been possible to determine ownership and it had been decided to share the cost of maintenance between LCC and SKDC or the cost of removal later in the year. Correspondence received from Yorkshire Bank advising interest rate on Term Deposit Account to be reduced to 0.45% and on Business Cash Management Account to 0.01% Report received from Cllr. A Maughan and distributed by email to all Councillors prior to meeting. Report attached to Minutes Email received from Parishioner re anti-social behaviour on playing field and MUGA Further correspondence from Parishioner re works outstanding at Hill Top Correspondence received from Parishioner re problems of anti-social behaviour at Hill Top Up dated Register of Electors received from SKDC Reply received from Centrebus re timetable problems and explanation. Chairman requested Clerk to write again requesting slight amendments to their timetables. SKDC sent Business Rates Bill for Hill Top – Nothing due as exemption in place. Highways England responded re flooding on slip road to A1 advising will investigate further as to cause. Parishioner advised of dog fouling problems on Long Street. Circulation: Clerks and Council’s News Bulletin 6 a) Cllr. Davey presented her proposal for a “Social Bench” to be sited on the Memorial Hall Field and advised that estimated costs ranged from £1,000 to £2,300. The principal of the proposal was discussed and thought to be a good idea but Councillors wanted to defer a decision until the November meeting to enable monitoring of anti-social behaviour going forward and as to whether or not the addition of a bench would make matters worse. b) The Chairman updated the meeting with regard to a bench for the Pond area. The idea is to gather up the “Covid” stones the children of the village have been painting and hiding and to set these stones into resin to form a bench. The idea was approved and a budget of £1000 agreed. Proposed by Cllr. Thompson and seconded by Cllr A Critchley. All in favour c) The advertising board at Hill Top is on property belonging to Cllr. Critchley, no further action is to be taken. 7. Review of Risk Assessment and Data Protection. The Chairman read the Mission Statement to the meeting, no changes to be made. Data Protection – LALC have provided a Guide for Parish and Town Councils, no amendments this year 8. Review of Standing Orders and Financial Regulations including Quotation Amounts These were reviewed and no amendments made. 9. Financial Matters a) To receive Year End Accounts Year End Accounts were circulated to all Councillors prior to the meeting and agreed. b) To consider, approved and sign the Annual Governance Statement 2019/20 The Chairman read through the AGAR Statement and was duly signed. c) To consider, approve and sign Accounting Statement for 2019/20 The statement was read and signed. d) To consider Chairman’s Allowance The Chairman left the meeting whilst the Allowance was discussed. It was unanimously agreed to increase the allowance to £550 for the next year. The Chairman re-joined the meeting e) Accounts for Payment PAYMENTS Payments from 2019/20 27.02.20 Oldrids & Downtown Spring Plants for Planter at the Pond £ 10.37 04.03.20 HM Revenue & Customs Tax Payment £ 327.60 04.03.20 Street Master New Bench for Hill Top £ 919.20 05.03.20 Post Office 2nd Class stamps & Envelopes £ 8.95 18.03.20 Amazon Computer Ink Cartridges £ 26.55 27.03.20 Staff Salaries March Salaries and Computer £ 453.88 Street Master (Balancing Entry) Overpayment of Invoice 7104, to be refunded £10.00 2020/21 01.04.20 LALC 2020/21 Subscription £ 451.62 06.04.20 Western Power Distribution Electric Installation for Hill Top £ 1,515.10 08.04.19 PWLB Loan Repayment £ 4,923.67 08.04.20 Anthony Jackson Installation of of Bench at Hill Top £ 405.00 08.04.20 BDG Mowing 3 x Grass Cuts £ 258.00 23.04.20 Asda Food for Vulnerable Family £ 25.18 27.04.20 Staff Salaries April salaries and computer £ 463.53 28.04.20 The Range Stationery £ 8.60 30.04.20 Asda Food for Vulnerable Families £ 82.68 04.05.20 Amazon Litter Picker £ 19.17 05.05.20 BDG Mowing Grass Cutting x 2 and Weed Spraying x 2 £ 206.00 08.05.20 Grantham Electrical Street Light for Hill Top £ 1,683.84 07.05.20 Sainsburys Food for Vulnerable Families £ 47.10 12.05.20 Amazon Ink Cartridges £ 30.00 14.05.20 Asda Food for vulnerable families £ 68.70 15.05.20 Oldrids & Downtown Compst for High Street Planters £ 23.19 18.05.19 Zurich Municipal Annual Insurance Premium £ 427.79 06.05.20 Midland Flags NHS Flag £ 40.49 15.05.20 Hollis Road Nurseries Plants for High Street £ 268.50 18.05.20 Hollis Road Nurseries Plants for High Street £ 47.50 19.05.20 Anthony Jackson Repairs to Bus Shelter £ 60.00 20.05.20 B & Q Compost for Pond Planters £ 5.93 20.05.20 M L Hall Internal Audit Fee £ 120.00 22.05.20 Asda Food for vulnerable families £ 77.72 27.05.19 Staff Salaries May salaries and computer £ 463.33 27.05.20 Great Gonerby Memorial Hall Hire of Meeting Room £ 200.00 28.05.20 Asda Food for Vulnerable families £ 73.56 01.06.20 HM Revenue & Customs Tax Payment £ 334.60 02.06.20 Asda Closing Voucher for Vulnerable Family £ 62.50 02.06.20 Asda Closing Voucher for Vulnerable Family £ 62.50 04.06.20 BDG Mowing 2 x Grass Cuts £ 172.00 08.06.20 Anthony Jackson Putting up Planters High Street £ 40.00 08.06.20 Community Heartbeat Defibrilator Annual Support £ 126.00 10.06.20 Michael Davies Printing Hill Top Cemetery Grant Forms £ 31.20 11.06.20 EnvironmentSK Verge Cutting x 1 £ 335.05 26.06.20 Staff Salaries June staff salaries and computer £ 463.33 29.06.20 MAS Window Cleaning Kelham Road Bus Shelter Clean £ 18.00 29.06.20 Post Office 6 x 1st Class Stamps and 12 2nd Class Stamps £ 12.36 RECEIPTS 02.04.20 SKDC Half Year Precept £ 14,418.00 03.04.20 Street Master Refund of Invoice Overpayment £ 10.00 07.04.20 Price & Son Funerals Cemetery Fees Re Plot 1Y - Spearman £ 440.00 08.04.20 HMRC VAT Refund £ 2,577.72 24.04.20 Lincolnshire C C Coronavirus Grant £ 500.00 29.04.20 Mrs L Johnson Cemetery Fees Re Plot 2AF £ 460.00 30.04.20 Yorkshire Bank Term Deposit Interest £ 11.22 15.05.20 J Walker Refund of Item purchased from Downtown using Expenses Card in error. £ 3.99 29.05.20 Yorkshire Bank Term Deposit Interest £ 11.94 05.06.20 Price & Son Funerals Cemetery Fees for A Norris Plot N12 £ 100.00 09.06.20 SKDC Community Cleaner Grant £ 680.16 TRANSFERS 05.03.2 Deposit Account Current Account £ 1,000.00 05.03.20 Deposit Account Expenses £ 25.00 18.03.20 Deposit Account Expenses £ 50.00 30.03.20 Deposit Account Current Account £ 450.00 03.04.20 Deposit Account Current Account £ 4,900.00 06.04.20 Deposit Account Current Account £ 400.00 02.04.20 Deposit Account Current Account £ 1,500.00 09.04.20 Deposit Account Current Account £ 2,750.00 24.04.20 Deposit Account Expenses £ 100.00 30.04.20 Deposit Account Expenses £ 200.00 06.05.20 Deposit Account Current Account £ 1,700.00 13.05.20 Deposit Account Expenses £ 300.00 14.05.20 Deposit Account Current Account £ 250.00 01.06.20 Deposit Account Current Account £ 1,000.00 PAYMENT TO BE REPORTED IN RETROSPECT 03.09.19 BDG Mowing 2 x Grass Cuts £ 164.00 The above payments were reported by email to all Councillors and authorised prior to meeting. The following are payments from 1st July to date:- 03.07.20 J Thompson Plants for High Street and compost 1.00 7.99 06.07.20 Ryman Ink Cartridge for Computer 5.00 29.99 13.07.20 BDG Mowing 2 x Grass Cuts 2 x Weed Sprays 0.00 206.00 13.07.20 EnvironmentSK June Verge Cut 55.84 335.05 The above payments were duly authorised proposed by Cllr. Thompson, seconded by Cllr. Critchley f) Review of Zurich Insurance Limits Renewal documents were discussed and the Clerk was asked to advise Zurich of the addition of the lights at Hill Top. All agreed current limits were adequate. g) Authorisation of Bank Transfer Details 2020/21 The above form was duly signed by the Chairman. It was pointed out more payments are made by Bank transfer which are initiated by the Clerk and authorised by the Chairman or Vice Chairman 10. Hall Representative for Next Year. Hall Representatives are to remain unchanged with Cllrs Thompson and J Critchley 11. Advisory Groups a) PLANNING FOR JULY MEETING - SUBMITTED BY EMAIL TO ALL COUNCILLORS – 17th June 2020 APPLICATIONS S20/0348 Mr M Gromett 3 Long Street, Great Gonerby Conversion of existing outbuilding to form double garage and annex accommodation S20/0349 Mr M Gromett 3 Long Street, Great Gonerby Listed Building Consent -Conversion of existing outbuilding to form double garage and annex accommodation Listed Building Application S20/0178 Mr L Matthews 57 Manor Drive, Great Gonerby Erection of a single storey, flat roof extension Prior notification under Part 12 Class A S20/0438 Mr D Wrigglesworth Manor Farm Cottage, 78 Long Street, Great Gonerby Installation of a brick-based rectangular greenhouse of size 2.5 x 4m to west corner of garden S20/0439 Mr D Wrigglesworth Manor Farm Cottage, 78 Long Street, Great Gonerby Installation of a brick-based rectangular greenhouse of size 2.5 x 4m to west corner of garden Listed Building Consent S20/0350 Mr M Gromett 3 Long Street Section 73 to vary condition 2 of S18/0196 changes to rear extension. S20/0886 2 Long Street, Great Gonerby Mr C Harvey Two storey extension to side of property S20/0942 36 Long Street, Great Gonerby Mr G Thomas Internal alterations and widening of vehicular access APPROVALS S19/1901 Land at rear of 4 Pond Street Erection of bungalow and detached double garage. S20/0171 16 Green Street Cut back tree from front of house S20/0178 57 Manor Drive Erection of single storey extension Planning Permission not required. S20/0438 Manor Farm Cottage, 78 Long Street Installation of a brick based greenhouse S20/0348 3 Long Street, Great Gonerby Conversion of existing outbuilding to form double garage and annex accommodation S20/0349 3 Long Street, Great Gonerby Listed Building Consent -Conversion of existing outbuilding to form double garage and annex accommodation S20/0438 Manor Farm Cottage, 78 Long Street, Great Gonerby Installation of a brick-based rectangular greenhouse of size 2.5 x 4m to west corner of garden S20/0143 Mr R Wilson Motorcoss rear of College Farm, Old Great North Road Section 73 application for variation of Condition 1 (days of operation) ofS16/2363 to allow for extra day of operation. S20/0350 Mr M Gromett 3 Long Street Section 73 to vary condition 2 of S18/0196 changes to rear extension on plots 2 and 3, materials, boundary treatment, fire sprinkler and land level details. PLANNING RECEIVED SUBSEQUENT TO ABOVE S20/0974 Mr C Thompson 25 Pond Street, Great Gonerby Barn conversion to one residential dwelling and erection of one bungalow S20/1053 Mr G Thomas 36 Long Street, Great Gonerby NG31 8LN Listed Building Consent Internal alterations including insertion and alteration of partition walling. Insertion of roof light, insulation to loft. Cllr. Maughan updated the meeting with regard to the proposed Drive-thru Coffee shop at Toll Bar which had recently been withdrawn due to outstanding investigations being carried out by Highways England. b) The Environment The possibility of a new defibrillator for the village was discussed and it was agreed that this was a good idea. The proposal is to site the additional machine on Kelham Road. Two quotations were presented to the meeting and it was decided to proceed with the quotation submitted by Heartbeat in the sum of approximately £2250 to include a Community Awareness session. Cllr. Maughan updated the meeting of the current situation with regard to Footpath 4 and advised that it was Case number 32 of 153. Cases take time to resolve and it was unlikely our case would get resolved. Cllr. Maughan asked for a definitive map showing the path and date so he can return to get the case progressed. Cllr Thompson is to call a public meeting and requested an Officer from LCC to attend to discuss the situation. c) Amenity Areas Quotation received from All Secure with regard to the installation of further CCTV cameras at Hill top in the sum of £2000. It was agreed to hold the quotation in abeyance pending the outcome of the installation of the lighting A discussion took place as to where to site some street art which used to be on display in the corner shop and has now been offered to the Parish Council. Further enquiries are to be made regarding renovation works and costs to be available for next meeting The planting of mini daffodils on the area of green by the church was discussed and agreed with a budget of £50. The white posts in the same area also in need of maintenance and this is receiving attention. d) Highway Matters Cllr Maughan reported back to Council following the site meeting at the school having been in contact with the Minor work and Traffic department at LCC who have advised: They reserve the use of Zebrite lamps to Zebra crossings on A roads and where reported injury accidents have occurred so this will not be an option for the site at Great Gonerby. LCC can however arrange for a pedestrian crossing survey to see if an upgrade to a Puffin Crossing in the village can be justified. The Department is not aware of any school safety zone signage in this county which incorporates amber flashing lights. Installations of this type need to be considered within the wider context of the potential demand from other parishes for a similar feature as part of their school safety zones, and the costs of installation and ongoing maintenance. This being the case LCC do not intend to pursue this request at this time. LCC will however ensure that the existing provision of signage and road markings associated with the Zebra crossing and safety zone are up to standard. The Department have advised the request for an assessment of the existing parking situation in the vicinity of the school and at Long Street and Easthorpe Road has been logged and will be investigated in due course It was reported a sign at the top of Gonerby Hill had been damaged. The Clerk will report to Fix My Street. A number of potholes were reported in the High Street, again will be reported to Fix My Street A discussion took place regarding speeding in the village and it was agreed to purchase an additional speed sign. Quotations will be requested and distributed to Councillors for consideration and acceptance as appropriate. 12. Notices of motions for future meetings. None. 13. Any Matters for Urgent Discussion It was mentioned that the Community Cleaner had been working additional hours due to the large amount of litter being generated in the village. It was discussed and acknowledged and was agreed an extra payment of £100 would be made to the Community Cleaner. There being no further business meeting Closed at 22:05 Flag Flying Days: 14th August V J Day (Victory in Japan) 3rd September Merchant Navy Day 11th September 9/11 Twin Towers (to be flown at half-mast) 15th September Battle of Britain Day

September 2020

GREAT GONERBY PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of the Meeting held on Monday 14th September at 7.30pm at the Memorial Hall Present: Cllr. Hutchinson Chairman, Cllr. J Thompson Vice Chairman, Cllr J Critchley, Cllr. H Fletcher, Cllr. A Mavros, Cllr. M Neal, Cllr M Neal, Cllr I Stokes and Cllr. A Maughan (LCC) There being a member of the public in attendance the Chairman opened the meeting by welcoming her and advising that 30 minutes is allocated to discuss concerns affecting the village. The member of the public wished to bring traffic and road conditions in the High Street to the attention of the Council. A traffic survey report was presented to the Councillors which indicated that there were a total of 2133 movements during three different hour periods. These numbers roughly correspond to a traffic survey undertaken about three years ago. The current survey is appended to these Minutes. The parishioner advised that the longest period without traffic movement was seven seconds. The parishioner also spoke of the state of the road and the poor standard of repairs undertaken. The LCC Councillor advised that he would look into this The Chairman advised the Parish Council are looking into the purchase of further speed signs to try and deter speeding cars. A discussion took place with regard to the construction of the Grantham by-pass and it was thought the new road should take some of the traffic away from the village, together with the whole of Grantham and in the long term things will get better. The Parishioner left the meeting at 19:55 having been thanked by the Chairman for her time and bringing the matter to the Parish Council’s attention. 1. Apologies for Absence: Cllr. A Critchley – Work Commitments Cllr K Davey – Family Commitment Apologies to be recorded only 2. Declarations of Interest/Dispensations None 3. Minutes Signed from Previous Meeting Minutes were duly signed by the Chairman with the following amendment Page 8- the date of V J Day (Victory in Japan) should read 14th August. 4. Matters Arising from Previous Minutes It was advised that the planting of the bulbs should be taking place in the next few weeks and Councillors were requested to volunteer to help with the planting. It was advised that a walk is to take place along Footpath 4 to establish the original route according to the definitive map. It was advised that the red sign at the top of Gonerby Hill has still not been fixed. The Clerk was asked to chase this up. 5. Official Correspondence and Circulation Letter received from Yorkshire Bank advising of changes to online banking for businesses. The Clerk was given authority to register for the new service at the appropriate time. Email received from Cllr Maughan with regard to a parcel of land adjacent to the A1/Toll Bar Road and rightful ownership. To be further investigated by LCC as land is thought to belong to them Updated Register of Electors received from SKDC Copy email correspondence to the police received from Cllr. Maughanto police with regard to anti-social behaviour in the village earlier in the summer. Correspondence received from Cllr. Maughan with regard to a highways survey to take place with regard to the upgrade of the Zebra cross in the village. Letter from Cllr Thompson received thanking the Parish Council for the glass gift recently presented in recognition of his 50 year’s service as a Parish Councillor. Letter attached to Minutes Email correspondence regarding wi-ifi at the Hall. It has been agreed that the Parish Council will pay a monthly fee of £5 for access to the wi-fi which is needed in connection with remote access to the new CCTV cameras. Email from Centrebus outlining new timetable for Route 24 starting 1st September. Timetable will be posted on Notice Board. Email from Zurich Insurance confirming the addition of the new CCTV cameras and bench . Email correspondence regarding delay to installation of new defibrillator at Church View. This is being monitored by the Clerk. 6 a) Bench for Pond Area - The Chairman advised that over 100 stones had now been collected following the end of Lockdown Rockdown. The Chairman is to liaise with parishioner who has been collecting the stones to take the project forward. b) Additional Speed Signs – The Chairman advised the cost involved to provide an additional sign for the village would be in the region of £4000 and after a discussion it was thought best to see if parishioners would be interested in speed watch system. The Clerk agreed to advertise for volunteers using a hand gun on Facebook , Parish Council Notice Board and Post Office to see if there are anyone would be willing to undertake this task and depending on outcome the purchase of an additional speed sign would be re-visited at a later dated as the purchase of this item was not in this year’s budget. c) Hill Top Terms and Conditions The Chairman reported following the last meeting when a Parishioner attended requesting an amendment to the Terms and Conditions regarding rooted plants a number of Councils had been contacted with the following outcome:- Parish Council Remarks Barrowby Parish Council Do not allow rooted plants. Allington Parish Council Do not allow rooted plants. Harlaxton Parish Council Do not look after any cemeteries Marston Parish Council Do not look after any cemeteries Barkston Parish Council Have a cemetery with two halves, the older half is allowed to have rooted plants but the new part not. Manthorpe and Belton Parish Council Do not allow rooted plants and also no artificial flowers Great Pontin Parish Council Do not look after any cemeteries It was unanimously agreed that the current Terms and Conditions should be enforced and therefore a letter would be written to the parishioner requesting removal of the plants. It was further agreed to adopt the additional sheet to be sign with regard to Terms and Conditions going forward so no purchasers understand what is required. It was further reported that there had been a breach with regard to the installation of a memorial in the last year. All parties have been informed and no further action is to be taken. 7. Poor Land Update The Chairman advised not a lot had happened as still trying to establish likely costs with regard to an eviction. He advised that the Charity would need financial assistance once costs were known. It was agreed that this would be considered once costs known. 8. Arrangements for Remembrance Sunday A discussion took place and it was agreed to approach the Church to establish arrangements for this year bearing in mind current Covid restrictions. 9. Confirmation of M L Hall as Internal Auditor It was agreed to ask Mr Hall to be our Internal Auditor again next year. 10. Financial Matters a) Accounts for Payment : The following accounts were presented for payment ACCOUNTS FOR PAYMENT SEPTEMBER 2020 PAYMENTS 03.07.20 J Thompson Plants for High Street and compost 38.99 06.07.20 Ryman Ink Cartridge for Computer 29.99 13.07.20 BDG Mowing 2 x Grass Cuts 2 x Weed Sprays 206.00 13.07.20 EnvironmentSK June Verge Cut 335.05 23.07.20 Amazon Ink Cartridge 27.90 23.07.20 Mrs J Walker Mileage 49.50 21.07.20 Cllr B Hutchinson Chairmans Allowance 550.00 23.07.20 P Eland Payment for extra work 100.00 27.07.20 Staff Salaries July staff salaries and computer 463.33 07.08.20 BDG Mowing 2x Grass Cutting 172.00 07.08.20 EnvironmentSK Verge Cutting x 1 335.05 25.08.20 Community Heartbeat New Defibrillator & Installation 2,140.00 25.08.20 Community Heartbeat Annual Support for New Defibrillator 162.00 25.08.20 South Notts Fabrications New Swing Gate for Hill Top Cemetery 720.00 27.08.20 Staff Salaries August staff salaries & computer 463.33 27.08.20 Ladywell Accountancy Services PAYE Service 2020-21 69.00 04.09.20 BDG Mowing 2 x Grass Cuttings 172.00 RECEIPTS 31.07.20 Yorkshire Bank Term Deposit Interest 12.04 31.08.20 Yorkshire Bank Term Deposit Interest 07.09.20 G H Linnell Plot Fees - Plot C9 Birch 110.00 TRANSFERS 07.08.20 Deposit Account Current Account £ 1,000.00 26.08.20 Deposit Account Current Account £ 3,000.00 09.09.20 Deposit Account Expenses £ 100.00 14.09.20 Deposit Account Current Account £ 2,000.00 All the above were unanimously agreed proposed by Cllr. Thompson, seconded by Cllr. Critchley. b) Year to Date Budget Report : The Clerk presented the following report:- We are now nearing the end of our second quarter, the budget looks good. Hall rent paid in the sum of £220 Office costs running well within budget, Donations are showing an excess due to £500 grant received from LCC for help during Covid lockdown. Insurance costs slightly in excess of budget by £30 Audit fees paid to Malcolm Hall, PK Littlejohn invoice not received as yet. No training expenses Expenses are running within budget. Maintenance costs are running within budget Turning to extra expenditure outside the budget for this year the following have been agreed:- Installation of CCTV Camera at Hill Top £2000 New Defibrillator at Church View£2250 Speed Sign – costs to be established. Burial Income is slightly in excess of budget Followed by an emergency report as follows:- Due to additional expenditure during the first half of this year, the Clerk advised of a cash flow problem until the middle of October when the next half year precept is paid. The Clerk requested authorisation to request an overdraft of £5000 for approximately 7 days at the beginning of October to enable the loan repayment to be met. Alternatively a request to the loan board to delay payment date for 7 days. The loan repayment is due on the7th October and SKDC usually pay the half year precept around the 8t October. The Clerk advised she had spoken to Yorkshire Bank who advised it is not possible to withdraw funds from the 95 Day Business account. The above request was discussed and different ways of solving the problem discussed. The Clerk agreed to make further enquiries of Yorkshire Bank and report back. With regard to the additional defibrillator unit to go at Church View, progress is slow. Unfortunately in retrospect it has been advised that there may be a grant available for this purchase, the Clerk to pursue this. c) External Auditor Report – The Clerk advised this has not yet been received. 11. Advisory Groups a) Planning – The following were presented to the meeting:- PLANNING APPLICATIONS S20/1152 Longhurst & Havelok Homes Ltd Land off Easthorpe Road Section 73 Application to vary Condition 2 (approved plans) and 8 (pedestrian footway) of planning permission S19/1138 PL/0081/20 Development to vary condition 2 and 7 of Planning Permission Ref: s37/1976/16 To reflect proposed amendments to the site landscape planting scheme S20/1255 Mr R Mawson The Old Barn, Pond Street Trees in CA – Section 211 Notice Felling due to proximity of structure S20/1329 Mr and Mrs Fowler Birch 33 Belvoir Gardens Proposed single storey extensions to side and rear of existing dwelling, incorporating existing garage. S20/1304 Mr T Whitford Corrie House, 56 Green Street Proposed 2 No. Bungalows. S20/1401 Miss L Parkhouse 26 Covill Close Single storey extension to front of existing dwelling. PLANNING PERMISSION GRANTED S20/0886 Mr C Harvey 2 Long Street Single storey and rear extension S20/0918 Mr and Mrs R Thompson 6 Woffindin Close Rear extension to bungalow S20/0942 Mr G Thomas 36 Long Street Internal alterations and widening of vehicular access S20/1102 Grantham Solar Farm Ltd Approval of Non-material amendments To provide additional security/CCTV coverage of solar array. S19/0735 Toll Bar Service Station Erection of a coffee shop with drive-through, car parking, landscaping and associated works. S20/1053 36 Long Street – Listed Building Consent Internal alterations including insertion and alteration of partion walling. Insertion of roof light. S20/0974 25 Pond Street Barn Conversion to one residential dwelling and erection of one bungalow S20/1226 Land rear of 3 Long Street Non material amendment for the omission of arched brick header to windows and doors and replacement with brick soldier course headers. S20/1255 The Old Barn, Pond Street 1nr Cyprus Fir – felling due to proximity of structure. REFUSAL S20/0667 Mr L Borrett 44 Manor Drive, Great Gonerby Removal of existing outhouse on the property and replacement with single storey garage to the side. b) Amenity Areas: Street Art - Cllr Thompson advised the murals had been renovated and all was good. It was agreed that a payment of £100 would be made for the work involved towards the restoration. Initially a £200 SKDC Councillor allowance monies had been offered to the Parish Council for this project and it was agreed the height of the wall could be raised using the other £100. All Councillors in favour of the Street Art project going ahead. It was further advised that the watering pump used for the High Street planters needed a back-up and it was agreed to purchase a new cordless pump at a cost of £100. This expenditure is also being covered by SKDC Councillor’s allowance monies. All councillors were in favour of the purchase. Proposed Cllr. Fletcher and seconded by Cllr. I Stokes. c) Highways – Highways England have given notice of a survey to take place over night 19/20th October with full closure of south bound carriageway. LCC have acknowledged request to cut back bushes and greenery on Grantham Hill. The Chairman spoke of an idea of installing white gates on entrances to the village, another measure to control traffic. It was agreed that this is something that could be looked at when setting next year’s budget. It was reported that the repair to the bridge over the railway line at the bottom of Gonerby Hill was not up to standard and enforcements should be installed to prevent a vehicle landing up on the railway line. Councillors were informed recent travellers in the area had left behind a lot of mess at the foot of Gonerby Hill and also two dilapidated caravans. It was thought the resulting problems would be the responsibility of the landowner to clear up. Cllr. Stokes agreed to make enquiries with SKDC to see if the travellers could be tracked. Cllr Stokes spoke of the problem of cars parking on the bank opposite the Memorial Hall on football match days. A discussion followed regarding placing a white post and chain fence on the area. Councillor Maughan agreed to approach Highways to seek agreement. Width sign at the bottom of Belton Lane has been damaged and will be reported to Highways. 12. Notice of Motions for Future Meetings It was requested the November Parish Council Meeting is held using the Zoom remote facility rather than to meet physically. This was agreed and the Clerk was asked to arrange to set up an account with Zoom. Link in details will be circulated to all Councillors and members of the Public. There being no further business the meeting closed at 21:55 Flag Flying Days: October 1st Lincolnshire Day October 21st Trafalgar Day 11th November Remembrance Day 10th November Remembrance Sunday 14th November Birthday of Prince of Wales 20th November Anniversary of Queen Elizabeth II Wedding Day

November 2020

GREAT GONERBY PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of the Meeting held on Tuesday 3rd November at 7.30pm via Zoom Present: Cllr. Hutchinson Chairman, Cllr. J Thompson Vice Chairman, Cllr. A Critchley, Cllr. H Fletcher, Cllr. K Davey, Cllr. M Neal, and Cllr I Stokes There being a member of the public in attendance the Chairman opened the meeting by welcoming him and advising he had a maximum of 30 minutes to address to Council. The member of public wanted to bring the Parish Council up to date with his posting on Facebook with regard to the Terms and Conditions at Hill Top Cemetery. He was made aware that the Parish Council had seen the comments and he was advised the derogatory statements had not been well received. A long discussion took place during which it was acknowledge the Terms and Conditions needed to be in place but the Parish Council were asked not to enforce the rules in certain cases and overlook any infringements. This request was deemed unworkable. The Parishioner requested a village poll on the subject but this was not agreed to. The parishioner was reminded the Parish Council do not want to cause upset and had tried repeatedly to negotiate a resolution and had not rushed to enforce the rules. The Chairman advised the rules had been set up after many discussions with other Parish Councils about graveyards long before Hill Top Cemetery was built. The Parishioner was reminded that every meeting is minuted and members of the public are welcome to every meeting. The Parish Council has always been above board and transparent. At the end of the 30 minutes Forum the Parishioner was advised that he could stay for the rest of the meeting but he could not speak any further, unless invited to do so. 1, Apologies for Absence Cllr. J Critchlely – Work Commitments and Cllr. A Maughan – Work Commitments It was advised during the meeting that Cllrs. Mavros and Plant had computer technical problems and had been unable to join the meeting. 2. Declarations of Interest/Dispensations Cllr. Thompson declared in interest in the Accounts having been repaid for items purchased for the planters in the High Street. Cllr. Thompson also declared an interest in the proposed Solar Farm as cables will have to cross his land. 3. Minutes Signed from Previous Meeting Minutes were duly signed by the Chairman with the following amendments:- Page 2 – Item 6B should read… The Clerk agreed to advertise for volunteers to take part in the Speed Watch using a hand held speed gun. 4. Matters Arising:- Hill Top Terms and Conditions:- The Chairman read a letter from the parents of the Parishioner requesting amendments supporting his request. The Chairman reiterated that for the Terms and Conditions to remain unchanged but not enforced was unworkable. A discussion took place and it was agreed that owners cannot pick and choose which parts of the cemetery they maintain. Rules must be adhered to and enforced at all times. The vice chairman spoke of the initial opposition to setting up the cemetery on Belton Lane and not near the church but no land was available near the Church. Chairman spoke of the Parishioner violating the rules before requesting an amendment and the resulting comments on Facebook which are out of order as villagers had not heard the other side of story. In the past there has been very little interest from the village in the activities of the Parish Council and their Councillors who always do their best to serve the community. Cllr. Neal requested that the matter was depersonalised and asked if there was any way we could show some compassion. This was supported. It is fully accepted that the village needs a cemetery and it was acknowledged that the parishioner is still grieving for his son and compassion needed to be shown. The meeting was reminded that Councillors represent the people and perhaps the way forward was to put a consultation out to the village regarding the matter. A vote then took place on whether or not to change the Rules:- Four Councillors voted for the rules to remain unchanged and three Councillors voted for changes to be made. The resolution for the rules to remain unchanged was carried by majority of four to three. It was immediately requested that the Parish Council give thought to carrying out a survey of the village to see if there is any interest in amending the rules. This request was not agreed as a survey should only be used to gather agreement for major village changes. A further suggestion was put to the Council by the Chairman in as much as the Parish Council looks at ways to grant a Lease/Licence to allow a half metre square flower bed in front of headstone and to charge a one off fee in case the plot is not maintained and needs to be restored to original grass. This suggestion was seconded by Cllr. Critchley and Cllrs Davey, Fletcher, Neal and Thompson were also in support. One abstention. The Chairman agreed to draw up the necessary documentation to be circulated before the next meeting to all Councillors and the Parishioner and to be discussed at the next Parish Council Meeting in January for consideration. The Chairman advised that the rooted plants can remain in situ until after the January meeting. The Heartbeat defibrillator is now in situ at Church View . Cllr. Stokes enquired if the half year precept had been received in time to meet the loan repayment due at the beginning of January. Confirmation was given that this was the case. 5. Correspondence and Circulation The Chairman read out an email from Ian Hammond in which he tendered his resignation as a councillor due to work commitments. Cllr .Maughan had emailed his report as follows:- COVID-19 - infection rates in Lincolnshire remain below the national average. Public Health officials at LCC expect the lockdown to have a more positive impact on our area than others, due to the low starting base. Updates on the situation in Lincolnshire are published regularly on the council website. Support for businesses - we understand grants will be made available for businesses who are forced to close through the lockdown. This will be distributed by local councils and based on rateable value. Local councils will also receive funding to award businesses on a discretionary basis. Further guidance on this to follow from the Government. Grantham bypass - progress with phase 2 continues and is on track for completion in Autumn 2021. This phase links the B1174 roundabout to the A1 trunk road. Preparatory works for the final phase, linking the B1174 to Somerby Hill, have begun this summer too. The scheme as a whole is on track and funded for completion over the next three years. A1 Road Safety - thank you to Blake and Jeff for attending the meeting I organised with Highways England. It was a disappointing meeting, HE officials seemed disinterested and unprepared at best. I have a zoom meeting this afternoon with Dr Caroline Johnson MP to escalate these issues further and gain her support and influence at a higher level. I will update you on this after the meeting. Agri-Food Sector - Greater Lincolnshire was one of 19 projects nationally awarded Government funding to attract overseas investment in our growing agri-food sector. We will be working with the Department for International Trade to promote the automation and innovation being developed here in Lincolnshire. Home to School Transport - most issues seem to be resolved swiftly with the county council procuring extra buses where required for school children. If you become aware of any issues please contact me directly so I can get these resolved. Council budget - we remain on track to balance our budget in 2020/21 provided Government COVID support remains at current levels. We have been provided with significant additional funding to protect services and provide support for vulnerable people in the county. I have sent Janet specifically covering the support for children and families. In 2021/22 we will only be able to set a one year budget due to the ongoing fairer funding campaign which Government has still not resolved. We have asked for our local MPs to support us in lobbying for a change to the funding formula that Cllr. Stokes advised that he also attended to A1 meeting and agreed that Highways England were hopeless. Letter received from Yorkshire Bank advising of changes to on line Banking service from Business On Line to Business Internet Banking (BIB). It was agreed the new Terms and Conditions would be adopted, proposed by the Chairman and all in favour. The Chairman reminded Councillors that all transactions are endorsed by a second signatory on the account either himself or Cllr. Thompson. Cllr. Maughan has sent an email giving details of Lincolnshire support for children and families. The Chairman asked for authorisation for a letter to be sent to Yorkshire Bank giving notice to close the 95 Day Notice Business Account and for the funds to be transferred to a new Easy Access Deposit Account. This new Deposit account will need two signatories to authorise any withdrawals. This move will prevent any further cash flow problems. Proposed Cllr. Hutchinson and unanimously agreed Letter received from Finding Fitness which has been passed to SKDC. Letter received from Instinctif inviting Councillors to attend an on line Q & A with regard to the proposed solar installation on land near Cliff Lane, Marston. Email received from LCC with regard to NHS Test and Trace app launch. 6. Clerk and Members to report back on matters outstanding Bench for Pond area: The Chairman advised that the stones were yet to be delivered to him and once these were received, he would be able to determine the size of bench required. The Chairman envisaged that the bench would be ready late Spring/early summer. Cllr. Fletcher offered to collect the stones. Speed Watch Scheme: The clerk advised there were seven participants willing to take part in the scheme, the cost of which is as follows:- Speed Gun £240.00 Hi-Viz Vest x 7 £ 70.00 Licence £40.00 Total £350.00 Cllr. Fletcher proposed joining the Official Speed Watch scheme, seconded by Cllr. Davey. Agreed unanimously. The Clerk will place the necessary order. Active Speed Signs: It was agreed to put this project on hold for the time being White Gates: The chairman advised that the cost of 6 white gates about 1 ½ metre wide would be £4000 and it was agreed that this project would be put in the budget for next year. 7. Dates of Meetings for 2021 It was agreed to hold meetings every other month on the First Tuesday in January, March, May, July, September and November. Dates circulated to all Councillors. Cllr Thompson advised that the Hall Hire fee is to be reduced to £100 from January 2021. 8. Review of Disciplinary & Grievance Procedures, Freedom of Information Scheme, Data Protection and Complaints Procedures All of the above were rolled over with no changes. The Clerk also asked the Councillors to approve three new policies ie. Communications Policy, Complaints Policy and Media Policy which need to go on the new web site. The three documents were approved unopposed for inclusion on the web site. 9. Poor Land Update The Chairman advised that he had had a good meeting with Martin Herbert of Browns &Co with regards to the Poor Land. Browns have agreed to deal with the matter on behalf of the Poor Lands Charity, dealing with the eviction of the tenant, proposed sale and liaising with the Charity Commission. They are prepared to act on a deferred payment basis. Cllr. Thompson congratulated the Chairman for his input and achieving a way forward. The Chairman explained to the villager in attendance the reasons for the proposed sale and how the resultant money would be handled. He was clear that any proceeds must be kept in a trust agreed by the Charity Commission and they cannot ever be spent. The interest resulting from the monies in trust can then be distributed to the “Poor of the village” and the Charity Commission will help defining how that can be achieved. 10. Financial Matters a) Quarterly Summary of Accounts to 30th September 2020 – the spreadsheet showing the summary had been distributed to all Councillors prior to the meeting and no questions were raised. The Clerk’s Budget Report had also been distributed and no questions were forthcoming. Both documents attached to Minutes. b) Budget Setting for 2021/2 The Chairman proposed the inclusion of new White Gates for the village to be included in the Budget, however, a discussion followed as a couple of Councillors said the money would be better spent on the provision of dog waste bins. Cllr. Stokes agreed to speak to SKDC about the provision of bins and report back. The Clerk was requested to investigate and establish costs. White Gates would benefit the whole village and hopefully improve safety and reduce speed. They would also improve the visual look of the village on entry. It was agreed that other options for white gates could be looked at and it was unanimously agreed that something would be done. Proposed by Cllr. Critchley and seconded by Cllr. Davey. A discussion took place about the provision of the cost of £4000, as the proposed budget only allowed for £2000 expenditure. It was decided to leave the budget as it is and use some of the reserves for the balance if required. Cllr. Davey produced costs for the picnic bench to be sited on the field near Millennium Wood, but it was agreed to defer this for this time being due to Covid restrictions. The matter will be on the Agenda again next year for discussion. c) Accounts for Payment PAYMENTS 09.09.20Safety Signs 4 LessCCTV Signs for Hill Top87.12 10.09.20EnvironmentSK1 x Verge Cut August335.05 14.09.20Rob Plant GardeningMaintenance at St Sebasitian's180.00 17.09.20Post Office1st and Second Class Stamps16.92 23.09.20All SecureCCTV Cameras at Hill Top2,349.84 27.09.20Staff SalariesSeptember wages and computer463.53 26.09.20WickesCompost for Charlie's Planters4.00 26.09.20Oldrids & DowntownPansies for Charlie's Planters7.98 27.09.20WickesCompost for Charlie's Planters4.00 01.10.20HM Revenue & CustomsTax Payment334.60 01.10.20Anthony JacksonReplace 8 posts on pinfold and green. Repaint posts427.00 01.10.20M D PrintingAppendix to Burial Terms & Conditions33.60 07.10.20PWLBLoan Repayment4,923.67 07.10.20EnvironmentSK1 x Verge Cut - September335.05 07.10.20BDG Mowing2 x Grass Cuttings, 2 x Weed control292.00 07.10.20Great Gonerby Memorial Hall3 x Wi-fi (£5.00 per month)15.00 08.10.20J WalkerLarge Stamp and A4 Enevelopes7.14 12.10.20LALCZoom Subscription 60.00 13.10.20Poppy ShopWreath for 75th Remembrance Sunday22.98 27.10.20Staff SalariesOctober wages and computer518.63 RECEIPTS 22.09.20Yorkshire BankCompensation40.00 29.09.20Price & Son FuneralsCemetery Fees - Spearman Plot T11100.00 30.09.20Yorkshire BankDeposit Account Interest0.15 30.09.20Yorkshire BankTerm Deposit Interest12.09 02.10.20SKDCHalf Year Precept14,418.00 23.10.20SKDCCommunity Cleaner Grant680.16 The spreadsheet of Accounts for payment had been circulated prior to meeting and all in favour of payment. Two new Payees were authorised M D Printing and All Secure Services. d) Acceptance for Grass, Hedge Cutting and Weed Spraying. The Chairman advised that quotes had been received from BDG Mowing and EnvironmentSK. After a discussion is was agreed Grass Mowing at St Sebastian’s and Hill Top Cemetery would be awarded to BDG Mowing. Hedge Cutting and Weed Spraying would be awarded to Environment SK. e) Budget Loan Repayments No changes to be made. f) External Audit Report External Audit Report received from PJK Littlejohn. Section 1 and 2 were in accordance with proper practices and gave no cause for concern. However, the AGAR had to be returned as not completed accurately before submission. 11. Advisory Groups a) Planning Applications S20/1485 Mr Paul Corner Moto Service Area, Old Great North Road., Great Gonerby Expansion of the existing HGV parking to form an additional 40 spaces, in two areas of undeveloped site. S20/1664 Mr L Borrett 44 Manor Drive, Great Gonerby To take down the existing out house and replace it with a single storey garage to the side of the property. GRANTED S201329 Mr and Mrs Fowler-Birch 33 Belvoir Gardens, Great Gonerby Single storey extensions to side and rear of existing dwelling, incorporating existing garage. S20/1401 Miss L Parkhouse 26 Covill Close, Great Gonerby Proposed single storey extension to front of existing dwelling. S20/1304 Mr Whitford - Corrie House, 56 Green Street - 2 x Bungalows. b) The Environment Picnic Bench proposal was discussed under Budget setting. Cllr Thompson advised that there was a problem getting the planters removed from the High Street due to social distancing. The Clerk advised she had written to owners thanking them. It was advised there are some broken stiles on the footpath to Barkston. Clerk agreed to report to LCC Footpaths. c) Amenity Areas It was agreed the Christmas Tree would be in situ from 1st December to 5th January 2021 and a payment of £35 made for use of electricity. d) Highway Matters The cleaning of Kelham Road bus shelter would be deferred until summer 2021 as only just been cleaned. The Wooden bus shelter on Grantham Road is in need of wood preservative and the Clerk will arrange for this work to be carried out by Tony Jackson. It was also reported that the vegetation has been removed from the vicinity of the bus shelter. Email received from Richard Waters re the Moor Farm Railway Bridge informing that although bridge is responsibility of LCC, they have denied responsibility of adjacent wooden fence and advised LCC are in discussions with Network Rail with regard to a solution. Fix My Street have confirmed that a new sign is to be erected at the top of Grantham Hill. Cllr Maughan sent a copy email with regard to land encroachment at Toll Bar Road at Marston. Cllr Maughan provided copy email from Shaun Butcher with regard to the state of the B1174 High Street advising the stretch of road is inspected on a monthly basis and will be assessed for works required but no timescale given. Highways England have written giving notice of carrying out essential carriageway maintenance on the A1 between A46 Newark Junction to Stamford starting Monday 9th November and due for completion by late February. 12. Web Site – The clerk advised there had been a need to amend the new web site contents due to change of requirements by LCC which had now been carried out. The web site is due to go live in December. 13. Notice of motions for future meetings – None given. 14. Any matters for Urgent Discussion – None 15. Staffing Matters – Recorded confidentially separately. There being no further Business the meeting closed at 22.15. MEETING DATES FOR 2021 5th JANUARY 2021 7.30 PM Zoom Meeting (Anyone wishing to attend, please contact the Clerk). 2nd MARCH 2021 7.30 PM 4th MAY 2021 7.00PM ANNUAL PARISH MEETING 4th MAY 2021 7.30 PM 6th JULY 20121 7.30 PM 7th SEPTEMBER 2021 7.30 PM 2nd NOVEMBER 2021 7.30 PM Please note the above dates are subject to change QUARTERLY SUMMARY OF ACCOUNTS AS AT 31.09.20 Balance B/F £39,429.86Payments £23,136.32 Receipts £19,641.46Balance c/f £35,935.00 Total £59,071.32Total £59,071.32 Balance c/f as per Bank Statements: Uncleared Cheques Current Account £6,586.58 EnvironmentSK £335.05 - Uncleared Cheques £2,684.89 AllSecure £2,349.84 * Uncleared Payments £0.00 Total £2,684.89 Total Current Account £3,901.69 Deposit Account £1,795.80 Term Deposit Account £30,201.10 Petty Cash Account £36.41 Balance c/f £35,935.00 Clerk’s Budget Report: As at the end of Quarter 2, I can advise the following:- Expenditure: Hall rent has been paid in the sum of £220 Office costs running well within budget, £200 spent against a budget of £500 Subscriptions showing a slight excess this year due to LALC increase. Donations are showing an excess due to £500 grant received from LCC for help during Covid lockdown. Insurance costs slightly in excess of budget by £30. Audit fees paid to Malcolm Hall, PK Littlejohn invoice not received as yet. No training expenses Expenses are running within budget but may show a slight excess at the end of the year due to agreed increase in Chairman’s Allowance. Other payments which includes Loan repayments, general maintenance and repairs to village clock, should they be needed, will be in excess at the end of the year due to additional expenditure agreed for the new defibrillator in the sum of £2250 and new CCTV cameras at Hill Top in the sum of £2350. Maintenance costs are running within budget having spent £7523 against a budget of 10,713 and I am confident the end of year figures will be within budget. Income: Burial Income is slightly in excess of budget It has been noted that the wood on the Grantham Road Bus Shelter could do with some preservative, but not urgent – to be included in next year’s budget or work to be carried out now? Turning Now to the Budget for 2021/22 Overall I have allowed for a 3% increase in prices. I have included the cost of the Speed camera and also the provision of white gates for the village. Other than that there is no other predicted one off expenditure as a lot of work was carried out during 2020/21. You will see there is £1443 in reserves for maintenance costs for the defibrillator, this sum will cover both units for 3 years at which time a further sum will be added to reserves to pay maintenance going forward.

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