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Council Minutes - 2023

January 2023

GREAT GONERBY PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of the Meeting held on Monday 16th January 2023 At the Memorial Hall, Belton Lane, Great Gonerby Present: Cllr. Hutchinson Chairman, Cllr. H Fletcher Vice Chairman, Cllr. T Bridle, Cllr A Critchley, Cllr. C Cundall, Cllr. K Davey, Cllr A Mavros and Cllr. M Neal. Cllr. A Maughan (LCC) There were several members of the public in attendance having been made aware that the Senior Neighbourhoods Officer from SKDC would be attending the meeting to explain what can and what cannot be done with regard to dog fouling. The Officer advised that dog fouling is a criminal offence but in order to prosecute there needs to be clear evidence of the perpetrator and dog involved. The meeting was advised of the installation of ad hoc signs in the village and arrangements have been made to patrol hot spots throughout all of SKDC district including Great Gonerby village. The chairman is to provide a map for this purpose. A long discussion took place the outcome of which is that the Neighbourhoods Officer will let the Clerk have clear guidelines on procedures before prosecutions can take place. This guideline will be made public on Facebook when received. 1. Apologies for Absence: No apologies received. 2. Co-option of New Councillors The Chairman confirmed the resignation of Matthew Davey-Dunderdale. A letter of thanks for his time as a Parish Council had been sent. There being two candidates for the two vacancies in respect of the resignations of Rob Plant and Matthew Davey-Dunderdale, no co-option procedures were necessary. Virginia Beckett and Mark Selby were duly welcomed as Parish Councillors. 3. Declarations of Interest/Dispensations There were no declarations of Interest or Dispensations. All Parish Councillors were asked to confirm that there had been no changes to their declarations. No changes were reported. 4. Minutes signed from previous meeting The Minutes of the meeting held on the 9th November 2022 were duly agreed and accepted as a true record. Proposed by Cllr. Neal and seconded by Cllr. Davey. 5. Matters Arising from Previous Minutes None 6. Proposal from Memorial Hall Trustees to amend Terms of Lease The Chairman of the Memorial Hall Trustees gave a resume of the background to the reasons for the request to change the terms of the lease in as much as the Parish Council would take responsibility for the maintenance of the play area suggesting a working party is formed to sort out the envisaged problems going forward. A long discussion took place the outcome of which was the Chairman of the Parish Council thought the Memorial Hall Trustees are in a stable financial position to fulfil the terms of the Lease. Therefore, no changes to the terms of the Lease were agreed. The Chairman of the Parish Council reiterated if the Trustees of the Memorial Hall at any time found themselves in financial difficulties, the Parish Council would assist. It was agreed to form a working party with the Memorial Hall and three Parish Councillors agreed to meet with three Trustees from the Memorial Hall on a regular basis. 7. Official Correspondence & Circulation Email from Cllr Maughan regarding the Highways Volunteer Schemes for 2023/24 Email from Villager with regard to dog fouling Lincolnshire CC Update received from Cllr. Maughan. Cllr Maughan ran through the update explaining Budget and Precept setting needed to bear in mind the extra finances needed by Children Services and Adult Services and the rise in the rate of the Living Wage. Cllr Maughan advised that following a site visit with Highways the High Street Puffin Crossing has been given the go ahead to commence in Spring 2024. Further details will be made available in due course. Email received with update with regard to Footpath No.4, The Sir Thomas White’s Charity having been approach to be become involved. Email from SKDC giving details of the consultation and questions asked which had been sent to selected residents in respect of the Community Governance Review. Email received to advise PKF Littlejohn have been re-appointed External Auditors for the next five years. Email from Mr Thompson with regard to the Parish Bier. Mr Thompson advised he is renovating the bier and is then going to offer it to the Church as a potable table. This suggestion was unanimously agreed by the Parish Councillors. Email from LCC with regard to the Grantham Transport Strategy to be implemented over the next 15 years. Two Notifications from SKDC regarding updates to the Electoral Register Clerks & Councils Direct was circulated. 7a) Request received from villager for the Parish Council to sponsor the hire of a room for a Frist Aid Training Course. A discussion took place and the request was turned down by the Councillors. 7b) A Company called had approached the Parish Council to ascertain if electric charge points could be installed in the village. A site visit was arranged with the Company and the only suitable option was for the charge points to be installed at Hill Top Cemetery car park. A discussion took place, the outcome of which was the request was not agreed. 8. Clerk and Members to report back on Matters Outstanding a) The Chairman advised that he had been in contact with Roll and Scroll with regard to resin that needs to be purchased to complete the bench project. Depending on how much resin is needed, the further cost could be in the region of £1200. The Chairman is liaising with Roll and Scroll to try and contain the further expenses as much as possible. b) The village signs are now complete. The Chairman is to make contact with the installers to get the project completed. 9. Representation on Social Media Cllr. Austen advised the Parish Council had no presence on Social Media suggesting it could be away of turning village negativity about the Parish Council into positivity. It was thought it might be beneficial to be more open about what the Parish Council does. A discussion took place as to whether to have the Parish Council’s own Facebook page or use the village Facebook page. Cllr. Austen agreed to take this forward. 10. Poor Land Update The Chairman advised the Termination Notice had been served on the tenant who now has until the end of the year to vacate the land. 11. Financial Matters a) Quarterly Summary of Accounts and Budget Report up to 31st December 2022 At the end of Quarter the Clerk was pleased to report the Bank balances were all reconciled with the accounts. Bank Balances as the end of Quarter 3 were:- Current Account £1,055.87 Expenses Account £76.47 Deposit Account £9,390.80 95 Day Deposit Account £30,622.94 30 Day Notice Deposit Account (Social Committee) £2,296.00 Reconciliation Accounts to the end of Quarter 3 were duly reconciled and agreed. b) Accounts for Payment The following Accounts were presented for payment:- ACCOUNTS FOR PAYMENT 10.11.22 EnvironmentSK Hedge Cutting Grantham Road, St Sebastian's Church, Hill Top Cemetery and Grantham Hill 1,806.18 10.11.22 BDG Mowing Grass Cutting x 2, Weed control x 2 & verge cutting x 1 613.00 24.11.22 Syston Doors Repair to High Street Bus shelter shutter 276.00 24.11.22 Cloud Next Ltd Purchase of .gov domain 132.00 24.11.22 Cloud Next Ltd Hosting .gov domain 59.98 25.11.22 Staff Salaries November staff salaries and computer 776.31 25.11.22 Marks & Spencer Christmas Gift Card for Pat Eland 25.00 30.11.22 Clean my Windows Kelham Road Bus Shelter Clean 25.00 06.12.22 Post Office Ltd 8 x 2nd Class Stamps 5.44 08.12.22 Bd & A Smith Memorial Hall Playground Removal of old tiles and install of new tiles and reinstate base edges 6,039.60 09.12.22 Anthony Jackson Re-instate white post and chain due to accident damage and take down planters 235.00 13.12.22 Ryman Stationery USB for New Councillor 6.30 23.12.22 Staff Salaries December Staff salaries and computer 776.11 28.12.22 Anthony Jackson Repairs to Hill Top Cemetery Fence 200.00 RECEIPTS 02.11.22 Virgin Money Cashback on Expenses account 0.10 08.11.22 SKDC Community Cleaner Grant 694.98 30.11.22 Virgin Money Interest on 95 Day Deposit Account 40.16 30.11.22 Virgin Money Interest on 30 Day Deposit Account 2.26 02.12.22 Virgin Money Cashback on Expenses account 0.09 09.12.22 Robert Holland Interment Fees at St Sebastian's - Adcock Plot 1J 113.00 21.12.22 Memorial Hall Repayment for installation of mats at the Memorial Hall playground 5,033.00 31.12.22 Virgin Money Interest on 95 Day Deposit Account 41.56 31.12.22 Virgin Money Interest on 30 Day Deposit Account 2.34 31.12.22 Virgin Money Interest on Deposit Account 5.87 All the above were duly authorise for payment. Proposed by Cllr. Neal and seconded by Cllr. Fletcher c) Agree Budget for 2023/24 Following the meeting in November, the revised Budget was circulated to all Parish Councillors and agreed via email therefore, the Precept request has remained unchanged at £28,836. Precept Request signed for forwarding to SKDC. 12. Advisory Groups a) Planning APPLICATIONS S22/2441 Mr and Mrs Ramsey 7 Goodman Close, Great Gonerby Removal of conservatory and proposed single storey extension to rear. APPROVED S22/1942 Mr Moore 21 Manor Drive, Great Gonerby Proposed single storey extensions to front and rear of existing dwelling. S22/1979 Mr S Mathie Moto Service Area, Old Great North Road Installation of a pre-fabricated changing places assisted disabled changing facility on the hardstanding area to the side of the existing amenity building access lobby. S22/2113 Mr I Reilly Land to the North of Longcliffe Road, Grantham Submission of details reserved to Condition 13 (Written Scheme of Investigation) of planning permission S15/3189 S22/1846 Lightsource SPV 187 Ltd Land at Gonerby Moor, Great Gonerby Installation of battery storage and associated infrastructure Screening Opinion S22/1960 Hannah Tidd Land South of Green Lane and West of Cliff Lane, Gonerby Moor, Grantham Request for an EIA Screening Opinion for the installation and operation of a Solar Farm with electrical substation and associated infrastructure. Assessment is not required REFUSAL Ms A Samuel 1 Grantham Road, Great Gonerby Erection of single storey dwelling. Mr D Le Hair 9 Newark Hill, Great Gonerby Non-material amendment to add window to gable end of barn b) Environment Cllr Fletcher advised that the fence at Hill Top had been repaired. IN discussion with Tony Jackson it has been agreed to let the hedge grow and in future not repair the wooden fencing. Minor repairs have been carried out to the sign on the green. Cllr. Fletcher advised it is going to be necessary to replace the plants in Charlie’s planters in the Spring. c) Amenity Areas – Review of Burial Ground Fees It was agreed to leave the fees unchanged at both Hill Top Cemetery and St Sebastian’s this year. d) Highways Email correspondence from Cllr Maughan with regard to Belvoir Garden Footpaths advising resurfacing works are scheduled for 2024. Email correspondence from Allison Homes with regard to Manthorpe Planning Application and the possible installation of traffic lights at the end of Belton Lane/B1174. Cllr. Maughan advised it was unlikely that permission would be granted for the traffic lights due to site difficulties. e) Social Committee – Coronation Weekend Arrangements It was agreed the Parish Council were in favour of the Social Committee arranging a social event to celebrate the King’s Coronation as long as the Social Committee kept their expenditure within available finances. 13. Staffing Matters Set Appraisal dates for February The Chairman advised he would contact the two employees to arrange convenient dates. 14. Notice of motions for future meetings None raised. 15. Any Matters for urgent discussion The Chairman thought it might be a good idea to review meeting times. The Clerk agreed to email Councillors for their suggestions. There being no further business the meeting closed at 10.20 pm.

March 2023

GREAT GONERBY PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of the Meeting held on Monday 20th March 2023 At the Memorial Hall, Belton Lane, Great Gonerby Present: Cllr. Hutchinson Chairman, Cllr. H Fletcher Vice Chairman, Cllr. E Austen, Cllr. V Beckett, Cllr. T Bridle, Cllr A Critchley, Cllr. C Cundall, Cllr. K Davey, Cllr A Mavros, Cllr. M Neal and Cllr. M Selby 1. Apologies for Absence: Cllr. A Maughan 2. Declarations of Interest/Dispensations Cllr. Critchley declared an interest in Planning Consent No. S22/2155. 3. Minutes signed from previous meeting The Minutes of the meeting held on the 16th January were duly agreed and accepted as a true record. Proposed by Cllr. Fletcher and seconded by Cllr. Beckett. 4. Clerk and members to report bank on matters outstanding A discussion took place with regard to the Parish Council’s involvement with Social Media and also the website. It was acknowledged that social media is for informing of upcoming and events and the website for permanent information relating to the village. It was agreed that Facebook is the most popular platform and it was therefore agreed to set up a private Parish Council Group on Facebook with links will be provided to the website and village group on Facebook. A working party is to get the Group up and running. A discussion took place with regard to Agendas and frequency of Parish Meetings. It was agreed with the Clerk to move renewal of Policies away from lengthy financial meetings. With regard to frequency of meetings it was agreed to hold an extra meeting in June this year. The Clerk agreed to arrange an extra date. Cllr. Davey advised of a change of name for the “Social Group” to “Great Gonerby Events Group”. She advised all volunteers involved with the Events Group had requested to remain affiliated to the Parish Council. A discussion took place and it was agreed the “Events Group” would become a working group of the Parish Council. With regard to finances it was agreed all financial transactions will be carried out by the Clerk. Funds will continue to be held in a separate deposit account. It was also request all event proposals should be discussed and agreed by the Parish Council. Cllr. Davey advised of the plan to hold a car boot sale in July. A costed proposal for the event was requested. It was confirmed the Group will be covered by the Parish Council Public Liability Insurance. 5. Official Correspondence and Circulation Mr Thompson advised that he was unable to attend meeting but wanted to advise that the renovations to the Bier are now complete and he will bring the bier to the Annual Parish Meeting in May. Mr Thompson advised that the repairs to the church clock mechanism had been completed and it was hoped the engineer would be in the village this week to reinstall the electrics. Two Electoral Register Updates received from SKDC. Email received advising the Church “Arrow” magazine would now be produced bi-monthly. Email from resident of Covill Close with regard to the location of the table on the playing field and requesting that it is moved. A long discussion took place and it was agreed that Cllr. Davey would liaise with the Memorial Hall Trustees and advise it was up to them whether or not to move the table as it is their site to monitor. It was acknowledged that the Parish Council had agreed to look after the table but if the best course of action was felt to be to move it, the Parish Council would pay but thereafter the table would be the responsibility of the Memorial Hall Trustees. Cllr. Davey agreed to report back with outcome. Email from resident of Grantham Road to advise his hedge had been cut and ruined by contractors of SKDC. Resident was informed Parish Council unable to help in this regard and advised that one year LCC Highways cut the hedge to 1 Grantham Road and the other SKDC, unfortunately SKDC had not stopped cutting at the boundary of 1 Grantham Road. Email from PowerON advising of proposed cable works in the village which will run from Belton Lane substation through to Church Lane to Popular Farm development. The route is currently planned to be via Easthorpe Road/Long Street. All Parish Councillors expressed concern with regard to the disruption these works would cause in the village and the Clerk was asked to contact PowerOn to establish if the best route had been chosen. Business Rate Account received in respect of Hill Top Cemetery confirming no charge is to be made as zero rated. Email from resident with regard to the provision of dog poo dispensers in the village and agreeing to provide these. The Clerk was asked to make contact with the resident to enquire where the bags would be located. Clerk & Councils Direct circulated 7. Councillor Code of Conduct Cllr. Fletcher advised that he had attended a meeting at SKDC offices with the Clerk with regard to the updated version of the Councillor Code of Conduct. Cllr Fletcher explained the basics of the update and outlined conflict of interests with regard to Councillors being involved with other organisations. The updated version of the Councillor Code of Conduct was duly adopted. 8. May Parish Council Elections No issues were raised. 9. Financial Matters The Clerk advised The end of the Financial Year is just 10 days away, and reported there had been a lot of extra expense this year which was not included in the budget and therefore the Accounts show a large overspend :- The Budget forecast for the year 2022/23 was £31,706 against which the accounts to date indicate that the Parish Council has spent £48,568, an initial overspend of £16,862. Of this £5033 was refunded by the Memorial Hall in respect of the soft play tiles for the play area. We also received a grant of £2500 from Community Lottery which paid for the new defibrillator at the Memorial Hall. This bring the overspend down to £41,035 against the budget (£9329 excess) Extra Expenses not in Budget: Paid From Extra Reserves Expenditure Social Committee Donation for Jubilee - £3200 Lockdown Bench £3300 - Village Signs £2160 - Queen’s Jubilee Bench £1375 Totals £5460 £4575 Other payments have mostly coincided with the Budget forecast, there is an overspend on grass cutting as already reported in the sum of £1140 and office costs due to the purchase of the new domain name costing £160 and the purchase of a website maintenance contract in the sum of £140. Burial income is in excess of the forecast £3346 against a forecast of £540. Overall the Accounts are still healthy despite extra expenditure and there is a VAT refund still to come in the sum of £2,537 and refund for three verge cuts from LCC in the sum of £1,106 (as 20.03.23). a) Accounts for Payment Following 4 Payments to be approved in retrospect please 17.10.22 LALC New Councillor Training Course - C Cundall £23.00 27.10.22 Staff Salaries October staff salaries and computer £563.02 31.10.22 W H Smith Thank you Card for G Turner and Christmas Cards for Contractors £8.87 31.10.22 Morrisons Gift for G Turner £20.24 03.01.23 HM Revenue & Customs Tax Payment 515.80 03.01.23 James Brearley Christmas Tree Light Payment 35.00 09.01.23 Npower Hill Top Electric October - December 74.57 13.01.23 Roll and Scroll Village Signs 2,160.00 18.01.23 Post Office 2nd Class Stamps x 16 10.88 23.01.23 Installed Evenets Deposit for Hire of Projector for Coronation Event 100.00 23.01.23 PopTop Processing Fees 19.90 25.01.23 Amazon Hand Held Union Jacks 9.99 25.01.23 Amazon Union Jack Bunting 12.30 25.01.23 Amazon Foil Coronation Balloons 5.97 25.01.23 Amazon Union Jack Logo Balloon 9.99 27.01.23 Staff Salaries January staff salaries and computer 647.38 27.01.23 Patchwork Hire of Speakers for Coronation Event 120.00 30.01.23 Ryman Stationery 2 x Copy Paper 10.78 02.02.23 Dash (UK) Ltd 200 x Coronation Mugs 780.00 03.02.23 Mail Shop Plants for Pond Area 66.96 10.02.23 Flagmakers Flag for Coronation 38.34 13.02.23 Laken Inflatables Deposit for Hire of Inflatable for Summer Event (Payment made by K Davey) 64.20 23.02.23 Oldrids & Downtown Compost for Charlie Planters 24.99 23.02.23 The Range Plants for Charlie Planters 6.00 27.02.23 Crimson Kings Hedge Cutting down Grantham Hill 270.00 27.02.23 Staff Salaries February Staff Salaries and Computer 647.38 08.03.23 LALC New Councillor Training Course - E Austen 27.60 09.03.23 Party Packs Union Jack Crowns 27.95 09.03.23 Party Decorations Table covers 27.85 09.03.23 Amazon Coronation Pencils 11.88 09.03.23 Amazon Plastic Plates 26.51 09.03.23 Amazon Crayons 9.49 09.03.23 Amazon Union Jack Ball point Pens 10.99 09.03.23 Amazon Wooden Disposable Fork 17.97 09.03.23 Amazon Orange Squash 4.73 09.03.23 Amazon Disposable Wooden Spoons 18.75 09.03.23 Amazon Paper Napkins 17.40 09.03.23 Amazon Coffee Cups 69.95 09.03.23 Amazon Banquet Roll 56.25 09.03.23 Amazon Coronation Bags and Coasters 52.90 10.03.23 Amazon Summer Fruits Squash 4.38 RECEIPTS 03.01.23 Virgin Money Cash Back on Expenses Account 0.04 14.01.23 C Wright Supplementary Maintenance Fee in respect of Plot 2X at Hill Top 30.00 27.01.23 D Witherridge Interment Fees x 2 Plot 2W 278.00 31.01.23 Virgin Money Interest on 95 Day Deposit Account 47.49 31.01.23 Virgin Money Interest on 30 Day Deposit Account 2.60 02.02.23 Virgin Money Cashback on Expenses account 0.59 07.02.23 Egill and Sons Interment Fees Hurrell Plot 4D 113.00 07.02.23 G H Linnells Memorial Fees M Wright Pot 2X 130.00 17.02.23 Neil Patchworlk Refund o Deposit paid for speakers for Coronation Event 120.00 27.02.23 Lincolnshire Rural Housing Association Ltd Donation for Coronation Social Event 500.00 28.02.23 Virgin Money Interest on 95 Day Deposit Account 49.41 28.02.23 Virgin Money Interest on 30 Day Deposit Account 2.29 02.03.23 Virgin Money Cash Back on Expenses Account 0.51 The above accounts were duly agreed proposed by Cllr. Selby and seconded by Cllr. Austen. b) Regular Payments Authorisation Form The above form was duly signed by the Chairman. c) Bank Transfer Payment Form The above form was duly signed by the Chairman 10. Advisory Groups a) Planning APPLICATIONS S22/2164 Mr and Mrs Reynolds 31 High Street, Great Gonerby NG31 8JR Two storey extension to the dwelling S22/1740 Mrs A Newman 21 Holden Way, Great Gonerby NG31 8LA Erection of single storey rear extension S23/0165 Ms A Samuel 1 Grantham Road, Great Gonerby NG31 8JZ Erection of single storey dwelling. Resubmission of S22/2014 S23/0278 Land at Downtown, Gonerby Moor Section 73 application to remove condition 15 of planning permission S21/0873. Section 73 application to remove condition 15 of planning permission S21/0873 - Erection of a freestanding single storey restaurant with drive-thru facility, car parking, landscaping and associated works, including Customer Order Displays (COD), Goal Post Height Restrictor and Play Frame. Condition Number(s): 15 Conditions(s) Removal: Condition is not precise and unnecessary. The condition as worded alludes that the development is Class E, whereas it is Sui Generis. As a Sui Generis development there are no permitted development rights and therefore the condition is unnecessary. It therefore fails to meet the tests outlined in the Framework and for absolute clarity should be removed. Removed S23/0380 Mr G Thomas 36 Long Street, Great Gonerby Installation of electric vehicle charging point on listed building S23/0346 Southerington Land to the West of Northgate Vehicle Hire, Occupation Lane Great Gonerby Outline application to change of use of land to B2 and B8 use classes. APPROVED S22/2155 Mr A Critchley Hook Cliff Farm. Newark Hill, Great Gonerby Change of use of land for dog exercising/training and erection of 1.8m high fencing. S22/0174 Robert and Steven Park, Namulas Pension Trustees Land to the North of Longcliffe Road, Grantham Submission of part details required by Unilateral Undertaking (Affordable Housing Scheme) pursuant to Planning Permission S15/3189 (A sustainable urban extension to Grantham comprising, not more than 480 dwelling, a neighbourhood centre, a single form entry primary school, ancillary (formal and informal) public open space, including structure landscaping and biodiversity enhancement areas and access works). S22/2442 Mr and Mrs Ramsey 7 Goodman Close, Great Gonerby Removal of conservatory and proposed single storey extension to rear S21/0873 McDonald’s Restaurants Ltd Land at Downtown, Gonerby Moor, Grantham Erection of freestanding single storey restaurant with drive-thru facility. Car parking, landscaping and associated works, including Customer Order Display (COD), Goal Post Height Restrictor and Play Frame. S21/0859 McDonalds Restaurants Ltd Land at Downtown, Gonerby Moor, Grantham Installation of 6 no. Fascia signs. 3 no. Booth lettering signs and 1 no. 15” digital booth screen S21/0860 McDonalds Restaurants Ltd Land at Downtown, Gonerby Moor, Grantham The installation of a freestanding totem sign S21/0865 McDonalds Restaurants Ltd Land at Downtown, Gonerby Moor, Grantham Various site signage including 4 no. Freestanding signs, 2 no. Banner units and 20 no. Dot signs. S22/1740 Mrs A Newman 21 Holden Way, Great Gonerby Erection of single storey rear extension REFUSAL S23/0165 Ms A Samuel 1 Grantham Road, Great Gonerby Erection of single storey dwelling. Resubmission of S22/2014. Notification of Withdrawal/ Non Determination of a Planning Application Georgina McCrae & Rob Thorley Land at Rectory Farm, Grantham Outline application for Residential Development for up to 817 dwellings and associated infrastructure with all matters reserved. S22/1618 Mr M Gromett 3 Long Street, Great Gonerby Section 73 to vary condition 2 of PP S20/0350 to reflect changes in the development. Appeal Decision 38 Grantham Road Appeal make under section 78 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 against a refusal to grant planning permission. The appeal made by Mr R Bailey with regard to S22/0900 was dismissed. b) Environment Cllr. Fletcher advised that the planters at The Pond had been revamped with the help of Cllr. Neal and the Clerk. The Posts surrounding the flag pole are in need of attention and Tony Jackson will be asked to renovate where necessary. It was discussed that it might be an option to replace the wooden posts with plastic ones. The Clerk agreed to obtain costs Cllr. Fletcher advised that he and Cllr. Bridle had undertaken training on how to maintain the defibrillators in the village with Heartbeat. It has been noticed that the first aid kit was missing from the unit by the Post Office and also the new Hi-Viz jacket at the memorial hall was missing. These items have been replaced under the maintenance contract. The casing to the defibrillator in the High Street is also in need of attention as very rusty. However, Heartbeat advised this should not be the case at stainless steel had been used and the local Representative of Heartbeat is going to inspect the unit c) Amenity Areas – Trees for the Coronation A discussion took place as to where to locate the King Charles Coronation Tree and it was felt best to plant this near the jubilee bench bought last year. It was agreed to purchase a flowering cherry tree with a budget of £300. All in favour. Cllr. Critchley advised of damage to a post at Hill Top. Tony Jackson will be asked to repair a soon as possible. The quotation for the replacement of the Wi-Fi beams at the Memorial Hall was discussed and it was agreed to accept the quotation from All Secure in this respect. d) Highways Correspondence from LCC with regard to waiting restrictions and mandatory school keep clear markings. The following restrictions have been proposed:- Mandatory school keep clear markings – to prevent parents from dropping off adjacent to the school and facilitate traffic flow No waiting at any time – to facilitate traffic flow and maintain good visibility Cllr. Beckett advised she had reported a noisy manhole cover in the High Street. A discussion took place to regarding pavement parking Email received from resident with regard to traffic flow in Long Street and suggesting a one way system. The Clerk was asked to forward suggestion LCC Highways for comment. Highways notification of essential safety maintenance work on the A1 between Colsterworth and Long Bennington 11. Notice of motions for future meetings Reminder of the Annual Parish meeting on the 15th May. 15. Any Matters for urgent discussion The Chairman advised the new village signs would be installed at the weekend Cllr. Fletcher advised of a phone call he had received from the Chairman of Great Pontin PC advising that their football pitch is not being used to full capacity and asking for availability of the facility to be made known in the village. Cllr. Rice-Oxley (SKDC) confirmed the Parish Council boundary extended over the railway line and into the area near Popular Farm. It was acknowledged that this was known and thought that at some stage in the future a pedestrian bridge across the railway could be installed linking the two areas. There being no further business the meeting closed at 21.10

May 2023

Minutes of the Meeting held on Monday 15th May 2023 At the Memorial Hall, Belton Lane, Great Gonerby Present: Cllr. Hutchinson Chairman, Cllr. H Fletcher Vice Chairman, , Cllr. V Beckett, Cllr. T Bridle, Cllr A Critchley, Cllr. C Cundall, Cllr. K Davey, Cllr A Mavros,. Cllr. M Selby, Cllr K White 1. Apologies for Absence: Cllr M Neal (Family Commitments) Cllr. E Austen (work commitments) Cllr. A Maughan (LCC) Cllr. K Rice-Oxley (SKDC) The retiring Chairman confirmed the newly elected Great Gonerby Parish Councillors. 2. a) Nomination of Chairman and Vice Chairman The retiring Chairman asked for volunteers for the position of Chairman; Councillors Bridle and Selby both volunteered. The retiring Chairman first asked for a show of hands for Cllr. Bridle; 2 in favour and then for a show of hands for Cllr. Selby; 7 in favour. Cllr. Selby was duly elected Chairman. The retiring Chairman then requested volunteers for the position of Vice Chairman; Councillors Davey and Fletcher both volunteered. Again a show of hands was requested 5 in favour of Cllr Davey and 5 in favour of Cllr. Fletcher. The new Chairman had the casting vote in favour of Cllr. Davey who was duly elected as Vice Chairman. b) Signing of Chairman’s Declaration of Acceptance Cllr. Selby duly signed the Declaration c) Signing of the Vice Chairman’s Declaration of Acceptance Cllr. Davey duly signed the Declaration d) All Councillors to sign Acceptance of Office and Declaration of Interest Forms All Councillors duly signed both forms. c) Bank Mandate The Bank Mandate was duly signed by the new chairman and Vice Chairman. The Clerk advised this will be forwarded to Virgin Money for the new signing arrangements to be set up. The public forum followed: The Secretary of the Memorial Hall queried of the necessity to have Parish Council representation on the Memorial Hall’s Trustee Committee meetings. This was generally not felt necessary as a working party of three representatives from the Parish Council and three Trustees from the Memorial Hall has now been set up to deal with issues.. A Parishioner raised concerns with regard to the overgrown hedge on the corner of Pond Street and Green Street stating that it was making the pavement dangerous in what is already a very narrow part . The Clerk agreed to report the matter to Cllr. Maughan for onward notification to Highways. It was also reported that weeds in the gutter where preventing the free flow of surface water. This will be bought to the attention of LCC Highways. 3. Minutes signed from previous meeting The Minutes of the meeting held on the 20th March were duly agreed and accepted as a true record. Proposed by Cllr. Mavros and seconded by Cllr. Critchley 4. Clerk and members to report bank on matters outstanding a) Frequency of Meetings and email Correspondence A discussion took place with regard to meetings being preferable to lengthy email correspondence dealing with Parish Council matters. The outcome was that there will be Parish Council meetings in June, July and September this year and then a decision will be made on whether or not to hold monthly meetings going forward. b) Website Setup Cllr. Selby outlined the work he had already done with regard to investigating the possibilities of using the current formal website or to set up a new website to promote village activities. Again a lengthy discussion took place with regard to the merits of websites and Facebooks posts the outcome of which was it was agreed Cllr. Selby would put together a business case for the setup of a new village website to be presented at the July meeting. Unanimously agreed. 5. Official Correspondence and Circulation Monthly Update received from Cllr. Maughan which is attached to these Minutes Two notifications of amendments of the Electoral Register received from SKDC Letter received from Mr Thompson thanking the Events Committee for organising a splendid Coronation Event and for also clearing up after the event so well. Cllr. Davey also thanked all the volunteers for their contributions to the successful event. Email correspondence received from villager as to the placement of the picnic bench on the playing field. It is understood this matter is still being considered by the Memorial Hall Trustees. Email correspondence regarding a proposed development in Belton Lane which the Parish Council have confirmed they have no objections to. Clerk & Councils Direct circulated 6. Events Group Update Cllr. Davey updated the meeting with regard to the successful Coronation Event and confirmed that events to date have been self-funding. The next event is planned for the 30th July when a Boot Sale/Family Fun day is planned. There was a discussion with regard to further events which will be confirmed in due course. 7. Financial Matters Letter received from Malcolm Hall, the Internal Auditor, confirming the Parish Council can again complete the Annual Governance Statement by ticking yes in all boxes with complete confidence. Mr Hall advised that the books were, as usual, presented in a neat and orderly fashion by the Clerk and this made the audit task much easier. a) To receive Year End Accounts for 20223/23 The Year End Accounts were reconciled with Bank balances and agreed as accurate. Proposed by Cllr. Fletcher and seconded by Cllr. Davey. Unanimously agreed. b) To consider, approve & sign the Annual Governance Statement 2022/23 The AGAR was reviewed, approved and signed by the Chairman c) To consider, approve and sign the Accounting Statement for 2022/23 The Accounting Statement was reviewed, approved and signed by the Chairman. d) To Consider Chairman’s Allowance (currently £600) The Chairman was asked to leave the room while the discussion took place. It was agreed to keep the payment the same at £600. Unanimously agreed. e) Accounts for Payment The Clerk presented the following accounts for payment: 17.03.23 Post Office Postage for return of flag 3.45 21.03.23 E J Walker Mileage 27.00 27.03.23 Staff Salaries March staffsalaries and computer 647.43 27.03.23 0.45 27.03.23 Roll and Scroll Final Payment for Horseshoe Bench 2,236.97 27.03.23 Time Assured Church Clock Repairs 660.00 27.03.23 Printhub Leaflets for Events Group 49.99 27.03.23 Printhub Poster for Events Group 13.18 30.03.23 CST Accountancy Payroll preparation 2022/23 70.00 31.03.23 HM Revenue & Customs Tax Payment 472.80 28.03.23 Brunel Trophy for Chairman 67.93 New Financial Year 01.04.23 LALC Annual Subscription 478.00 01.04.23 Great gonerby Memorial Hall Wi-fi Payment 60.00 01.04.23 Great gonerby Memorial Hall Room Hire March 23 to February 24 100.00 17.04.23 BDG Mowing 1 x Grass Cutting 102.00 17.04.23 Crimson Kings Hedge Triming at Hill Top 420.00 17.04.23 Crimson Kings Hedge Cutting along footpath to Gonerby Hill 270.00 11.04.23 Ryman A4 Copy Paper and Flash Drive 15.99 10.04.23 Amazon Photo Frame 26.99 11.04.23 Virgin Money Unpaid Bank Charge in respect of Loan Repayment 16.00 17.04.23 nPower Hill Top Electric January to March 23 77.21 17.04.23 Amazon Ninja Foodi Grill and Air Fryer Raffle Prize 149.00 17.04.23 Amazon X Box Series S - Raffle Prize 244.95 18.04.23 Amazon Wood Treatment for Charlie 24.50 14.04.23 Midland Flags Coronation Flag 37.98 18.04.23 PWLB Loan Repayment 4,923.67 19.04.23 Sardeson Sculpture Repairs to Charlie Clockpelter 300.00 20.04.23 Laken Inflatables Hire of inflatable for Coronation Event 256.80 22.04.23 Amazon Sprinkle & Splas Play Mat -Raffle Prize 14.99 22.04.23 Amazon Hair Dryer - Raffle Prize 15.99 22.04.23 Amazon Articulate for Kids - Raffle Prize 14.99 22.04.23 Argos Garden Lights - Raffle Prize 12.00 24.04.23 Designer Metal (Suffolk) Ltd Guard for Coronation Cherry Tree 282.00 24.04.23 Amazon Crown Paper Bags for Coronation Event 10.58 24.04.23 Heartbeat New casing for High Street Defibrillator 115.00 25.04.23 Ryman Envelopes 3.49 22.04.23 OnBuy Morphy Richards Pan Set for Coronation Event 49.95 27.04.23 Staff Salaries April Salaries and Computer 647.58 22.04.23 Ebay Monopoly FOR Coronation Event 10.75 27.04.23 Allsecure Replace Hill Top Wi-fi Beam 426.00 27.04.23 Crimson Kings Planting & supply of Coronation Cherry Tree 270.00 02.05.23 Smyths Toys Helium Tank for Coronation Event 44.00 RECEIPTS 09.03.23 S Rozier Coronation Event Stall Hire 10.00 20.03.23 D G Witheridge Grave Maintenance Supplement Fee 30.00 23.03.23 Specialised Canvas (Flagmakers) Refund for Coronation flag 24.00 24.03.23 C Graves Coronation Event Stall Hire 10.00 29.03.23 Circus Starlight Coronation Event Stall Hire 10.00 31.03.23 E J Walker Refund of overpayment to salary 0.45 31.03.23 Virgin Money Interest on 95 Day Deposit Account 54.79 31.03.23 Virgin Money Interest on Deposit Account 5.35 31.03.23 Virgin Money Interest on 30 Day Deposit Account 0.55 New Financial Year 03.04.23 Virgin Money Cashback on Expenses Account 1.65 12.04.23 S Gilder Event Stall Hire 10.00 14.04.23 SKDC Half Year Precept 14,418.00 14.04.23 SKDC Refund of Unpaid Charge 16.00 17.04.23 HMRC VAT Refund 2,581.20 24.04.23 E Barker Event Stall Hire 10.00 26.04.23 C & C Pearson - Lets Get Peronsal Event Stall Hire 10.00 30.04.23 Virgin Money Interest on 95 Day Deposit Account 53.12 30.04.23 Virgin Money Interest on 30 Day Deposit Account 0.57 Proposed Cllr. Davey and seconded Cllr. Beckett Unanimously agreed. ) Review of Zurich fidelity Cover of £10,000,000 and acceptance of Insurance Policy The Insurance Policy was reviewed and agreed for the next year. Proposed Cllr. Mavros, Seconded Cllr. Fletcher. 8. Hall Representatives for Next Year A discussion took place the outcome of which it was agreed that Parish Council Representation at Memorial Hall meetings was no longer required as the Working Party Group had been set up. Cllr. Hutchinson has now retired it was agreed to nominate a third Councillor to join the Group and Cllr. Beckett volunteered to take this on. The Chairman agreed to approach the ex-Chairman as to his proposals with regard to his role with the Memorial Hall. 9. Advisory Groups a) Planning APPLICATIONS S23/0448 Mrs J Cook Dale Farm Holdings, Kestrel Business Park, Gonerby Lane, Allington Recladding and extension of steel portal for storage and distribution use. S22/2313 Mr A Garner 7 Treadgold Avenue, Great Gonerby Remove the existing from lounge window and replace with a single residential door and small side panel. Erection of concrete ramp with handrails. S23/0553 Mr M Howard Land adjacent to 61 Belton Lane, Great Gonerby Outline application for the erection of 8 dwellings including details of associated vehicular access. S23/0775 Mr J Heinzman & Ms S Boardman 27 Belvoir Garden, Great Gonerby Single storey rear extension and alterations to porch S23/0614 Mrs S Eddleston South Cottage, Gadds Lane, Belton Proposed single storey rear and side extensions S23/0689 Kelsi Bonstad Land off Green Lane, Gonerby Moor, Grantham Installation of solar farm S23/0650 Mr G McMurray Land East of A1, Gonerby Moor, Lincolnshire Application to amend conditions 2, 3, 4, 6, 11 and 15 and the removal of condition 10 of Planning permission S37/0354/16 to allow the importation of new waste feedstocks and the construction of associated infrastructure as replacements for approved plant and equipment. Re S18/2119 APPROVED S23/0278 Section 73 application to remove condition 15 of planning permission S21/0873 – Erection of a freestanding single storey restaurant with drive-thru facility, car parking, landscaping and associated works, including Customer Order Display (COD) goal Post Height Restrictor and Play Frame S23/0342 Downtown Superstore, Old Great North Road, Great Gonerby Submission of details in relation to Condition 5 of Planning Permission S23/0278 (Construction Management Plan and Method Statement) S23/0516 Downtown Superstore, Old Great North Road, Great Gonerby Submission in relation to Condition 6 (Levels) of S23/0278 S23/0528 Land at Downtown, Gonerby Moor, Grantham Submission of details in relation to condition 8 (fixed plant and machinery details) of s23/0278 S23/0542 Land at Downtown, Gonerby Moor Submission of details in relation to condition 7 (Sustainable building) of S23/0278 S22/2313 Mr A Garner 7 Treadgold Avenue, Great Gonerby Remove the existing from lounge window and replace with a single residential door and small side panel. Erection of concrete ramp with handrails. APPROVAL OF NON-MATERIAL AMENDMENTS S23/0597 Mr M Birtle Rose Garden Place, Toll Bar Road, Marston Elevational changes and adjustments to siting of storage/maintenance building approved under S22/0669. REFUSED S22/2164 Mr and Mrs Reynolds 31 High Street, Great Gonerby Two storey extension to building DETERMINATION AS TO WHETHER THE PRIOR APPROVAL OF DETAILS REQUIRED S23/0514 Mr C Wade Pasture Farm, Allington Lane, Allington Prior notification under Part6 for the erection of an extension to a steel portal frame building to be used for storage of grain. COUNTY MATTER APPLICATION LCC Ref. PL/0016/23 Development to Vary Condition 2 (Approved Plans and documents), Condition 4 (Feedstock Tonnage) Condition 10 (Landscaping) and Condition 16 (Gas Exports) of Planning Permission S18.2119 Land East of A1 Gonerby Moor. PUBLIC SPEAKING INVITE 7 Treadgold Avenue, Great Gonerby Remove the existing front lounge window and replace with a single residential door and small side panel. Erection of concrete ramp with handrails. b) Environment Cllr. Fletcher advised that Charlie had now returned following repairs but he is going to need some TLC going forward as the wood is beginning to dry out. Cllr. Fletcher has taken on the role of looking after Charlie and will treat him with the recommended oil on a regular basis. Cllr. Fletcher confirmed the fence at Hill Top had been repaired. A photo of the Bier which has been renovated by Mr Thompson was shown to the meeting and all agreed a fine job had been done. The bier will now be on Lease to the Church for their use going forward. c) Amenity Areas It has been noticed that the gibbet in the field is leaning badly and needs attention. The Working Group will liaise with the Memorial Hall Trustees to resolve this jointly. With the Parish Council offering to do the work. d) Highways Cllr Beckett advised that the stone retaining wall is looking loose. The Clerk agreed to report this matter to LCC Highways. 10. Notice of motions for future meetings None 11. Any Matters for urgent discussion Cllr. Davey advised Verity Ferguson had now made available to promised Lockkdown Photo Books, however, four had been received against the promised two. The Clerk was requested to clarify as to how many books the Parish Council should be paying for. There being no further business the meeting closed at 21.30. Flag Flying Days: 6th June D Day 21st June Armed Forces Day 27th June Veteran’s Day 7th July London Bombing

July 2023

GREAT GONERBY PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of the Meeting held on Monday 17th July 2023 At the Memorial Hall, Belton Lane, Great Gonerby Present: Cllr. M Selby Chairman, Cllr. K Davey Vice Chairman, Cllr. V Beckett, Cllr. T Bridle, Cllr A Critchley, Cllr. C Cundall, Cllr A Mavros, Cllr. M Neal, There being a number of parishioners at the meeting the Chairman opened by welcoming the public and enquired if anyone wanted to speak. Residents of Covill Close presented a petition in favour of the removal of the picnic bench and detailing reasons with regard to noise problems lasting late into the night, litter being thrown over garden fences and other nuisances which had been occurring since the installation of the picnic bench. Prior to the bench’s installation there had been no problems encountered by residents. A villager mentioned lack of facilities/clubs for children in the village. There was a long discussion regarding the pros and cons of the picnic bench and the Chairman also put forward the Parish Council’s perspective on the matter, i.e., the bench was sited on land leased to the Memorial Hall and as such it was up to the Trustees of the Memorial Hall to decide on the way forward. The Chairman confirmed that the picnic bench was back in the hands of the Parish Council but due to vandalization damage, needs repairing. However, there is no allocated money in this year’s budget to instigate this at the present time. He further advised that the Parish council needs to decide whether a picnic bench is the best way forward or whether it would be more beneficial for more standard benches in the recreational area, but any decision in this environment would have to be agreed with Memorial Hall Trustees. After various forms of feedback to the Parish Council, the Chairman stated that Facebook is not representative of all the villagers as there are many none Facebook users who are not represented by this medium. Bearing this in mind the Chairman advised that the Parish Council is looking at setting up a new community website for the village in an effort to improve communications. A request for Dog Poo bins was made, and this is something the Parish Council will look into. Jeff Thompson advised one householder had not been looking after their hanging basket and had left a note asking the householder to remember to water the plants. He further advised that the Church clock was going well. 1. Apologies for Absence: Cllr. H Fletcher – Family commitment Cllr. K White (unwell) Cllr. A Maughan (LCC) Cllr. Stephens (SKDC) 2. Declarations of Interest/Dispensations None. 3. Minutes signed from previous meeting The Minutes of the meeting held on the 5th June were duly agreed and accepted as a true record. Proposed by Cllr. Mavros and seconded by Cllr. Beckett 4. Chairman a) Business Case for new website The Chairman ran through suggested reasons for establishing a new website were mainly to improve communication within the village. He advised the present website is mostly policy based. He envisages the new website will be community inclusive and can also include aspects with the Memorial Hall activities. He suggested there could be a “Local Traders page” where revenue could be raised by making a small annual charge. Any revenue earned would be returned to the community as a “Not for Profit” exercise. There would be a contact us page to improve access to the Parish Council. The Chairman ran through the costings, the current website costs are the region of £510 per year for webmaster services but no hosting costs as these are met by LCC. The Hosting costs of the new website would be in the region of £72. A proposal was made for the new website to be given the go ahead proposed by Cllr Critchley seconded by Cllr. Mavros. Cllr Bridle requested the Chairman write a statement to the Parish Council confirming ownership. The Chairman was happy to do this. b) Parish Council Revenue Streams: The Solar Farm – The Parish Council had recently been informed Lightsource BP had sold the development to a company called Sonnedix. As part of this sale our Community Payment has been transferred to Sonnedix and will be honoured once electricity starts to be generated, but there is no date for this at the present time. SKDC Grants – it was agreed to form a small sub group to actively look at different Grants available to the Parish Council. The Chairman advised funds from the UK Shared Prosperity Fund in the sum of £3.89 million has been allocated to SKDC which is available until March 2025. A few ideas were suggested to enable a request to be made for such Grants; new bus shelter, Solar Panels to Memorial Hall, Village signs to install, hanging basket costs and dog fouling bins. The Grant Fund Team – Cllr. Austen, Cllr. Cundall and the Chairman. Cllr. Beckett advised of the Local Economic Forum which is taking place this week, where Grants will also be discussed. Section 106 – Community Development Grants which can be applied for. The Parish Council has not been successful in the past. It was advised that applications need to be made pre-planning approval. 5. Clerk & Members to report back on matters outstanding. a) Clerk Report The Clerk advised LALC have now been requested to allocate an Internal Auditor for the Parish Council and details will be forwarded to me in August. This new arrangement will entail two internal audits per annum. Regrettably it has been necessary to give notice to withdraw £7,500 from our 95-day deposit account to make sure there were sufficient available funds to meet the loan repayment at the beginning of October. Despite the Clerk’s very best efforts the new signing arrangements for the Parish Council Bank accounts are still not in place with Virgin Money and I have now been asked to arrange for a Resolution to be agreed with regard to these arrangements. 6. Official Correspondence and Circulation Letter received from Parishioner advising they would like to donate a memorial bench to be placed at Hill Top Cemetery. It is acknowledged there are already seats but if the memorial bench is allowed the parishioner would meet the cost of moving the existing bench. A discussion took place with regard to the standard benches currently in situ at Hill Top which were agreed by resolution at a meeting of Parish Councillors on the 25th July 2013. A long discussion took place after which it was agreed that the request for the Memorial bench would be allowed but the Parish Council would need to approve the design. A decision will also have to be made as to the re-location of the bench currently in situ. Whilst on the topic of the cemetery The Clerk advised that she had received a request for ashes to be interred at Hill Top of a village family member who had long associations with the village but had moved away. Again, a long discussion took place after which it was agreed to amend the rules to state that “Exclusive Rights of Burial can only be purchased by a resident of the Civil Parish of Great Gonerby or if due to medical necessity moved into a nursing home, hospice or hospital their last permanent home was in the Parish or by a person having been born in the Parish of Great Gonerby. The fees, payments and sums set out below apply where the person to be interred or in respect of whom the right of burial is granted is a resident of the Civil Parish of Great Gonerby as per the electoral roll, or, in the case of a still born child, where the parents, or one of them, are such residents. If the person to be interred is not a resident at the time of death and an Exclusive Right of Burial has already been purchased then the interment fees will be doubled unless due to a medical necessity as above. All interments are at the discretion of the Parish Council.” This proposal was proposed by Cllr. Cundall and seconded by Cllr. Mavros. Email correspondence received from two parishioners requesting the reinstatement of the picnic bench. LCC have made known there are litter picking kits available to Parish Council. It was decided to apply for 6 sets. The Clerk will make the request. Email correspondence from the Memorial Hall advising of an increase in the cost of the wi-fi by £4.50 a month. This was agreed. Email correspondence advising of defibrillator funding available. Email correspondence regarding dog fouling services Two SKDC Electoral Register Updates received Email from Cllr. Maughan advising he had reported missing linings and cats’ eyes on the slip road to the A1 and National Highways are sending an officer to inspect. An update is awaited. Cox’s Walk footbridge – works are still scheduled and will hopefully take place in this financial year, LCC Report for July which is attached to these Minutes. Mail correspondence from SKDC advising Pond Street sign is being repaired. Email correspondence from SKDC regarding the Local Economic Forum – Cllr. Beckett attending the July meeting. Request received from Parishioner for a Rainbow flag. This is to receive consideration at our September meeting. Email from Heartbeat confirming the replacement of the cabinet box to the defibrillator outside the Post Office. Email correspondence from SKDC regarding location of CCTV in the village Email correspondence from SKDC regarding the Local Development Scheme 2023-26 Email correspondence from National Lottery Community Funds advising of Grants available to project benefiting young people. Email correspondence from Virgin money advising no longer able to use Bank Giro slips to deposit cash at Post Offices from September. 7. Review of Health and Safety Policy The above was reviewed and unanimously agreed. 8. Review of Fixed Asset Register This was deferred to next meeting 9. Review of Flag Flying Days Briefly discussed but it was requested to defer to next meeting. 10. Events Group Update Cllr. Davey updated the meeting on the forthcoming Car Boot Event and confirmed this is still going ahead despite the weather. She advised that Cllr. Critchley had kindly agreed that his field can be used as a car park. 11. Financial Matters a) Budget Report – Chairman The Chairman presented his financial analysis spreadsheet which detailed: Incoming Our spend Budget for 23/24 is allocated at £34,560 Our current balance across all Bank Accounts sits at £38,854.61 Outgoing Our fixed costs currently show us operating below budget by £1,610.31 Our variable costs currently show us operating above budget by £550.08 predominantly caused by higher than expected Repair Costs. Summary The overall position relates to an underspend YTD of £1,044.23 and a good end to Quarter 1. As a Parish Council we endeavour to review additional areas of revenue income and these will be discussed in our meeting on 17th July 2023 b) Accounts for Payment The Clerk presented the following accounts for Payment:- ACCOUNTS FOR PAYMENT 07.06.23 BDG Mowing 2 x Grass Cutting and 1 x Verge Cutting 584.00 07.06.23 E J Walker Mileage 21.60 08.06.23 Powershift Pond Area Power Wash and Weed Treatment 235.98 09.06.23 Heartbeat Annual Support for High Street Defibrillator 126.00 13.06.23 Post Office Ltd 2 x 2nd Class Stamps 12.00 19.06.23 Amazon Storage Boxes 23.99 27.06.23 Staff Salaries June salaries and Computer 647.38 30.06.23 HMRC Tax Payment 472.60 30.06.23 Verity Ferguson Lockdown Photobooks 103.94 03.07.23 Crimson Kings Hedge Cutting down Grantham Hill 270.00 03.07.23 B & Q Wood Filler for Charlie 13.66 04.07.23 Amazon Paper Plates for Car Boot Day 16.99 04.07.23 Amazon Disposable spoons for Car Boot Day 11.98 04.07.23 Amazon Disposable forks for Car Boot Day 12.98 06.07.23 BDG Mowing Grass Cutting x 2 Mowing Grass Verges and weed spraying x 2 628.00 07.07.23 Holroyds Traditional Sweet Shop Sweets for Car Boot Event 30.98 10.07.23 npower Electric for Hill Top Cemetery 75.64 RECEPTS 02.06.23 Virgin Money Cash Back on Expenses Account 0.53 19.06.23 Events Committee Cash Deposit 55.50 30.06.23 Virgin Money Interest on 95 Day Deposit Account 57.11 30.06.23 Virgin Money Interest on 30 Day Deposit Account 2.02 30.6.23 Virgin Money Interest on Deposit Account 9.55 All payments were agreed unanimously c) End of Q1 Accounts The end of Quarter 1 accounts were duly agreed and reconciled with Bank Account balances, signed off by the Chairman. d) Bank Signatories Resolution A Bank Resolution was signed by the Chairman, Vice Chair and Clerk allowing for any two signatories to authorise payments and make bank transfers going forward. 12. Advisory Groups a) Planning APPLICATIONS S23/1006 Mrs S McKeown 20 Covill Close, Great Gonerby Single storey porch to front elevation APPROVED S23/0650 LCC Ref: PL/0016/23 Moor Bio-Energy Ltd To vary condition 2 (approved plans and documents) condition 4 (feedstock tonnage) condition 10 (landscaping) and condition 16 (gas exports) of planning permission S18/2119 at Land east of A1 Gonerby Moor. S23/0775 Mr J Heinzman & Ms S Boardman 27 Belvoir Gardens, Great Gonerby Single storey rear extension and alterations to porch S23/0472 Other Submission of details in relation to Condition 3 (written scheme of archaeological investigation) of S23/0278 (Section 73 application to remove condition 15 of planning permission S21/0873 – Erection of a freestanding single storey restaurant with drive-thru facility, car parking, landscaping and associated works, including Customer Order Displays (COD), Goal Post Height Restrictor and Play Frame) S23/0614 Mrs S Eddison South Cottage, Gadds Lane, Belton Single storey rear and side extensions S23/0346 Southerington Land to the west of Northgate Vehicle Hire, Occupation Lane Outline application for change of use of land to B2 and B8 use classes b) Environment A request from Cllr Fletcher received to purchase cleaning materials so the benches at Hill Top can be cleaned. Cllr. Critchley agreed to help in this respect. c) Amenity Areas Nothing reported. d) Highways An update on the Speed Watch Scheme was discussed. The scheme is not working well at present due to lack of volunteers and time constraints. Further thought needs to be given to the way forward. A suggestion was made to include “Speed Awareness Signs” indicating actual speed into the village and these to be sponsored using the SKDC Grant scheme. This Item is to be re-discussed. 13. Update on meeting with Chairman of Memorial Hall The chairman advised that it was felt that the meeting had been of benefit to both parties. The Chairman has promised to work with the Memorial Hall Committee and help where we can. Ian Skellern had advised of increased costs in running the hall which he is reluctant to pass on to users. A discussion regarding Memorial Hall VAT recovery took place and avenues are being explored to overcome this problem. Ian Skellern advised that he was happy for Cllr. Davey to continue to be involved in both the Parish Council and Memorial Hall and to act as a liaison for both parties. The Working Group was discussed and has not been disbanded but will be activated once actions and projects that will benefit both parties are identified. The Chairman was of the opinion that it was a productive meeting and thanked Ian for his support at the Parish Council meeting tonight. The Chairman advised he was eager to support Ian Skellern going forward. 14. Notice of motions for future meetings a) Electric Charge Points in the village – this was deferred to the next meeting. 15. Any Matters for urgent discussion Cllr. Bridle presented a letter from Diane Gee with regard to the outcome of a survey she instigated on Facebook. This was partially read out. The Chairman advised that he had had a meeting with Diane Gee to discuss her survey and other matters and requested future correspondence is forwarded to him to deal with via the correct channels. He advised Diane Gee that whilst the Parish Council is happy to accept opinions delivered using Facebook as a medium, not everyone in the village is familiar or wishing to use Facebook and therefore all avenues of feedback must be considered. The village Facebook site therefore, though a recognised and essential village media channel, garners only users’ opinions but cannot solely represent the whole village and therefore wholly influence Parish Council decisions. The Chairman therefore requested that as before, all future correspondence is fed through the Parish Clerk or himself going forward so this can be registered and distributed in line with policy. Cllr. Davey asked for clarification on repairs to the picnic bench – the Chairman confirmed that before our next meeting, thought would be given to the repair costs and also new location and this would be discussed as part of our September Agenda. There being no further business the meeting closed at 21.45. Flag Flying Days: 14th August V J Day (Victory in Japan) 3rd September Merchant Navy Day 11th September 9/11 Twin Towers (to be flown at half-mast) 15th September Battle of Britain Day

September 2023

GREAT GONERBY PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of the Meeting held on Monday 4th September 2023 At the Memorial Hall, Belton Lane, Great Gonerby Present:Cllr. M Selby Chairman, Cllr. K Davey Vice Chairman, Cllr. E Austen, Cllr. T Bridle, Cllr A Critchley, Cllr. C Cundall, Cllr. Fletcher, Cllr. M Neal 1. Apologies for Absence: Cllr. G Beckett – family commitments Cllr. A Mavros – family commitments 2. Declarations of Interest/Dispensations Cllr. Davey asked for Dispensation with regard to her involvement with both Great Gonerby Parish Council and LALC Management Committee. The Chair asked if this was likely to cause a conflict of interest. Cllr. Davey thought not. 3. Minutes signed from previous meeting The Minutes of the meeting held on the 5th June were duly agreed and accepted as a true record. Proposed by Cllr. Davey, seconded by Cllr. Fletcher 4. Presentation by Allison Home – Belton Lane Development/ Junction with Newark Hill Ian Reilly, Alison Homes head of group planning was in attendance and the Chair invited IR to address those present. IR updated the meeting re the history of the Planning Application and his disappointment at the lack of engagement previously. IR is keen to remedy this and become fully engaged with the P.C. and other stakeholders, and he thanked the Chair for the opportunity to address the meeting. Hard copy maps were distributed to those present and IR went through the pages explaining what each represented. Phase 1 of the development would be 158 properties (of the total 484). His concerns were over the relevant accesses, at Belton Lane /A607, Belton Lane/Newark Hill Great Gonerby, and the Longcliffe Road access. A general discussion took place by all present, with the Chair allowing a Q & A session. IR explained the current position with LCC and the Belton Lane/Newark Hill junction, he reiterated that he believed that work at this junction would not prevent the development going ahead. However, Cllr. Maughan advised of the proposal from LCC Highways point of view with regard to the upgrade of the Belton Lane/Newark Hill junction and it was thought that the proposed timings for the improvements were not viable with the timings of the proposed development and work needs to be carried out before the commencement of the development. IR stated that he favoured a traffic light junction at junction Belton Lane /A607 and that he would progress this with Alison Homes and with LCC. IR also felt that it would be useful for a working group to be set up with members from Alison Homes, Belton and Manthorpe P.C. Great Gonerby PC, as well as SKDC Councillors and LCC . Cllr. Maughan (LCC) agreed to arrange a meeting for all parties concerned. At the conclusion of this session the Chair thanked IR for his openness and transparency and looked forward to working together in the future. It was recognized that development was needed, but as a P.C. we need to ensure that our communities’ views were listened to and that we should work together to reach the best and safest solutions for the communities we represent. IR and one member of the public then left the meeting. 5. Clerk & Members to report back on matters outstanding. a) Flag Flying : It was agreed to fly the Ukraine flag until the anniversary of the conflict in February and then take down. The request to fly a Pride flag in June was rejected on the basis that every citizen of the UK comes under the union flag. It was also agreed that any future “event” flag flying would last for just one year. b) Benches at Hill Top – The chair advised that it had been established that there is no need to move any of the benches at Hill Top as there is room for the addition bench requested at the July meeting. The Chair confirmed that the new bench was being manufactured by Memorial Bench company. c) Cllr. Davey distributed a copy of the Neighbourhood Plan Road Map Guide. A discussion took place regarding the drawing up of a Neighbourhood Plan for the village and it was agreed that Cllr. Bridle would spearhead this with the help of all councillors. 6. Official Correspondence and Circulation Two monthly Electoral Register Update received from SKDC Letter of thanks received from villager with regard to the memorial bench Email from Cllr. Beckett with regard to Local Economic Forum and project funding. Cllr. Beckett to update Parish Council at October meeting Email from LCC to advise no Litter Picking Kits available Email from Cllr. Beckett with regard to setting up an emergency plan. Not agreed at this stage. Email from villager with regard to relocation of rubbish bin. It was agreed to contact SKDC to ask for a new bin, as one is damaged to relocate the new bin to the pavement just outside the entrance to the field from the High Street. Email from Sonnedix confirming the Deed in respect of the Solar Farm Project at Gonerby Moor had been signed by the project’s SPV and not any particular Company and therefore the original Deed is still valid. The Chairman and Lady of LCC invited a representative of the PC to a service of dedication. Cllr. Davey has kindly agreed to represent the PC. Correspondence from SKDC with regard to the proposed Council Tax Support Scheme for 2024/25. This will be held on file. Email received from CallConnect advising of £2 fare cap. This information has been distributed in the village. Email correspondence from a villager with regard to the provision of dog bins and “Pick It Up Notices”. 7. Updates New website – The chair produced a document drawn up by K2 Consultants with regard to the transfer of Good and/or Services confirming the transfer of all rights, authority, licence and entitlement with regard to the development and supply of to Great Gonerby Parish Council with effect from the 1st September 2023. It was unanimously agreed the document could be signed by the Chair and Vice Chair and will be held on file. The Chair advised there had been 365 visitors to the site since it went live which is significantly more than the old website attracted. The Chair advised he had produced leaflets and distributed them to the Post Office, Social Club and the Recruiting Sergeant. It was suggested further copies should be given to the Church and School. MS agreed to do this. Grants – Cllr. Austen advised she was in course of drawing up drafts for the submission of Grant requests for the cost of a replacement Bus Shelter and Road Speed Safety signs. A Grant application for the provision of Dog Bins was thought likely to be rejected Cllr Davey also advised that she was working on a Grant Application for the cost of Solar panels for the Memorial Hall and also a Grant application for the Events Committee for the purchase of a bbq and portable PA system. As Cllr. Bridle had nothing to report on the Memorial Hall Working Party, he requested permission to discuss the proposed GDPR/Privacy and DPA documents he had drawn up. Cllr. Bridle presented a working copy of the new document. A short discussion took place and it was agreed in principal to adopt the working document subject to review. Proposed Cllr. Fletcher, seconded Cllr. Austen. 8. Review of Fixed Asset Register This had been reviewed by Cllr. Fletcher who advised everything was fine. 9. Picnic Bench Restoration and Relocation. The Chair advised that two contractors had advised that the bench was beyond economic repair. A discussion took place as to the way forward but no decision was made. To be re-visted. 10. Arrangements for Remembrance Sunday Arrangements to stay the same as in previous years. The Clerk is arranging for a wreath to be laid at the ceremony. 11. Confirmation of Internal Auditor The Clerk advised LALC had still not advised regarding appointment of Internal Auditor. 12. Financial Matters a) Accounts for Payment The Clerk presented the following accounts for Payment:- PAYMENTS 11.07.23RymansCopy Paper and Sticky Notes12.98 14.07.23Wilcox BakeryCakes for Car Boot Event91.52 14.07.23Mascot Powder Coating LtdRepaint of Village signs in February288.00 19.07.23Laken InflatablesHire of inflatable for Car Boot Event415.40 20.07.23SKDCElection Costs152.41 18.07.23Sainsbury'sMiracle-Gro for High Street Planters5.50 21.07.23E J WalkerMileage and telephone costs30.46 21.07.23M SelbyRefund for invoice in respect of new website172.80 25.07.23Booker LtdDrinks for Car Boot Event131.21 27.07.23Staff SalariesJuly salaries and computer647.38 28.07.23PKF LittlejohnExternal Auditors378.00 28.07.23Post Office LtdCash float200.00 31.07.23Great Gonerby Memorial HallAdditional Wi-fi charge22.50 01.08.23LALC3 x Shining Star Award Diners126.00 02.08.23RymansStationery - File dividers and envelopes9.88 04.08.23BDG Mowing3 x Grass Cutting and Village Verges686.00 10.08.23Crimson KingsHedge Cutting along footpath to Gonerby Hill270.00 12.08.23DowntownMiracle-Gro - Plant food for High Street Planters15.99 18.08.23NALCPlanning Training Course for Cllr. Davey52.04 21.08.23Community HeartbeatAnnual Support Cost for Church View162.00 27.08.23Staff SalariesAugust salaries and computer647.38 RECEIPTS 03.07.23Virgin MoneyCashback on Expenses Account0.17 31.07.23Virgin MoneyInterest on 95 Day Deposit Account78.83 31.07.23Virgin Money Interest on 30 Day Deposit Account2.64 01.08.23Cash DepositMoney from Car Boot Event and return of float929.40 02.08.23Virgin MoneyCashback on Expenses Account0.84 04.08.23G H LinnellCemetery Fees for Plot 10A Shepherd125.00 10.08.23Ms K WilliamsPurchase of Plot 8C Hill Top Cemetery265.00 All payments were agreed unanimously. b) Year to Date Budget Report The Chair produced the following report:- Summary The overall position relates to an underspend YTD of £911.45 Once mowing and Hedge trimming no longer needed during the late autumn and winter period, costs are expected to reduce accordingly. Bank Status - Our current balance across all Bank Accounts sits at £34,793.21 Costs - Fixed costs include (for example) Salaries, Grass Cutting, Electricity, Auditors, Insurances etc -.No unexpected Fixed Costs. Variable costs include, repairs, plants, stationary, events etc - No unexpected Variable Costs c) External Auditor Report The Chair presented the External Auditor report from PHF Littlejohn which read: “In our opinion the information in Sections 1 and 2 of the AGAR is in accordance with Proper Practices and no other matters have come to our attention giving cause for concern that relevant legislation and regulatory requirement have not been met” d) Precept A discussion took place with regard to the need to increase the Precept for 2024/25. The Chair agreed to produce some predictions for the next meeting as to the likely precept increase. 13. Poor Land Update Cllr. Davey had nothing to report. 14. Advisory Groups a) Planning APPLICATIONS S23/1068 Ms S Hutchinson 50 Green Street, Great Gonerby Detached double garage. Extension to first floor of dwelling, enlargement of single storey extension and replacement of existing roof. External walls to be rendered. S23/1273 Moto Service Area, Old Great North Road, Great Gonerby Electric vehicle hub with associated works S23/1356 Mr C Thompson 25 Pond Street, Great Gonerby Barn Conversion to new single storey 4 bedroom dwelling . New timber post and rail fence to south boundary of site. S23/1431 Marston Lane, Allington Removal of approx. 1530 metres of self-set hedgerow to prevent future flooding of farmland and improve management of the land. APPROVED S23/0927 Mr J Neale 41 Long Street, Great Gonerby Non-material amendments in relation to S19/2217 (Single storey extension to side of dwelling) S23/1006 Mrs S McKeown 30 Covill Close, Great Gonerby Single storey porch to front elevation REFUSAL S23/0689 Kelsi Bolstad Land off Green Lane, Gonerby Moor Installation of a solar farm. Public speaking at planning committee S23/0689 Land off Green Lane, Gonerby Moor Full Planning Permission (major) Installation of solar farm comprising ground mounted solar photovoltaic panels, including mounting system, inverters, underground cabling, stock proof fencing, CCTV, internal access track, electrical substation and associated infrastructure for a temporary period of 40 years. b) Amenity Areas – Cllr. Fletcher had nothing to report. c) Highway Matters Correspondence received from LCC with regard to proposed no waiting at any time in Marratts Lane. Public Notice received from LCC with regard to the re-location of the Zebra crossing and upgrade to a pelican crossing. 14. Notice of motions for future meetings None. 15. Any Matters for urgent discussion A request had been received from the Memorial Hall asking the PC to pay half the cost of the shelving recently installed in the attic. After a discussion this was agreed. Cllr. Cundall suggested that the PC should look at establishing a Central Drop area for easier communications. The Chair agreed to look into this request feeling that it would be of benefit. There being no further business the meeting closed at 21.45. Flag Flying Days: October 1st Lincolnshire Day October 21st Trafalgar Day 11th November Remembrance Day 14th NovemberRemembrance Sunday 14th NovemberBirthday King Charles III

October 2023

GREAT GONERBY PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of the Meeting held on Monday 4th September 2023 At the Memorial Hall, Belton Lane, Great Gonerby Present:Cllr. M Selby Chairman, Cllr. K Davey Vice Chairman, Cllr. A Mavros, Cllr. T Bridle, Cllr A Critchley, Cllr. H Fletcher, Cllr. V Beckett, Cllr. K White The Chairman opened the meeting by welcoming all and proceeded with a Public Forum. The Parish Council had been contacted by a member of the public raising concerns regarding the riding of e-scooters along the path at the Memorial Hall. The gentleman concerned had been invited to attend the meeting but declined to do so. A discussion followed as to the provision of signs prohibiting the use of e-scooters on Memorial Hall land and also regarding the replacement of the existing signage regarding litter and dog waste following which it was decided not to add any new signage for now but to revisit the issue next year. 1. Apologies for Absence:Cllr. E Austen – Family Commitments Cllr. C Cundall – Work Commitments Cllr. M Neal – Family Commitments Cllr. A Maughan (LCC) – Work Commitments 2. Declarations of Interest/Dispensations None 3. Minutes signed from previous Meeting The Minutes of the meeting held on the 4th September were duly agreed and accepted as a true record. Proposed by Cllr. Davey, seconded by Cllr. Fletcher. 4. Matters Arising a) Local Economic Forum and Project Funding – Cllr Beckett shared the strategy of the Forum for sharing ideas, knowledge and expertise with the newly formed group of 30 members. She advised of funds available through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund which will be distributed on a first come first served basis. Applications from other communities for Grants have already been received for a wide range of projects. A discussion took place and the Councillors responsible for grant applications are in course of submitting applications for Grants on behalf of the village for a number of project ideas. Cllr Beckett then spoke of her concerns regarding climate change and the need for two or three emergency hubs. This was acknowledged by the Councillors and it was suggested that a Forum steer group was formed to take this forward. Cllr. Beckett also mentioned the wall near the millennium wood and asked if this was going to be repaired. The Chairman advised that he had recently visited the area and acknowledged there is now a social problem in the area. The Chairman is in contact with the house owner which abuts the wall regarding the issues, and is going to revisit to discuss the way forward with regard to providing security going forward. b) Rubbish Bins at the Memorial Hall Email correspondence had been received from a trustee of the Memorial Hall with regard to the state of the Parish Council’s refuse bins. The Clerk had made enquiries in this respect and established that the bins were still fit for purpose although they look at a bit scruffy. This issue is to be revisited next year. c) Central Drop Area for Communications See Item 9 b. 5. Official Correspondence and Circulation Cllr. Maughan’s LCC update for September circulated and attached to these minutes. Letter received from LIVES asking for a donation. Email correspondence received from St Barnabas Hospice asking the Parish Council to become involved with fund raising events. Unfortunately this is something we are unable to participate in. Email from villager regarding state of one of the Brownie cupboard at the Memorial Hall. This issue was passed to the Secretary of the MH to deal with. Clerks & Councils Direct available for circulation 6. Dates of Meetings for 2024 The dates of meetings for 2024 were set for the first Monday in the month apart from August and December. 7. Review of Disciplinary & Grievance Procedure, Freedom of Information Scheme, Complaint Procedures, Communication Protocol, & Code of Conduct and Media Policy, Accessibility Statement for Website Cllr. Bridle has agreed to review the above policies and will report back to the next meeting. 8. Financial Matters a) Quarterly summary of Accounts up to 30th September and Budget Report to date The Quarterly summary of Accounts was circulated to all Councillors and the Clerk’s budget report was read out by the Chairman. b) Precept Discussion The Chairman advised that an increase in the Precept of 9% was likely and he produced a spreadsheet of envisaged costs for the next financial year. A discussion took place and it was decided to agree the percentage increase at the next meeting. c) Accounts for Payment The following Accounts were produced for payment: PAYMENTS 29.08.23Poppy ShopWreath for Remembrance Sunday23.98 06.09.23E J WalkerMileage24.30 07.09.23Great Gonerby Memorial HallPart payment for shelving units132.00 08.09.23Laken InflatablesDeposit for hire of inflatable for D Day Celebrations 202460.92 08.09.23Hot and Spacey EnterprisesDeposit for Live Band for D-Day celebrations 2024300.00 19.09.23LCCCut back vegetation and relaying of path through Millennium Wood (2021)1,137.96 22.09.23AmazonPlants for Charlie's Planters15.85 27.09.23Staff SalariesSeptember salaries and computer647.38 28.09.23BDG Mowing2 x Cemetery Grass Cutting, 2 x Cemetery weed spray and Grass Verges628.00 RECEIPTS 05.09.23Virgin MoneyCash Back on Expenses Account0.35 05.09.23T Bridle1 x LALC Dinner 35.00 11.09.23Robert HollandCemetery Fees for Plot P5 Parker113.00 19.09.23LCCVerge Cutting Refund1,204.38 22.09.23Price & SonsCemetery Fees - J Pulfrey Plot C8139.00 30.09.23Virgin MoneyInterest on 95 Day Deposit Account 30.09.23Virgin Money Interest on 30 Day Deposit Account 30.09.23Virgin MoneyInterest on Deposit Account Unanimously agreed. Proposed by Cllr. Fletcher and seconded by Cllr. White 9. Projects Update a) SKDC Grants Cllr. Davey advised that she was working with the Memorial Hall Working Party to submit a Grant application for the installation of solar panels for the Memorial Hall. A further update will be provided at the next meeting. b) Microsoft Office 365 Following the request for a central drop area for documents the Chairman had looked at different options available. He advised that Microsoft 365 offered 10 non-profit licences free of charge but this would mean the PC would need to purchase two further licences at a cost of £30 each per annum per user. Microsoft office offers shared folder facilities, shared calendars etc . It was agreed to go with Microsoft Office. Proposed Cllr. Critchley and seconded Cllr. Fletcher. The Chair agreed to arrange for the two extra licences. The Chair then asked if it would be useful to have a projector and screen. Cllr. Bridle advised that he had a small projector which the Parish Council could use which would mean just the cost of a screen would be necessary. The Chair asked about the use of email addresses going forward. It was decided to keep the Email at a cost of £50 per annum plus £110 every two years for the domain name. c) Neighbour Plan Cllr. Bridle bought the meeting up to date with the following report:- It's an application process that is coordinated through the landing department who are legally required to support. There is an informal and formal stage, informal will be shaping a strategy and approach to statement of intent, the formal is presenting the statement of intent to the planning department who formally publish it and the community have 20weeks to feedback and object. We can continue shaping and bring the skills together whilst we wait but no formal forums and development until after the 20 weeks. There is potential funding available - I'm looking into this - which can cover room rental, paperwork, professional skill support etc for the application. The next step - this is a team activity requiring various skills, knowledge and experience of the village, history and topics. I will be sharing a high-level strategic areas of the NP and I require help identifying people, groups, etc that fit into each area as well identifying the skills available from those willing to support a section of the NP. This will lead to a gap analysis and allow us to consider if/how much professional help might be needed. Ideally, I'd like this strategy and skills analysis before new year. 10 Advisor Groups a) Planning APPLICATIONS S23/1487 Miss V Danbold 29 Green Street, Great Gonerby Restore and paint all sash windows. Replace porch rotten wood siding with brick. Replace rotten wood door and doorpost with new uPVC door and reinforce doorpost. Replace porch window with double glazing. Remove chipboard ceiling and repair rood as needed. Replace broken garden gate with period sympathetic alternative. S3/1503 Mr N Oley Arena UK, Allington Lane, Allington Convert existing stable block to hotel accommodation APPROVED S23/1273 Moto Service Area, Old Great North Road, Great Gonerby Electric vehicle charging hub with associated works (Retrospectively) Notice of Appeal to the Secretary of State Ms A Samuel 1 Grantham Road, Great Gonerby Erection of single storey dwelling. b) The Environment Cllr. Fletcher reported on the state of the white posts round the Pinfold and advised that a quote to repair and repaint had been received from Tony Jackson in the sum of £110. He further advised that the black post off Pond Street needed attention and a further quote for £130 had been received. It was decided to postpone any painting until the Spring. The Lamp post on the corner of Long Street also needs attention next year. A discussion took place regarding replacing the wooden posts with plastic ones and it was suggested this could be a project for a Grant application. Cllr. Beckett reminded the meeting of the need to move the post from the entrance to the field from Covill Close. It was advised the Recruiting Sergeant had held a MacMillan Coffee morning and raised £400. c) Amenity Areas It was agreed the Christmas tree lights will run from the 3rd December to the 1st January. The Clerk was asked to liaise with property owner regarding payment. d) Highways Matter It was decided to try and sell our Speed Watch Equipment. The Clerk agreed to contact LALC to ask if the equipment cold be offered for sale in their fortnightly news. e) Social Committee Cllr. Davey spoke of ideas currently being considered for later this year and also advised tha plans were in course for the D Day Celebrations next year. 11. Notice of motions for future meetings Cllr. White asked if consideration could be given to making Long Street and Pond Street one way. The Chairman advised he has a meeting with Highways on the 6th October and he will raise the question with them. 12. Any matters for urgent discussion None 13. Staffing Matters Deferred to next meeting as meeting over ran. There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.40 pm Flag Flying Days:11th November Remembrance Day 12th NovemberRemembrance Sunday 14th NovemberKing’s Birthday

November 2023

GREAT GONERBY PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of the Meeting held on Monday 6th November At the Memorial Hall, Belton Lane, Great Gonerby Present: Cllr. M Selby Chairman, Cllr. K Davey Vice Chairman, Cllr. V Beckett, Cllr A Critchley, Cllr. C Cundall Cllr. A Mavros, Cllr. M Neal There being four members of the public and Ian Reilly from Allison Homes present the Chairman opened the meeting by welcoming all. The Chairman invited a villager to speak first as they had come to thank the Parish Council for their very quick and much appreciated help in dealing with anti-social behaviour behind their property, with special thanks being afforded to the Chairman. The Chairman agreed to keep a close eye on the problems in the Millennium Wood going forward. Ian Reilly from Allison Homes attended the meeting to advise of two Planning Applications which had been submitted to SKDC in respect of revised access plans for the development Manthorpe due to commence in Spring of next year. The proposal is for no access from Longcliffe Road just from Belton Lane. The Chairman advised of a meeting with LCC details of which are given in Section 9d. 1. Apologies for Absence Cllr. Harry Fletcher – Family Commitments Cllr. Keith White – Family Commitment Cllr. Tim Bridle – Work Commitments Cllr. Emma Austen – did not attend 2. Declarations of Interest/Dispensations None 3. Minutes Signed from Previous Meeting The Minutes of the meeting held on the 2nd October were duly agreed and accepted as a true record. Proposed by Cllr. Beckett, seconded by Cllr. Neal 4. Matters Arising a) Review of Procedures Cllr Bridle being unable to attend had advised the Chairman that he still has a little work to do on the documents on the shared drive and once completed he will advise all Councillors. Once reviewed and agreed the Parish Council should only need to keep an eye out for law updates and policy changes from our meetings 5. Official Correspondence and Circulation Letter received from Virgin Money following a complaint made by the Clerk in respect of problems encountered on the change of Chair and Vice Chair earlier this year. The complaint was upheld and a sum of £150 compensation had been paid to the Council. It was proposed that the compensation money should be used at our Christmas Dinner in December to pay for dinners for Jeff Thompson, Blake Hutchinson and Pat Eland. Any remain monies to be used to reduce the cost of the Councillors’ dinners. This was agreed. Proposed Cllr. Mavros and seconded Cllr. Cundall. Email received from villager regarding the cut back of his hawthorn hedge in the Millennium Wood. Email received from Council Team at Zero Hour with regard to the Climate and Ecology Bill asking for support of the Bill due to be heard on the 24th November. No action to be taken. Email received from LALC regarding the Precautionary Principal regarding environmental impact on every decision and taking the least disruptive or environmental resource usage route possible. This has been noted. 6. Projects Update a) SKDC Grants Cllr. Austen had advised the Chairman that the Parish Council had missed the time slots for this year and no applications had been submitted. Going forward the Chair and Clerk have agreed to work together to prepare Grant applications for submission as soon as funding re-opens. b) Microsoft Office 365 Councillors confirmed that they have now logged onto Microsoft Office 365 and have access to the shared drive. c) MH Working Party Cllr. Davey has set up a meeting on the 14th November with Trustees to discuss the Grant application for the installation of solar panels on the Hall. 7. Neighbourhood Plan Cllr. Bridle will update the Parish Council at the January meeting. 8. Financial Matters a) Quarterly Summary of Accounts up to 30th September The Quarterly Summary of Accounts is noted at the end of these Minutes and balances duly reconciled with Bank statements. The clerk advised that the Kelham Road bus shelter had been cleaned, the last of the grass cutting had taken place for this year and hedge cutting had also been completed. The half year Precept from SKDC had been received. The Half Year Cleaner Grant is still awaited. The Clerk advised that the Speed Awareness Equipment had been sold for the sum of £200. The Chairman reported of an overspend of £255 to the half year but feels confident that by the end of the year the finances will be within budget. b) Budget Setting for 2024/25 The Chair presented his breakdown for Budget Setting as follows Row 2 – Our projected EOY spend is estimated at £36,165.87  The projected revenue is calculated as follows:   Revenue  2023/24  2024/25  Increase    Precept  £28,836  £31,435  9%  SKDC Refunds - Cleaner  £1,390  £1,390  0%  SKDC Refunds - Verges  £1,205  £1,265  5%        Cemetery Fees  £2,550  £2,550  VAT Refund  £2,582  £2,582  0%          Bank Accts Interest  £806  £886  10%  Miscellaneous  £180  £360  100%          Total  £37,549  £40,468  7.75%          Budget  £36,910 (incl. Events)  £40,000  8.37%     The Chairman asked for agreement to a 9% increase to the Precept which was agreed. Proposed by Cllr. Mavros and seconded by Cllr. Neal. The Chairman then turned to the Cemetery fees for 2024/25 and a discussion took place with regard to an increase from the 1st April 2024. It was agreed a small increase of 5% will be levied details of which will be published on the website. c) Accounts for Payment The following Accounts were presented for payment:- ACCOUNTS FOR PAYMENT 6.10.23 BDG Mowing 1 x Verges Cut 2 x Grass Cut 584.00 6.10.23 nPower Hill Top Electric July to Sept 104.97 09.10.23 PWLB Loan Repayment 4,923.67 11.10.23 M Selby Microsoft Office 365 Licence 72.00 13.10.23 Viking Stationery Archive Boxes for filing from cabinets 39.98 2510.23 Crimson Kings Hedge Trimming at Hill Top and additional works to perimeter hedge of car park 570.00 27.10.23 Staff Salaries October staff salaries and computer 647.38 27.10.23 HMRC Tax Payment 472.80 27.10.23 Crimson Kings Hedge trimming at St Sebastian's 330.00 27.10.23 Clean My Windows Kelham Road Bus Shelter Clean 25.00 RECEIPTS 02.10.23 Virgin Money Cashback on Expenses Account 0.06 04.10.23 G H Linnell Plot Fees in respect of memorial for Plot 2Y 134.00 03.10.23 Lockshaw Website Advertising 36.00 04.10.23 Virgin Money Compensation for Bank errors 150.00 05.10.23 SKDC Half Year Precept 14,418.00 10.10.23 Robert Holland Cemetery Fees L Brown Plot L8 113.00 10.10.23 K Neill Cemetery Fees Plot B 9 - Purchase and Plaque 493.00 16.10.23 K Goodliffe Cemetery Fees Purchase of Plot 2V 475.00 20.10.23 M Watchorn Cemetery Fees Purchase of Plot1D 265.00 25.10.23 Shepherds Memorials Memorial Installation for Plot 1Y - K Spearman 134.00 25.10.23 Shepherds Memorials Memorial Installation for Plot 5T - Mr Adcock 134.00 Unanimously agreed. Proposed by Cllr. Davey and seconded by Cllr. Beckett d) Acceptance of Quotes for Grass, Hedge Cutting and Weed Spraying The Chairman presented the quotes for the above. Following a long discussion it was agreed to award the Grass and Hedge Cutting to a new contractor on a rolling 12-month contract for the first 12 months. A new Agreement is to be drawn up for signature by both parties. 9. Advisory Groups a) Planning APPLICATIONS S23/1348 Mr A Johnson 41 Belton Lane, Great Gonerby Section 73 application to vary condition 3 (materials) of S22/1562 (Proposed two storey extension to the side and rear, the erection of a single storey extension to front of existing dwelling including external remodelling and erection of detached outbuilding) S23/1580 3 Long Street, Great Gonerby Replacement windows – Listed building consent. S23/1934 Land off Green Lane, Gonerby Moor Installation of solar farm comprising ground mounted solar photovoltaic panels, including mounting system, inverters, underground cabling, stock proof fencing, CCTV, internal access track, electrical substation land associated infrastructure for a temporary period of 40 years (Revised submission S23/0689) APPROVED S23/1356 Mr C Thompson 25 Pond Street, Great Gonerby Removal of single storey lean-to shed and second small barn Formation of four bedroom dwelling in existing barn New single story extension New timber framed car port New brick boundary to wall to East boundary New Bungalow New single storey 4 bedroom dwelling New timber post and rail fence to South boundary of site Pre- Planning Consultation Cornerstone mobile infrastructure Company Company in the process of progressing suitable sites in the Great Gonerby area to improve service provision. Letter and plans forwarded to all Councillors 20.10.23 b) The Environment Nothing to report c) Amenity Areas Nothing to report d) Highway Matters The Chairman gave feedback following a meeting with LCC Highways regarding envisaged problems with the junction of Belton Lane and Newark Hill. Highways have advised that it is not possible to improve the junction and therefore other options will need to be considered both in the short term and long term including looking at the state of the road in entirety. It is acknowledged that something needs to be done to cope with the envisage increased traffic along Belton Lane and Highways will report back in time for the January meeting. e) Social Committee Cllr. Davey advised the Parish Council of proposed arrangement to celebrate the 80th Anniversary of D Day in June 2024. Plans are in early stages and when formalised will be shared with the Parish Council. Cllr. Davey advised of a Grant application which has been made to cover some of the costs of the celebrations and an outcome is expected soon. 10. Notice of Motions for Future Meetings None recorded. 11. Any Matters for Urgent Discussion It was noted that the Millennium Wood will need further attention to deter anti-social behaviour and this will be carried out. Cllr. Davey requested a sign for the High Street Library – to be renamed White Swan Library. Flooding to Long Street has been a problem recently and the Chair agreed to chase up findings with both Anglian Water and LCC Highways. Cllr. Davey reminded the Councillors of the Remembrance Day service on Sunday asking for support. 12. Staffing Matters Recorded in Confidential Minutes There being no further business the meeting closed at 21.30 Flag Flying Days: November 14thKing Charles III Birthday GREAT GONERBY PARISH COUNCIL QUARTERLY SUMMARY OF ACCOUNTS 30.9.2023 Balance B/F £0.00 Payments £24,039.17 Receipts £57,490.69 Balance C/F £33,451.52 Total £57,490.69 Total £57,490.69 Balance C/F as per Bank Statements: Uncleared Cheques Amount     Current Acc. £18.93     - Uncleared Cheques £0.00     + Uncleared Payments £0.00         Total Current Acc. £18.93         Cash Management A/c £96.00     Events Cash Management £5.26 Total £0.00 Expenses Account £29.07 30 Day Deposit Account £2,077.69 95 Day Deposit Account £31,224.57 Uncleared Payments Amount Balance C/F £33,451.52     Total           Total £0.00

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