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Council Minutes - 2024

January 2024

GREAT GONERBY PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of the Meeting held on Monday 8th January 2024 At the Memorial Hall, Belton Lane, Great Gonerby Present: Cllr M Selby Chairman, Cllr. K Davey Vice Chair, Cllr. G Beckett, Cllr. T Bridle, Cllr. T Critchley, Cllr. C Cundall, Cllr. M Neal There being seven members of the public in attendance, the meeting opened with a Public Forum. A villager came to advise the Parish Council of problems with the builders’ obstructions on the pavement in Belvoir Gardens which have been in existence for over four weeks. He advised of the dangerous situation. The Clerk agreed to contact LCC regarding the issue. The issue of speed in the High Street was raised by another villager and it was widely agreed that this was an ongoing problem which had been looked at many times by the Parish Council. Further concerns were raised regarding parking on the corner of Long Street which obstructs vision. The Chairman advised of the proposed traffic calming measures that were in course and due to start in the Spring of this year. A suggestion was made to make Pond Street/Green Street one way. The Chairman advised that this was an area the Neighbourhood Plan Committee could investigate. The Chairman opened the meeting by advising of the resignation of Cllr. Harry Fletcher. He thanked Harry for his time as a Councillor. He advised that the vacancy was being advertised on the website., Village Facebook page and the Notice Board. 1. Apologies for Absence: Cllr. A Mavros Family Commitments Cllr. K White Unwell Cllr A Maughan Holiday Cllr E Austen Did not attend 2. Declarations of Interest/Dispensations Cllrs. Selby and Critchley declared an interest in the Vision Document produced by Saints in respect of Hook Farm. These two Notices are attached to these Minutes. 3. Minutes signed from Previous Meeting The Minutes of the meeting held on the 6th November were duly agreed and accepted as a true record. Proposed by Cllr. Beckett, seconded by Cllr. Neal 4. Matters Arising – Vision Document – Saints Property Developers Several questions were raised regarding the Vision document including the junction to Newark Hill and types of property to be included in the development. Cllr. Neal requested why in the Chair and Councillor had not disclosed the document before and that it could be felt that it didn’t send a good message to the village as there would be more people, more traffic etc. She also queried why certain people were informed in advance of all the Councillors. On this note the Chairman explained that it was a courtesy that he had informed Cllr. Bridle in the first instance as he is heading up the Neighbourhood Plan, but this disclosure was only 24hrs in advance of a general disclosure to the Councillors. He also noted that both he and the other Councillor were bound by a non-disclosure and that as soon as that covenant was no longer applicable then information was released to the Parish Council ahead of any disclosure from SKDC or LCC so in fact in advance of the normal protocol. Cllr. Bridle acknowledge that village development cannot be stopped and welcomed this advance notification but that his only concern was to keep the Manthorpe development separate from any proposed development at Hook Farm. The Chairman explained that at this stage the document presented only an outline application and that the likely timetable for any development would not take place for several years if at all. The Chairman asked for the proposal to be included in the Neighbourhood Plan for the views and opinions of the NH committee including the villagers themselves and it was agreed that this would be discussed at the next Neighbourhood Plan meeting due at the end of January. A discussion took place regarding granting of dispensation to Cllrs. Selby and Critchley at meetings going forward and this will be reviewed again at the February meeting. 5. Official Correspondence Cllr. Maughan email advising that a detailed study had been commissioned to look at improvements to the Newark Hill junction which will take several months due to the surveys involved and the gathering of data. LCC December Update attached to these Minutes. Further email correspondence from Cllr. Maughan advising that work on the new puffin crossing and resurfacing scheme for the High Street is planned for this year. He is meeting the project team at the end of January for an update. He advised that Allison Homes have made an application to install traffic lights at the Manthorpe end of Belton Lane which Highways are reviewing. LALC have advised that Kirsty Sinclair has been appointed as the Parish Council’s Internal Auditor Email regarding an elderly person’s dog attacking other dogs. The villager was requested to contact the police regarding the matter. Lengthy email correspondence regarding the hedge fronting Grantham Road near the village green, the outcome of which is LCC have now taken responsibility and are in course of repairing the damage caused to the property owner’s fence. Email correspondence from Jeff Thompson thanking the Parish Council for the Christmas dinner. Two Electoral Register Updates received from SKDC. Email correspondence from resident of Long Street regarding flood problems. The Chairman advised that he had met with Anglian Water who advised that they are going to put a robot camera down the drain in Long Street to ascertain the problems. Parish Council Survey received from LALC which the Clerk and Chairman will reply to. SKDC advice re recycling bin collection changes. 6. Project Updates a) Grant Applications The Chairman advised that he had recently attended a Seminar “Winning Strategies for the Funding Game” and was made aware of several grants gained by other Parish Councils which made our proposed applications pale into insignificance. The Parish Council needs to think big, and he appealed for the Community to think what they want going forward. The Chairman asked Cllr. Bridle to ascertain ideas from his Neighbourhood Planning Committee and report back. A discussion took place as to whether to employ someone to handle the Grant applications and this is to be discussed further. The Chairman advised that he is going to attend a SKDC Grant Funding Workshop on the 18th January. b) Memorial Hall Working Party Cllr Davey advised the Working Party had been requested to obtain two further like for like quotes for the solar panel grant application and these were in course. Match Funding is to be discussed at the next meeting. Grant application needs to be submitted by the January deadline. c) Neighbourhood Plan Update Cllr. Bridle advised that he had a very helpful meeting with the SKDC Planning Officer and a further NP Meeting is to be held within the next 10 days. Cllr Bridle said it would be helpful to have two other Councillors at the next meeting and Cllrs. Selby and Davey agreed to attend. 7. Poor Land Update Cllr Davey advised that the expected eviction at the end of December had not taken place and the Charity were now looking for a forceful eviction but that there were numerous problems to overcome. A consultation with Downtown Management is to be arranged to establish whether or not they are still interested in purchasing the land and then to agree the best way forward. The Tenant of the land in Allington Lane has requested to buy the land but this has yet to proceed as awaiting valuation. 8. Financial Matters The Chairman produced the following Budget Report on the year to date. Summary   The overall position relates to an overspend YTD of £2,267.07   However, excluding the precept, revenue income has increased by over £11k this year mainly due to cemetery fees, interest payments, VAT recovery and grant recovery.  Our bank balance therefore remains healthy and stands us in a good position for the coming year.     Bank Status  Our current balance across all Bank Accounts sits at £33,451.52    Costs  Fixed -   As the pay increase for the Parish Clerk and Cleaner have now been approved, back pay has been established and remunerated in Dec 23  HMRC Tax payment of £582.08 and final settlements of Hedge and Verge Cutting.  Variable -   Church Clock Repairs  Xmas Dinner contribution £150 (recovered as income from Virgin Bank a) Quarterly Summary of Accounts The Clerk produced the end of Quarter 3 Accounts which were duly reconciled to the Bank Statements. Copy Reconciliation attached to Minuts. b) Accounts for Payment The following Accounts were produced for payment. 27.10.23 W H Smith Christmas Cards for Contractors 6.99 29.10.23 M & S Christmas Gift Card for P Eland 25.00 31.10.23 Anthony Jackson Repair posts and rail fence Hill Top, Put up and take down planters in High Street 130.00 06.11.23 BDG Mowing 2 x Grass Cutting, 2 x Weed Spraying and 1 x verge cutting 628.00 06.11.23 Powershift Cleaning Services High power pressure wash to Pond Area including weed treatment 185.97 07.11.23 E J Walker Mileage Expenses 56.70 07.11.23 Rymans Stationery - Envelopes and File Dividers 7.18 07.11.23 Post Office 16 x 2nd class stamps 12.00 09.11.23 Viking Signs White Swan Library Sign 39.46 10.11.23 Crimson Kings Hedge Cutting along Grantham Road 540.00 11.11.23 Amazon Union Jack 14.99 13.11.23 K Davey Refund of Excess postage paid in respect of letter sent to Hill Top Cemetery from SKDC 5.00 20.11.23 Evenbrite Winning Strategies for the Funding Game Training 52.04 24.11.23 Post Office 1st Class stamp - Letter re fence 1.25 27.11.23 Staff Salaries November Salaries and computer 784.18 06.12.23 Time Assured Ltd Clock Service 168.00 12.12.23 Expenses Account Cash for Christmas Dinner 150.00 27.12.23 Staff Salaries December salaries and computer 917.11 27.12.23 HMRC Tax Payment 582.08    RECEIPTS 31.10.23 Virgin Money Interest on 95 Day Deposit Account 87.17 31.10.23 Virgin Money Interest on 30 Day Deposit Account 5.29 02.11.23 Virgin Money Cashback on Expenses Account 0.25 23.11.23 AJR Website Advertising 36.00 30.11.23 Virgin Money Interest on 95 Day Deposit Account 78.29 30.11.23 Virgin Money Interest on 30 Day Deposit Account 3.90 04.12.23 Virgin Money Cash Back on Expenses Account 0.44 04.12.23 Robert Holland Interment Fees Plot 10A St Sebastian's 113.00 04.12.23 Mareham-Le-Fen PC Purchase of Speed Watch Equipment 200.00 07.12.23 G H Linnell Cemetery Fees in respect of Plot 2W 134.00 19.12.23 SKDC Community Cleaner Grant 694.98 31.12.23 Virgin Money Interest on 95 Day Deposit Account 81.16 31.12.23 Virgin Money Interest on Deposit Account 40.75 31.12.23 Virgin Money Interest on 30 Day Deposit Account 4.12 31.12.23 Virgin Money Interest on Events Deposit Account 0.89 Payments Unanimously agreed. Proposed by Cllr. Bridle and seconded by Cllr. Cundalll. 9. Advisory Groups a) Planning APPLICATIONS S23/2012 – Communications Notification Shell Kelly Sharmans Agricultural Group, Grantham The proposal is to install electronic communications apparatus/development ancillary to radio equipment housing on behalf of Cornerstone S23/1961 Mr M Willett 1 Belvoir Gardens, Great Gonerby Full Planning Permission Variation to Condition 2 of S16/2304 S23/2063 Oldrid & Co Garden Centre – Proposal to install 3 x Fascia and 1 x Standing banner sign. Distribution Centre – Proposal to install 1 x Fascia sign Superstore – Proposal to install 4 x Fascia signs. S23/2034 Mr M Birtle Rose Garden Place, Toll Bar Road, Marston Erection of storage/maintenance building in connection with the approved contractor’s yard/storage use of the land. S23/2137 Mrs S Eddeston South Cottage, Gadds Lane, Belton NG32 2NX Proposed single storey rear and side extensions (retrospective planning application). Previous Planning permission ref – S23/0614 S23/2167 50 Green Street, Great Gonerby Detached double garage with accommodation to first floor. Extension to first floor of dwelling, enlargement of single storey extension and replacement of existing roof. External walls to be rendered. (Resubmission of S23/1068) S23/2253 Sutton Lodge, 20 Green Street, Great Gonerby Section 211 notice in relation to pollarding of three sycamore trees APPROVED S23/1068 Ms S Hutchinson 50 Green Street, Great Gonerby Detached double garage. Extension to the first floor of dwelling, enlargement of single storey extension and replacement of existing rood. External walls to be rendered. S23/1580 Mr A Whitcher 3 Long Street, Great Gonerby Replacement Windows – Listed building consent S23/2012 Sharmans Agricultural Group, Grantham Installation of electronic communications apparatus/development ancillary to radio equipment housing on behalf of Cornerstone. S22/0336 Mr R Wilson Moto 101 Ltd Old Great North Road, Gonerby Moor Section 73 application for the variation of Condition 1 (days of operation) of S20/0143 to allow operation on Mondays and Tuesday 09.00 – 21.00 hours. S23/1477 Mr M Birtie Rose Garden Place, Toll Bar road, Marston Changes to design of office building approved under ref: S22/0669 (Erection of storage/maintenance building, office/welfare building and aggregate storage bays in connection with the approved contractor’s yard/storage use of the land) S23/1503 Mr N Oley Arena UK, Allington Lane, Allington Convert existing stable black to (C1) hotel accommodation. S23/2341 1 Belvoir Gardens, Great Gonerby Installation of fixed-line broadband apparatus – 1 x 9m wooden pole S23/2063 Oldrid & Co Garden Centre – Proposal to install 3 x Fascia and 1 x Standing banner sign. Distribution Centre – Proposal to install 1 x Fascia sign Superstore – Proposal to install 4 x Fascia signs. Appeal Decision S23/0165 1 Grantham Road, Great Gonerby Appeal was dismissed. b) The Environment The Chairman advised that in light of the recent flooding in Long Street it had been decided to take advantage of SKDC’s offer to supply one ton of sand and sandbags for the village. The PC have purchased a storage unit which is now sited at the Recruiting Sergeant. Councillors agreed to fill the bags for use in the village. Cllr Beckett spoke of other flood prevention schemes and asked if these could be included on the website. Agreed. c) Amenity Areas Cllr. Neal is to report in February. d) Highways Nothing to report. e) Social Committee Cllr. Davey advised of arrangements in hand for the 80th D Day Celebrations and would be able to report further following a Social Committee meeting at the end of January. A grant has been applied to cover the cost of the celebrations, but the outcome of the application would not be known until after the new Financial Year. 10. Staffing Matters et Appraisal Dates for February The Chairman agreed to set dates for the appraisals. 11. Notice of Motions for Future Meetings a) Saints Development 12. Any Matters for Urgent Discussion Cllr. Neal asked when the village signs would be installed. Cllr. Critchley advised that this was in hand and waiting for Highway Licence to carry out the work. Cllr. Neal asked regarding commitment from certain Councillors who do not attend regular meetings. After a discussion it was agreed, the Chairman would write to the Councillors concerned to ascertain their availability. There being no further business the meeting closed at 21.30. GREAT GONERBY PARISH COUNCIL QUARTERLY SUMMARY OF ACCOUNTS 31.12.23 Balance B/F £0.00 Payments £36,114.92 Receipts £75,322.99 Balance C/F £39,208.07 Total £75,322.99 Total £75,322.99 Balance C/F as per Bank Statements: Uncleared Cheques Amount     Current Acc. £1,055.42     - Uncleared Cheques £0.00     + Uncleared Payments £0.00         Total Current Acc. £1,055.42     Expenses £30.93     Deposit Account £12,152.67     95 Day Deposit Account £23,971.19 Total £0.00 Events Cash Management £376.23 Events Deposit Account £1,621.63 Uncleared Payments Amount Balance C/F £39,208.07                 Total £0.00

February 2024

GREAT GONERBY PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of the Meeting held on Monday 5th February 2024 At the Memorial Hall, Belton Lane, Great Gonerby Present: Cllr. K Davey Vice Chair, Cllr. G Beckett, Cllr. T Bridle, Cllr. T Critchley, Cllr. M Neal, Cllr K White The Vice Chair welcomed five members of the public to the meeting and enquired if they had any concerns to raise. None were voiced. 1.Apologies for Absence Apologies were received fromCllr. M Selby Cllr. C Cundall Cllr. A Mavros Non Attendance:Cllr. E Austen 2.Declarations of Interest/Dispensation The Clerk enquired of Cllr. Bridle if he had amended his DPI Form. Cllr. Bridle advised that he had been unable to do this as was unable to access documents following the PC’s email system being moved to Microsoft 365. The Vice Chair agreed to liaise with Cllr. Bridle about amending the form and forwarding to the Clerk. 3.Minutes Signed from Previous Meeting Cllr Bridle advised that he had been mis quoted in the Minutes and asked for the following amendment to be made:- Item 4 of Minutes of 8th January 2024 The second paragraph should read “Cllr. Bridle acknowledged that village development cannot be stopped and welcomed this advance notification, but his only concern was to keep the Parish Council separate from any proposed development at Hook Cliffe Farm. The above amendment was duly made, and the Minutes were then duly agreed and accepted as a true record. Proposed by Cllr. Neal and seconded by Cllr. Beckett. 4. Clerk and Members to report back on Matters Arising Cllr. Crtichley advised that the village signs had not been installed due to weather conditions. He did mention that he would agree if another contractor could be found. Following reports of flooding in Long Street Anglian Water have now removed several root balls found in the drainage pipe and it is hoped this work will see the end of the localised flooding. The Clerk thanked Cllr. Critchley for all his hard work in restoring Hill Top Cemetery car park with a new top layer. The Clerk asked Councillors to respond to emails where a response is requested. A discussion took place regarding the number of emails currently being generated and it was resolved that only urgent emails would be circulated going forward. Other correspondence will be dealt with at Parish Council meetings. 5. Official Correspondence Email correspondence from PC Mark Barr following reports of large groups of youths gathering in the village. PC Barr has confirmed that he will continue to carry out patrols in the village. Email correspondence from villager regarding removing bushes along public footpath which abuts his property and replacing with a fence. This was agreed. Email correspondence regarding archive Planning permissions, Parish Council unable to help. Email correspondence from SKDC regarding available financial support following recent flooding. Email correspondence regarding proposals from the Nation Grid to install pylons in the Lincolnshire Wold and along the coastline. A discussion took place, and it was agreed that Great Gonerby Parish Council would like to support the appeal. Contact to be made to ascertain how the Parish Council can help. Email correspondence from Jeff Thompson thanking whoever nominated him for a Community Service Award last year. SKDC Monthly Electoral Register Update 6. Projects Update a)Grants The Clerk has submitted Grant applications for new Speed Awareness signs, the bus shelter, and new white posts to SKDC’s Prosperity Fund. An application to the National Lottery Community fund in respect of the installation of a water supply at the Pond has also been submitted. A request to the SKDC Community Fund for the cost of replacement litter bins at the Memorial Hall was also submitted but was told this cost could not be covered in a Grant as forms part of Parish Council business and must be included in the Precept. b) Memorial Hall Working Party Cllr. Bridle advised that comparative quotes for the solar panels had been received and it was hoped to submit the Grant application in good time before the deadline of 31st March. c) Neighbourhood Plan Update Cllr. Bridle advised that he had been unable to arrange a meeting due to loss of access to emails. 7. Great Gonerby Event Group Cllr. Davey advised nothing further to report with regard to arrangements but made a plea for further volunteers to help on the day. At the present time she felt the event needed a further 10/15 volunteers. 8. Financial Matters a)Budget Report The following report was read by the Vice Chairman on behalf of The Chairman: - Summary The overall position relates to an overspend YTD of £3,476.01 However, excluding the precept, revenue income has increased by a further £1,600 to over £13k this year. Our bank balance therefore remains healthy and stands us in a good position for the coming year. As we approach our final quarter for this financial year, we have a better vision of costs for the coming year and the allocation of funds. Our total spend this YTD is £37,225 against £46,852 LYTD giving a saving of £9,627 With our approach of a healthy bank balance, increased precept, and grant applications, we hope to have greater flexibility to meet the needs of the community in 2024 I would welcome any input regarding the “allocation of budget by category/month” for the Period 24/25 Bank Status Our current balance across all Bank Accounts sits at £37,658.36 Costs FixedAn unexpected amount of £175 for Tree Pruning and £195 for Bus Shelter Shutter Repairs Variable Purchase of a Storage Unit for Flood Prevention - £147 Repairs to Cemetery Car Park - £1080 b) Accounts for Payment The Following Accounts were present for payment PAYMENTS 03.01.24J BrearleyChristmas Tree Lights Electric Payment35.00 08.01.24J WalkerRefund of Payment to B & Q in respect of torage unit for flood prevention sand and bags176.00 08.01.24J & M CritchleySupply/spread and roll 30 x ton of tarmac plainings at Hill1,080.00 08.01.24nPowerElectric for Hill Top Cemetery174.01 09.01.24E J WalkerMileage Expenses16.20 10.01.24Syston DoorsRepairs to Bus Stop Shutters234.00 12.01.24Post Office2 x Recorded letters to Councillors4.50 19.01.24Crimson KingsCrown raise on spruce tree at The Pinfold and hedge trimming210.00 25.01.24M Selby (Amazon)HP 12.5 EliteBook 820 Laptop for Clerk259.99 26.01.24Staff SalariesJanuary salaries and computer810.31 26.01.23Recruiting SergeantChristmas Dinner for Councillors150.00 26.01.24Glen EskCompassionate flower for Mr Pigott's daughter Kerry Angoloni28.95 RECEIPTS 08.01.23SKDCRefund of Excess Postage10.00 16.01.24David HollandCemetery Fees in respect of Plot 1X370.00 23.01.24Mrs J MassinghamCemetery Fees Purchase of Plot 2D394.00 23.01.245Co-op Funeral CareCemetery Fees Purchase of Plot 2U and Interment Fees886.00 Payments Unanimously agreed. Proposed by Cllrs. Beckett and Neal. The Clerk presented a quotation to replace the electric box for the Christmas Tree light in the sum of £170. This was duly agreed. 9. Set up Panels a) Volunteer for Disciplinary and Grievance Panel Cllr. Bridle disputed the need for this as he thought the agreement was for the Chairman and any two other Councillors to sit on the Panel. The Clerk agreed to check Minutes when the last discussion took place. b) Volunteer for Press Officer Cllr. Selby has volunteered to be the Parish Council’s Press Officer. This was agreed. 10. Advisory Groups a) Planning APPLICATIONS S24/0015 Mr D Lockyear 34 Pond Street, Great Gonerby Single storey side extension S24/0040 Mr and Mr M Pike 16 The Knoll, Great Gonerby Single storey side and rear extension and porch. S24/0018 Mr B Wheeler 37 Belton Lane, Great Gonerby Construction of timber framed workshop S23/2242 Mr R Lee Constables Field, Belton Lane, Grantham Residential development comprising 7 dwellings and access road. APPROVED S23/1961 Mr M Willett 1 Belvoir Gardens, Great Gonerby Variation to condition 2 of S16/2304 (Erection of 2 no. detached dwellings) S23/2253 Mr Brian Murphy Sutton Lodge, 20 Green Street Section 211 notice in relation to pollarding of three sycamore trees. S23/2137 Mrs S Eddleston South Cottage, Gadds Lane, Belton Proposed single storey rear and side extension (retrospective planning application). Previous planning permission ref S23/0614. S23/1934 Kelsi Bolstad Land Off Green Lane, Gonerby Moor Installation of Solar Farm S23/2034 Mr M Birtie Rose Garden Place, Toll Bar Road, Marston Erection of storage/maintenance building in connection with the approved contractor’s yard/storage use of land S23/2167 Ms S Hutchinson 50 Green Street, Great Gonerby Detached double garage with accommodation to first floor. Extension to first floor of dwelling, enlargement of single storey extension and replacement of existing roof. External walls to be rendered (Resubmission of S23/1068) b) The Environment Cllr. Neal reported the bollards round the Pond area were deteriorating and needed urgent maintenance. The Clerk agreed to arrange for the work to be carried out. c) Amenity Areas The Vice Chair asked Cllr. Beckett if she wanted to be involved with the Environment and Amenity areas. Cllr. Beckett confirmed she agreed and would work with Cllr. Neal on the two areas and report as necessary. The Clerk produced a quote for maintenance work needed to the War Memorial. This was discussed and agreed. d) Highway Matters Email received from Fix My Street regarding the Bridge and footpath running between Long Street and Cox’s Walk advising state changed to Investigating. This matter is long outstanding, and the Clerk agreed to chase for further updates soon. 11. Notice of motions for future meetings. None 12. Matters for Urgent Discussion Cllr. Bridle was asked about issues he is having with emails, and he advised he was confident the matter could be resolved with the help of Cllr. Cundall. Cllr. Bridle asked the Clerk regarding the outcome of the Internal Audit. The Clerk advised this was still awaited. Cllr. Beckett spoke of problems with parking on the pavement in the High Street and on the junction of Green Street. It was resolved to ask PC Barr to investigate the problems. Cllr. Bridle asked if a date for commencement of the new crossing in the High Street was known as he thought is was due to commence in the Spring and Spring is just a month away. The Clerk agreed to contact Cllr. Maughan for an update. Cllr. Neal spoke of the school bell and wondered if it could be bought out into the community rather than being stored away. A discussion took place, but no decision made. The Vice Chair asked for ideas regarding improvements to the village should the Saints development proceed. A lengthy discussion took place, the outcome of which was several ideas were voiced and will be communicated to the developers at the appropriate time for inclusion in the project. There being no further business the meeting closed at 21:15

March 2024

GREAT GONERBY PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of the Meeting held on Monday 4th March 2024 At the Memorial Hall, Belton Lane, Great Gonerby Present: Cllr. M Selby Chair, Cllr. K Davey Vice Chair, Cllr. G Beckett, Cllr. T Bridle, Cllr. T Critchley, Cllr. C Cundall, Cllr. A Mavros, Cllr K White Cllr. A Maughan LCC The Chair welcomed four members of the public to the meeting and enquired if they had any concerns to raise. None were voiced. 1.Apologies for Absence Apologies were received fromCllr. M Neal 2.Declarations of Interest/Dispensation Verbal Declarations of Interest were received from Cllr. Selby and Critchley in respect of a “Vision Document” relating to Hook Cliff Farm with Cllr. Critchley being the Landowner and Cllr. Selby being contracted as a contractual advisor. The Chairman raised the question of Dispensations and suggested that neither party would apply for the above if it was felt in the best interests of the council that they be excluded from these matters as so to ensure no conflict of interest. All Councillors expressed a wish to discuss the matter without Cllr. Selby and Critchley being present and they duly left the meeting for this reason. A long discussion took place, the Clerk explained the different Dispensations which could be applied for and it was eventually agreed that Cllrs. Selby and Critchley should apply for Dispensation to be allowed to stay in meeting and take part in discussions but have no voting rights when the Hook Cliff development was discussed. Cllrs. Selby and Critchley then rejoined the meeting and agreed to these terms and recommended that should the Council wish to reconsider these terms in the future, then this could be done without the objection of either Cllrs. Critchley or Selby. A review of Standing Order Item 13e was discussed and the wording amended to read: A decision as to whether to grant a dispensation shall be made by a meeting of the Council, or committee or sub-committee for which the dispensation is required, and that decision is final. The Clerk duly made the amendment to the Standing Orders. 3.Co-option of New Councillor The Clerk having only received one application in respect of the vacancy from Alison Hardy she was duly voted onto the Council and welcomed by the Chair. 4. Minutes signed from the previous Meeting The Minutes of the meeting held on the 3rd February 2024 were agreed and accepted as a true record. Proposed by Cllr. White and seconded by Cllr. Critchley. 5. Clerk and Members to report back on Matters Outstanding a) Set Up of Disciplinary and Grievance Panel The Clerk produced an extract from Minutes of June 2023 regarding the setup of the panel. Cllr. Davey pointed out that Cllr. Bridle had agreed to review policies and report back. This matter remains outstanding. b) High Street/Green Street Parking Cllr. Beckett had bought the above problem to the attention of Community Beat Officer, Mark Barr, who has agreed to carry out patrols in the area. c) New High Street Crossing Cllr. Maughan being in attendance, bought the Councillors up to date advising that works are set to start. A discussion took place as to the pros and cons of moving the crossing, however, it was pointed out that the current location does not meet health and safety standards. Cllr. Maughan then spoke of flooding issues and any internal flooding is subject to a Section 19 inspection to establish the cause. At the present time there are over 200 such inspections outstanding in Lincolnshire and the County Council have agreed to extra expenditure to deal with the backlog. Problems of recurring flooding in Long Street were discussed too and Cllr. Maughan agreed to pursue the problems on behalf of the Parish Council. 6. Official Correspondence Email received acknowledging our offer to help with regard to backing the campaign to prevent further East Coast pylons. Email received from villager with regard to reinstatement of picnic bench. Discussion took place and it was suggested that if villager can locate a suitable site for the picnic bench the Parish Council would revisit the proposition. Email received following problems with a burial at Hill Top and thanking PC for help and support. Email from LCC with regard to the Government’s Planning Guarantee. Email from Grantham College regarding course availability, Clerk asked to find out further details. Email from LCC asking for help in identifying locations for Electric vehicle charger locations. Email advising of the availability of free hedging and trees. Email from SKDC regarding changes to recycling Email from Cllr. Beckett regarding millennium wood damage. Discussion took place and it was agreed to get a working party together to open up the area. Email regarding long outstanding resurfacing work to the bridge between Long Street and Cox’s Walk – this has now commenced. Email from Allison Homes advising of work to hedgerow at site access point. Email from villager advising of construction of an unauthorised workshop in Belvoir Gardens. The matter is being dealt with by SKDC Planning. Advice from SKDC offering a Grant to plant a mini orchard. The idea was discussed and it was thought a mini orchard could be incorporated into the wildflower area at the Memorial Hall, but this needs to be verified by the Trustee of the Hall. LCC March Report 7. Projects Update Cllr. Selby asked if any Councillor was still experiencing difficulties following the switch to Microsoft 365. None were voiced. Cllr Selby then went on to speak about the role of the administrator for emails and concerns which had been raised, advising that previously the previous Chair and Clerk had carried out this role. However, he had been in touch with LALC’s webmaster who recommended Damon Roland would be happy to help manage email accounts on behalf of the Parish Council. The cost of this would be £25.00 per hour. After a discussion it was agreed that the role of administrator would be given to Damon Roland. Proposed by Cllr. Cundall and seconded by Cllr. Bridle. Cllr. White stated that he was not prepared to pay for security for his laptop to use Microsoft 365. He was advised that there is free security available. a) Grants The Grant application for the white plastic posts has been agreed. Applications in respect of the solar speed signage and bus stop are still receiving consideration. The application to the Lottery Community Fund in respect of the water supply has been turned down. b) Memorial Hall Working Party Cllr. Davey advised that the Grant for the solar panels had been submitted. c) Neighbourhood Plan Update Cllr. Bridle circulated a plan of the area the Neighbourhood Plan would incorporate. He is now in touch with the Team to drive the plan forward and is arranging a further meeting with team members. 8. Set Up Staffing Committee After a lengthy discussion it was decided that this was not necessary at this time. 9. Financial Matters a) Budget Report The following Budget Report was produced by the Chairman: Summary The overall position relates to an overspend YTD of £4,155.50 However, revenue over precept, has increased further to £14,500 this year. Our bank balance therefore remains healthy and stands us in a good position for the coming year. As we now have an understanding of Budget Allocation for 2024/25 we should be in a position of strength to manage costs and budget in the coming financial year. Our total spend this YTD is £38,954 against £48,551 LYTD giving a saving of £9,597 Further Grant Applications in the 24/25 period will enable us to do more without the need to overspend against our Budgetted expectations. Bank Status Our current balance across all Bank Accounts sits at £35,780 Costs Fixed An ongoing expenditure for maintenance has been responsible for the overspend amount of £515. This will be noted and will be reflected in the accounts for the year ahead. Variable - None b) Accounts for Payment The Following Accounts were presented for payment PAYMENTS 02.02.24RymansA4 Paper and Suspension Files £ 39.97 07.02.24Crimson KingsRemoval of Christmas Light from fir tree £ 105.00 07.02.24Crimson KingsHedge Cutting Along Grantham Hill footpath £ 270.00 09.02.24Lincolnshire Memorial Maintenance - Matthew BurtDeposit for maintenance works to War Memorial £ 225.00 18.02.24Powershift Cleaning ServiceWash concrete path at Hill Top Cemetery £ 65.00 19.02.24Post Office16 x 2nd Class Stamps £ 12.00 19.02.24Handyman GrayConstruction of sand storage unit £ 25.00 27.02.24Staff Salaries February salaries plus computer £ 810.51 RECEIPTS 31.01.24Virgin MoneyInterest on 95 Day Deposit Account £ 81.44 31.01.24Virgin MoneyInterest on 30 Day Deposit Account (Events) £ 4.13 02.02.24Virgin MoneyCashback on Expenses Account £ 0.12 05.02.24G H LinnellCemetery Fees Plot L8 - St Sebastians £ 100.00 12.02.24Caroline FerryCemetery Fees - Purchase of Plot 2T £ 498.00 26.02.24Funeral Partners LtdCemetery Fees - Interment at Plot 2T £ 388.00 Payments Unanimously agreed. Proposed by Cllrs. Bridle and White. 10. Advisory Groups a) Planning PLANNING FOR MARCH 2024 MEETING APPLICATIONS S24/0079 Mr I Everington The Recruiting Sergeant, 10 High Street, Great Gonerby Extension to eastern elevation, 1800mm close boarded fencing and gates to create compound, reroofing landing area and external alterations. Full Planning Permission S24/0080 Mr I Everington The Recruiting Sergeant, 10 High Street, Great Gonerby Extension to eastern elevation, 1800mm close boarded fencing and gates to create compound, reroofing landing area, internal and external alterations. Listed building consent b) The Environment and Amenity Areas Cllr. Beckett advised that Cllr. Neal and herself are each going to take half the village to patrol and monitor areas going forward. They will report at each meeting as to any problems found. It has been established that it is no longer necessary to produce a written report each month. c) Highway Matters None reported. 11. Notice of motions for future meetings. The Chairman advised he would be setting up a Risk Assessment for discussion at the next meeting. 12. Matters for Urgent Discussion Cllr. Beckett requested Minutes to include initials of those taking responsibility for actions. A question was raised as to the availability of the funds due to the Parish Council from the Solar Farm at Gonerby Moor. No funds will be available until the solar farm is up and running. Cllr. Beckett raised a query as to the number of Councillors allowed on the Parish Council. The Clerk agreed to find out and report back. The Chair referred to the meeting that took place in February and the matters that took place and congratulated everyone on ensuring that this evening’s meeting had been courteous and considerate. There being no further business the meeting closed at 21:30

March Extraordinary Meeting 2024

GREAT GONERBY PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of the Extra Ordinary Meeting held on Wednesday 20th March 2024 At the Memorial Hall, Belton Lane, Great Gonerby Present: Cllr. G Beckett, Cllr. T Bridle, Cllr. T Critchley, Cllr. C Cundall, Cllr. K Davey, Cllr. A Hardy, Cllr. M Neal and Cllr K White There were three members of the public in attendance. The Clerk opened the meeting by welcoming everyone and asking Councillors present if they were in agreement for the Clerk to take the meeting until the new Chairperson was elected. All Councillors were in favour. 1. To Elect a New Chairperson The Clerk asked for a show of hands from those interested in becoming the Chairperson. Only Cllr. Bridle held his hand up. In the circumstances the Clerk requested a show of hands from other Councillors to confirm that they would be happy to work with Cllr. Bridle to restore the good of the Parish Council. The majority of the Councillors were in favour of the appointment. Cllr. Bridle duly signed the acceptance of office forms. 2.To Elect a New Vice Chair The Chairman asked for volunteers for the role of Vice Chair. Cllr Davey indicated she would stand again as Vice Chair. The working relationship between Cllr Davey and the Clerk was raised and the situation where Cllr Davey had recently resigned from the same post. There was a debate as to the necessity of a Parish Council Vice Chairperson with the AGM so near. Item to be revisited in May at AGM. The Chairperson then raised the question of voting new Councillors onto the Parish Council and pointed out that this had not happened at the March meeting. He asked for a show of hands to confirm that they were happy with the appointment of Alison Hardy as a Councillor at the March meeting. A show of hands duly followed with a majority in favour. Alison Hardy was welcomed as a Parish Councillor. Meeting moved to Closed Session and members of the public left the meeting 3.To Consider an offer from a member of the public regarding Consultancy 4.A long discussion took place regarding an offer from Mr Selby to provide Consultancy services to the Parish Council that lead to the Parish Council agreeing to further investigation into costings of such services, which the Chairperson agreed to look into. However, no decision was made as to the suitability of Mr Selby and the offer is to be revisited at a later date. 5.Clerk Notice Period The Clerk was asked to leave the room. On re-entering the meeting, the Clerk was informed that her offer to extend her notice period had been reject and her last day of work for the Parish Council will be on Friday 31st May.

April 2024

GREAT GONERBY PARISH COUNCIL  Minutes of the Meeting held on Monday 8th April 2024 At the Memorial Hall, Belton Lane, Great Gonerby  Present:  Cllr. T Bridle Chair, Cllr. G Beckett, Cllr. C Cundall, Cllr. M Neal, Cllr K White Cllr. A Maughan LCC and Cllr. I Stokes (SKDC) The chair welcomed 17 members of the public to the meeting.  Several members of the public attended to voice concerns over SKDC’s proposal to develop land off Church Lane.  The Chair gave details of the online survey on the Parish Council website and encouraged residents to respond with concerns through the survey.   The Parish Council will submit replies to local SKDC Councillors in time for the SKDC deadline. There was a suggestion that local radio could take an interest. The Neighbourhood Plan was mentioned, and the chair advised of a 24-30 months timescale. Further discussion took place re paper surveys and a suggestion for a coffee morning for the older residents. There was a discussion regarding housing needs both nationally and locally. 1. Apologies for Absences None 2. Declarations of Interest/Dispensations None 3.  Co-option of Parish Councillor There being two applications for the vacancies, Jane Cundall and Karri Davey, both applicants were both duly unanimously voted to join the Parish Council and Councillors. The Chair welcomed both new members. 4. Minutes signed from previous meeting The Minutes of the meeting held on the 4th March 2024 were agreed and accepted as a true record.  Proposed by Cllr. White and seconded by Cllr. Neal 5. Clerk and Members to report back on matters outstanding a)              Update on Millenium Wood Cllr. Beckett advised that the trees in the millennium wood had had a haircut.  This was well received by the Memorial Hall Representative and Cllr. Cundall.  A quote is waited for the repair of the boundary wall. b)  Grievance Policy  The wording of this policy was duly accepted.  Proposed by Cllr. Beckett and seconded Cllr. C Cundall c)  Staffing Group This is to be set up with three members to form the Staffing Group.  Cllr. Bridle, Cllr. White and Cllr. Neal have agreed to be part of the Staffing Group. 6.  Correspondence Correspondence from SKDC re Planning Policy Consultations Email correspondence from LCC Waste Officer regarding recycling schemes. Email correspondence confirming 18b High Street is not within the conservation area. Email correspondence from Virgin Money regarding changes to credit interest payments. Email correspondence from LALC regarding Annual Parish Meeting v Annual Parish Council Meeting Email correspondence from SKDC regarding Councillor numbers. Email correspondence from Virgin Money informing of merger with Nationwide. Email correspondence from SKDC regarding Public Spaces Protection Orders Correspondence from Cllr Maughan advising he will not be standing for re-election in 2025. Email correspondence from resident requesting removal of hanging basket bracket. Email correspondence from LCC re High Street road closures during works for the installation of the new crossing Electoral Register Update received from SKDC. Email correspondence from LALC regarding email addresses and website addresses. Email correspondence from villager regarding a noise issue, advised to contact SKDC. Email correspondence from SKDC re Community Resilience Plans.  The Parish Council has agreed to be part of this. Email correspondence from villager regarding parking on the pavement in Long Street.  LCC advised they will keep an eye on the problem. 7.  Parish Council Business Risk Assessment The chair circulated the draft Business Risk Assessment prior to the meeting.  It has been agreed to set up Training Records for all Councillors and for the Clerk to add documents to the central drive as a disaster recovery point.  Cllr. Cundall recommended Damon Rowland to back up MS365.  It was agreed unanimously to accept the Business Risk Assessment.  Proposed by Cllr. White, seconded by Cllr. Neal. 8.  Projects Update a)  Neighbourhood Plan The Chair advised that all was in order with SKDC regarding the designated area.  The NP will be developed further later in the year. b)  Website and Microsoft Office Update MS365 to be used as a backup for Councillors. The design and content of the website is to be reviewed.  Councillors’ photos need to go back on the website as soon as possible. 9.  Mid Term Audit Report and Actions Taken a)  Code of Conduct to be reviewed and agreed The Code of Conduct was reviewed and agreed unanimously. b)  Complaints Procedure to be reviewed and agreed The Complaints Procedure was reviewed and agreed unanimously. c)  Publication Scheme to be reviewed and agreed The Publication Scheme was reviewed and agreed unanimously. 10.  Financial Matters a)  Accounts for Payment The following accounts were presented for payment. PAYMENTS 27.02.24 Newton Newton Flags Ltd Flag for 80th D Day 28.80 05.03.24 ​ K Davey Payment to Downtown in respect of deposit for BBQ for 80th D Day Celebrations 80.00 ​ 16.03.24 Rymans Stationery 9.88 ​ 27.03.24 Staff Salaries March Salaries and Computer 810.51 ​ 27.03.24 HMRC Tax Payment 594.40 ​ 27.03.24 D S Rowland (chq. 047) Repair, Paint and install village signs 840.00 ​ RECEIPTS 29.02.24 Virgin Money Interest on 95 Day Deposit Account 76.44 ​ 29.02.24 Virgin Money Interest on 30 Day Deposit Account 3.88 ​ 04.03.24 Virgin Money  Cashback on Expenses Account 0.18 ​ 28.03.24 Virgin Money Interest on 95 Day Deposit Account 81.97 28.03.24 Virgin Money Interest on Deposit Account 32.20 ​​ 28.03.24 Virgin Money Interest on 30 Day Deposit Account (Events) 4.15 ​​ 28.03.24 Virgin Money Interest of Instant Access Events  1.27 ​​ ​​ b)  Budget Report and to receive End of Year Accounts for 2023/24 The Clerk presented the following budget report: Expenses have been controlled this year and at the end of the Financial Year in March 2024 most of our expenditure was within set budget limits. Hall Rent was less than expected as were office costs. Subscriptions, Insurance, Audit Fees and Training Costs were all within budget. Expenses were slightly in excess of the forecast budget. Expenditure on Parks and Open was over budget due to the installation of the new Village signs (£840) and an outstanding invoice submitted by LCC in respect of works carried out to the Millennium Wood in 2021(£1137).  Extra hedge cutting took take place in 2023 due to the wet summer of 2023.  The total overspend was just over £3000. Staff salary costs were also in excess of the forecast budget as it was agreed to increase the Clerk’s hours in November. Total payments for the year amounted to £41340. Turning now to Events Costs these totalled £2168.72.  The Events Group currently has a credit balance of £2011.29  in the Bank.  A copy of the Accounts Reconciliation is attached to these Minutes. The End of Year Accounts were duly reconciled to Bank Statements and signed by the Chair and Clerk. c)  Authorisation of Bank Transfer Details for 2023/24 The authorisation was duly signed by the Chair. d)  Expense Payments to be reviewed Expense payments were dully reviewed and agreed that the Clerk can claim mileage and other expenses. e)  Reserves to be reviewed The Chair suggested to have reserves plus three months operational costs put by for unseen urgent costs in order to avoid penalty costs of accessing 95 day account and losing interest. f)  To consider, approve and sign the Annual Governance Statement 2023/24 The AGAR was reviewed, approved and signed by the Chairman g)  To consider, approve and sign the Accounting Statement for 2023/24 The Accounting Statement was reviewed, approved and signed by the Chairman. In the Clerk’s absence the following report was submitted:- CLERK’S REPORT FOR APRIL 2024 MEETING Our Grant application to cover the cost of replacing the Bus Shelter on Grantham Road has been accepted.  Grant application was in the sum of £6,500.  The cost of the new shelter will be £6150 (ex VAT) but we need to pay to have the old bus shelter dismantled.  This has been agreed in the sum of £250.00 The company supplying the posts have asked for payment before delivery – this will be arranged. I have received three quotations to install the white posts £2,200, £5110 and £3755.  The quotation the sum of £2,200 was accepted. The Chair explained re signatories on the Bank Account and mandate, on the Clerk at present. LCC Highways have advised the contribution rate for three verge cuts is going to be £1555.47 for 2024/25.  The Parish Council contracts SEN Services for 7 verge cuts per annum. 11.  Advisory Groups a)  Planning GRANTED S24/0040 Mr and Mrs M Pike 16 The Knoll Great Gonerby Single storey side and read extension and porch S24/0018 Mr B Wheeler 37 Belton Lane Great Gonerby Construction of timber framed workshop S24/0015 Mr D Lockyear34 Pond Street, Great Gonerby Single Side Extension REFUSED S23/2242 Mr R Lee Constables Field, Belton Lane, Grantham Residential development of land comprising 7 dwelling and access b)  The Environment and Amenity Areas Cllr. Neal advised she had carried out risk assessment two weeks ago.  All good.   She mentioned that the village sign on the green appears to be leaning and also the black bollards at the Pond are rusting.  The clerk has been asked to action. Wildflower Area – this is to be reviewed with a representative from the Memorial Hall.  Cllr. Neal and Beckett to arrange. Coronation Orchard – A site for the Orchard having been agreed to be sited on the green off Cox’s Walk, Cllr. White agreed to apply for an application form to SKDC. c)  Highways Matters Nothing reported. 12.  Notice for future Meeting None 13.  Any matters for Urgent Discussion A request was made to move the Parish Council meetings to bi-monthly.  This will be arranged from September 2024 going forward. A request was made that future Chairpersons and Vice Chairpersons should have at least 14 months experience and a 75% Parish Council meeting attendance.  The Clerk was asked to amend the Standing Orders accordingly. A request was made for closed voting to take place when electing either Chairperson or Vice Chairperson. Correspondence received from Sam Roddin from Art Popup advising they are considering an arts project working with 4 rural/village communities in South Kesteven and they would be interested in hosting one of these free community events in Great Gonerby if this is something that the village would support.  Cllr. Beckett agreed to follow this up. The wording for Standing Orders in respect of Co-option to be amended as follows:- Standing Order 8  Voting on co-option of one or more candidates will be by written ballot paper, with a simple cross placed against the chosen candidate’s name.  The voting to take place in public view.  Folded ballot slips to be collated by the Clerk and count checked by the Chair.  A candidate must win by a majority – if there is not a majority, the seat remains unfilled.  If there is a draw, the Chair has the casting vote.  The Chair will announce the result. To remain the same Voting for the position of Chair and/or Vice Chair will be by written ballot paper, with a simple cross marked against the name of the chosen candidate.  The counting to take place in public view.  Folded ballot slips to be collated by the Clerk and count checked by the acting Chair.  A candidate must win by a majority – if there is not a majority, the seat remains unfilled.  If there is a draw, the acting Chair has the casting vote.  The acting Chair will announce the result.

May 2024

GREAT GONERBY PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of the Meeting held on Wednesday 8th May 2024 at 7:40pm At the Memorial Hall, Belton Lane, Great Gonerby Present: Chairman T Bridle, Cllr. K Davey, Cllr. G Beckett, Cllr. C Cundall, Cllr. M Neal, Cllr K White, Cllr. J Cundall. Public Forum Commenced at 7:40pm: The chair welcomed 14 members of the public to the meeting. Several members of the public attended to voice their concerns over the parish council’s response to SKDC’s proposal to develop land off Church Lane. The Chair and the parishioners had a lengthy discussion regarding the matters at hand. It was agreed that the parish councils covering letter attached with the surveys filled in for objections to the SKDC’s plans as discussed in April’s meeting shall be shared to the group concerned. The neighbourhood plan was discussed with the members of the public in relation to how this will go forward, also as to how the parish council will support and assist with this going forward to ensure that all evidence, documentations and so forth shall be gathered ready for submission. Public Forum Ends at 20:10pm. Closed Parish Council Meeting commences at 20:12pm. 1.Apologies for absence and reasons given: Cllr Alex Maughan – Prior commitments to Caythorpe Parish Council Meeting. 2.a) Nomination of Chairman & Vice Chairman The chairman asked for nominations for chairman: Cllr T. Bridle put his name forward to continue as chairman, no further nominations were made. This was then voted on with 7/7 votes in favour. Cllr. Nominations for vice-chair proceeded as follows: Cllr K. Davey put her name forward for consideration, no other nominations were made. This was then voted on by the Cllrs which returned with 7/7 votes in favour. b) Signing of Chairman’s Declaration of Acceptance Cllr. T Bridle duly signed the Declaration. c) Signing of Vice Chairman’s Declaration and Acceptance Cllr. K Davey duly signed the Declaration. b) Nominations of New Councillors There were three applications for the 4 vacancies available to become council members; Applicants M. Beckett and A. Davey were invited to tell everyone about why they would like to be a part of the council… D. Jacobs could not attend the meeting in person but was included in the voting process of who would be voted onto the council. The existing Cllrs then put this to a vote on whether the applicants were to join the parish council; Results as follows: M. Beckett– 7/7 Cllrs voted in favour. A. Davey – 6/7 Cllrs voted in favour. D. Jacobs – 7/7 Cllrs voted in favour. Subsequently all applicants became councillors for Great Gonerby Parish Council leaving one vacancy left. 3. Minutes signed from the previous meeting. Minutes taken from the Parish Council Meeting on the 8th of April 2024 were true to fact and signed off. 4. Clerk & Members to report back on matters outstanding a) Orchard and picnic bench – Cllr. White Quotations for the work have been gathered, these will be assessed to bring them in line with the SKDC grant for the project of £1500, Cllr. K White will also be seeking permissions from open space landowners prior to moving forward. A proposal to return the picnic bench was mentioned and agreed to review once the orchard is complete. Sites being considered for the project are as follows: A- Green area near the horse field close to Cox’s Walk. B- Green area on Holden Way C- Green area close to the walkway at the rear of Cox’s Walk. Once all the plans and permissions are confirmed the application will then be submitted to SKDC. 5. Official Correspondence & Circulation. 6. Projects Update Installation of the new Grantham Road bus shelter and posts around the green area on Grantham Road are due to be completed by the end of May. a) Grants – Electric Charge Points Ev charging points were discussed, it has been decided to make contact and find more information in preparation of moving forward with a grant application. b) Memorial Hall Working Party A discussion was had, all grants have been applied for and awaiting a response from the south Kesteven prosperity fund on a final answer. c) Neighbourhood Plan Update Initial applications are in, awaiting correspondence of designated plan, the parish will work with the community to gather as much data, information and plans to continue the application progressing. 7. To review a) Standing Orders b) Financial Regulations c) GDPR Policy to be adopted and reviewed Nothing was amended at this meeting. 8. Financial Matters To consider Chairman’s Allowance (currently £600) Chairman T. Bridle decided he would like to waive his right to the chairman’s allowance of £600 per annum, instead he suggested the allowance be put back into to parish council. This was then discussed by the vice chair Cllr. K Davey and the 7 other Cllrs without the chairman present and subsequently voted (5 agreed, 2 opposed) to agree his suggestion, it was decided that the £600 would become a £600 chairman’s discretion fund within the councils’ finances. b) Accounts for payment. Details of accounts below: 01.04.24LALCAnnual subscription498.54 01.04.24Great Gonerby Memorial Hall Hire of Meeting Room100.00 01.04.24Great Gonerby Memorial Hall Portion of Wi-Fi costs60.00 02.04.24TheShed ManDeposit for New Bus Shelter3,690.00 05.04.24BDG Mowing (chq 49)2 x Grass Cuts (March)102.00 05.04.24Eden Tree Services (A Rob-erts)Tree thinning and crown lifting at the mil-lennium wood600.00 05.04.24CST Accountancy (chq 50)Payrool Services 2023/2475.00 08.04.24PWLCLoan Repayment4,923.67 08.04.24SEN Services (chq 54)2 x Cemetery Cuts108.00 08.04.24SEN Services (chq 54)1 x Village Cerge Cut385.00 08.04.24nPower (chq 55)Hill Top Electric - January to March182.18 08.04.24Post Office1st Class Stamp to return forms to Virgin Money1.35 09.04.24LALC (chq 51)Internal Audit Fee300.00 11.04.24A J Boyle (chq 52)Replace electric box for Christmas tree lights204.00 12.04.24E J Walker (chq 53)Mileage and Printing costs82.49 12.04.24PrinthubVillage Survey Printing206.54 17.04.24Post OfficeFirst Class Stamp1.35 19.04.24SEN Services (chq 56)2 x Cemetery Cuts108.00 22.04.24Anthony Jackson (chq 57)Re-instate signage to the Pinfold90.00 22.04.24Staff Wages (chq 58 & 59)April wages and computer810.71 23.04.24AmazonHP12.5in Elite Book 820G£ Laptop279.90 24.04.24Andrew Craig (chq 60)Repair to boundary wall to Millennium Wood180.00 01.05.24Belton Garden CentreIntroductory Coffee mornng with new Clerk18.95 c) Review Zurich fidelity cover of £10,000,000 and acceptance of Insurance policy The Cllrs reviewed the policy options for this year’s insurance, it was put to a vote on whether to go with an alternative quote or to remain with Zurich. It was voted on and agreed to remain with Zurich for another year. This vote was proposed by Cllr G Beckett and 2nd by Cllr C Cundall and agreed by all others. 9. Advisory Groups: a) Planning APPLICATIONS S24/0658 Treasure Transport Services Ltd Occupation Lane, Great Gonerby 2 warehouse units, extension to form a canopy loading area and additional vehicle parking. GRANTED S24/0080 Mr Ian Everington The Recruiting Sergeant, 10 High Street, Great Gonerby Listed Building Consent – Extension to eastern elevation. 1800mm close boarded fencing and gates to create compound, reroofing landing area, internal and external alterations. S24/0079 Mr Ian Everington The Recruiting Sergeant, 10 High Street, Great Gonerby Extension to eastern elevation. 1800mm close boarded fencing and gates to create compound, re-roofing landing area, and external alterations. S23/1487 Mrs V Danbold 29 Green Street, Great Gonerby Restore and paint all sash windows. Replace porch rotten wood siding with brick. Replace rotten wood door and doorpost with new door and reinforced doorpost. Replace porch window with double glazing. Remove chipboard ceiling and repair rood as needed. Replace broken garden gate with period sympathetic alternative. S24/0660 Street Record, The Avenue, Great Gonerby Regulation 5 notice to install 2 x 9m telegraph poles. ENFORCEMENT NOTICE ENF24/0037 31 Belvoir Garden, Great Gonerby Erection of outbuilding to rear of residential property not ancillary to main dwelling house (poten-tially for business use) REFUSAL S24/0140 Land at Rectory Farm, Barrowby Road Section 73 application to vary Condition 24 (off-site highways works) of planning permission. S16/2816. DETERMINATION AS TO WHETHER THE PRIOR APPROVAL OF DETAILS IS REQUIRED S24/0337 Moto Hospitality Ltd Moto Service Area, Old Great North Road, Great Gonerby Installation of 128 roof mounted solar panels and associated equipment at the Grantham North Moto service station. SKDC will not require formal submission of details. b) The Environment This was reported on by Cllr. G Beckett and Cllr. M Neal – The millennium woods wall has been fixed and remains intact – Thank-you to A C Stonecraft for completing the works. It was discussed to look into acquiring more dog waste warning signs to distribute in the area. It was also discussed whether to look into further dog waste bins. Cllr. M Neal has completed a walk around of the village, it was reported that the black bollards surrounding the pond area were unable to be checked to see if they have been painted, this will be checked in time for June’s meeting. Everything else was confirmed to be okay. Cllr G Becket discussed for the potential to further action the Emergency Plan and whether this would be a good option to include within the Neighbourhood Plan. It was agreed that once the plan is in place, it will be put forward with the NH plan. c) Amenity Areas The clock pelter statue – Charlie was discussed… Repairs to Charlies foot have been completed however, it was noted that since the repair, the statues foot is becoming susceptible to damp, the parish council will be requesting quotations to complete works to ensure to longevity of the statue. d) Highway Matters Parking continues to an issue with certain areas of the village, it was noted that the corner of green street, in particular is a problem, this will be monitored and reviewed accordingly. A discussion was held between the Cllrs regarding the potential of securing a School Crossings Patrol persons for long street once the new crossing being installed on the high street has been completed. Cllr M Neal will be seeking advice from the relevant departments on how to go about having someone to cover the above role. In the meantime, a group of Cllrs will endeavour to monitor/survey the school crossing to assess the need to crossing patrol persons. 10. Notice of motions for future meetings. No notices were made. 11. Any matters for urgent discussion No matters were raised. Circulation: All Councillors, Notice Board, Cllr. Maughan LCC, SKDC Councillors, Web Site.

June 2024

GREAT GONERBY PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of the Meeting held on Monday 5th June 2024 At the Memorial Hall, Belton Lane, Great Gonerby Present:Cllr. T Bridle Chairman, Cllr. K Davey Vice Chair, Cllr. V Beckett, Cllr. M Beckett, Cllr D Jacobs, Cllr. J Cundall, , Cllr. K White, Cllr A Davey Cllr. M Neal. There being parishioners in attendance the Chairman welcomed them to the meeting starting at 7:15pm. An update had been provided by the PC chairman in relation to the neighbourhood plan; It was advised that following consideration from SKDC, the application has been assessed as valid and therefore has been approved; A discussion between the PC and the parishioners in attendance was had in regards to how the two can work together to further the Neighbourhood plan to the next stage. The parishioners asked about the possibility of having an independent consultant to aid with the NP… It was agreed that this would then be looked into to determine if it would be an option within the application for funding to assist the NP. Action groups will be put together to assist in furthering the next steps of the neighbourhood plan and anyone that wishes to volunteer are invited to email the clerk on It was agreed there will be a meeting organised away from the parish meeting solely to focus on the neighbourhood plan and its next steps. 1.Apologies for Absence: Cllr. C Cundall (prior commitments) Cllr. I Stokes – No correspondence regarding attendance. Cllr. A Maughan – No correspondence regarding attendance. 2. Co-option Three applicants applied for the Cllr vacancy. The Cllrs present put this to the vote with the results as follows: K. Ambrose – 1/9 in favour. T. Belcher – 2/9 in favour. E. Austen 6/9 in favour. E. Austen was then elected as the new Cllr to Great Gonerby Parish Council with the majority votes. 3. Declarations of Interest/Dispensations a. Cllr K. Davey Cllr. K Davey declared a declaration of interest for being on the LALC Executive Management Committee it was voted for and accepted by all Cllrs in attendance. Proposer – Cllr. M Neal Seconded – Cllr. J Cundall b. Cllr K. White Cllr. K White declared a declaration of interest for using his business to supply flowers for the planters located around Great Gonerby. This was voted on and accepted by all Cllrs. Proposed – Cllr. A Davey Seconded – Cllr. K Davey 4. Minutes signed from the previous meeting. The Minutes of the meeting held on the 3rd of June were duly agreed and accepted as a true record. Proposed by Cllr. K Davey and seconded by Cllr. G Beckett. 5.Clerk & Members to report back on matters outstanding a.Safety crossing patrol The following proposal was put forward prior to the meeting in June following the new road works that took place around Long Street/High Street. Long Street Crossing Guard Justification The current road restructuring involves removing and relocating the existing pedestrian crossing further up the High Street, resulting in it being further away from the school entrance. The Highways Department deemed the old pedestrian crossing outside of current legislation for safety reasons, as it was located at a busy intersection with both Long Street / Pond Street and Grantham Road. Because of the new High Street crossing location (near the convenience store), parents and children must now cross Long Street to get to/from school if they come from the north or west of the village. Crossing Long Street is a particularly arduous experience for any individual, particularly for children, the infirm, and those with limited mobility. Given the multiple hazards at this intersection (right turn into Long Street, short-term parent and shop parking, including on-pavement parking) during school hours, this junction becomes extremely busy. Currently, SKDC contribute financially to some parish council services, and with proposal would like to apply for funding for a Crossing Guard. Given that there are 40 weeks in a school year and given that we would request 1 patrol hour per day @ renumeration of £11.44 per hour (minimum wage), the total cost to the council in any one year would be £2,288. I trust that you will consider this proposal positively. Following the meeting, Cllr. M Neal sought advice from SKDC and highways on this matter. Advice then given to the PC was that on this occasion, it would not be advisable to have a school crossings person in this area due to the new crossing location following the roadworks at this stage. The roads crossing team have since advised that they will monitor the crossing; Traffic wardens will be monitoring and legally make enforcements where necessary. 6. Reports from LCC and SKDC councillors including highways No cllrs present to provide reports. 7.Official Correspondence & Circulation All cllrs agreed that they had read all the correspondence sent out through May with no concerns and the following topics hi-lighted: Community cleaner grant was paid for the current quarter. The new bus shelter and white posts have been installed and completed to a high standard, special thanks to those involved with the process, contractors and volunteers. Parking in areas of Great Gonerby remain to be an issue, one particular area that was noted on Long Street shall be monitored. Community orchard – SKDC have authorised with GGPC confirming that they will take control of the maintenance for this new orchard once this is complete. PC will aim to organise a community group to learn alongside the PC how to maintain the area. Cllr. K White will arrange to get a quotation together for taller trees to plant so they won’t be affected by grass/hedge cutting. 8.Review of Risk Assessments, Data Protection and Privacy Statement. All Cllrs reviewed the above documents and declared they were happy with them and no changed needed to be made. Risk Assessment – Proposed by Cllr. K Davey, Seconded by Cllr. A Davey. Data protection and Privacy Statement – Proposed by Cllr. M Neal, Seconded by Cllr. G Beckett. It was noted during this discussion that the path around the entrance to the memorial hall had deteriorated and Cllr. J Cundall will follow this up with LCC who are responsible for this area. 9.Review of Financial Regulations including quotation amounts To be reviewed in September’s meeting. 10. Financial Matters a)Accounts for Payment/Receipts. PAYMENTS The Little Post & Chain CoReplacement White posts & Chains1,361.95 Handyman Gray (chq 61)Removal of Bus Shelter250.00 SEN Services (Chq 62)2 x Cemetery Cuts108.00 SEN Services (chq 62)1 x Village verge Cut385.00 Post Office2 x Books 2nd Class stamps13.60 RymansEnvelopes and copy paper10.78 Keith White (chq 63)Plants for High Street Planters410.00 Mrs G Beckett (Amazon) (chq 64)Microphone for meetings36.99 Zurich Municipal (chq 65)Annual Insurance Renewal Premium640.03 RymansStationery for new Clerk's Office132.03 DowntownCompost and feed for High Street Planter51.99 E J Walker Mileage 31.05 The Shed ManNew bus stop completion3690 LALCTraining Membership180.00 Sen Services1x verge cut 2x cem cuts493.00 Sanderson Sculptures - Charlie repairrepairs to Charlie’s foot100.00 Handyman Gray - White postsInstallation of new white posts2,200.00 Staff SalariesMay wages including holiday pay for E Walker1,771.25 RECEIPTS Virgin MoneyCash Back on Expenses Account1.70 Robert HollandCemetery Fees - Jeffrey150.00 SKDC Grant Payment6,500.00 Robert HollandCemetery fees150.00 SKDC Community cleaner Grant694.98 Bank accounts in May were operationally working. Cllr. K Davey and Cllr. T Bridle are working with the bank provider to gain full access to the accounts due to the change over of Clerks that occurred in May. The budget was exceeded in May to there being a cross over in the previous clerk handing over to the new clerk thus incurring two salaries in this area opposed to one. 11. Criminal declarations – Discussion and Documentation review. It was bought to the council for the potential of all Cllrs having an annual criminal search whether they be new or existing Cllrs. A discussion was had between the Cllrs, it was agreed that rather than having annual checks at the yearly AGM… The checks shall be completed at every Co-Option going forward. This was proposed by Cllr. M Beckett and seconded by Cllr. J Cundall. 12. Frequency of meeting It was proposed that the council would potentially go forward with Bi-Monthly meetings opposed to monthly meetings. It was voted to stay with monthly meetings until the end of 2024 and then move forward with Bi-Monthly meetings starting in January 2025. The result was in favour with 8/9 Cllrs. This was confirmed by the majority and proposed by Cllr. G Beckett and seconded by Cllr. A Davey. 13. Christmas planning The PC would like to start creating a community Christmas environment throughout December for all the parishioners to enjoy. The aim is for this to slowly grow and each year the be added to over a time of 4-5 years and become and annual event. It was discussed amongst the councillors that the PC shall purchase a community Christmas Tree with decorations to begin with this year (2024) and work our way up a full light display around for the pond area with a view of this become an annual event. Other areas to be considered for Christmas displays will be considered in the future as the event grows. We will be approaching local businesses to potentially sponsor this cause. 14. Advisory Groups: a)Planning It was noted that Saints had approached the PC seeking acceptance to their previous request and subsequently advised that that would need to submit a proposal to be reviewed but they are yet to do as such. APPLICATIONS S24/0751 Mr George Thomas – 36 Long Street, Great Gonerby Renew roof, including dormers (2 at the front, 1 at the rear), inserting insulation between and above rafters. Insullate first floor east gable end wall internally. Renew ground floor front window (east end of north elevation) s/24/0867 Mrs Monica Stevens – 48 Belvoir Gardens, Great Gonerby Proposed two storey extension to side, single storey extension to front and rear of existing dwelling. GRANTED S23/1868 Mr Ian Reilly (Alison Homes) – Land to the north of longcliffe road and south of Belton lane, Grantham. Section 73 application to vary conditions one (approved plans) S23/1699 Mark Bassett – Land north of longcliffe road, Grantham Section 73 application to vary conditions 4 and 8 approved plan. b)The Environment & Amenity Areas Cllr. G Beckett reported back on the environmental areas that she had chased the relevant peoples regarding the emergency plan via SKDC and is yet to hear back any feedback. It has been mentioned that the PC investigate the potential of a hedgehog highways… This was agreed to be investigated and discussed at a further meeting once we have received feedback and guidance on the matter. Cllr. M Neal completed there walk around of the village to check on all the amenities and reported back the following: The plants in the planters surrounding the Charlie in the pond area have died and will be tidied up and potentially replaced with perennials to be more hardy and long standing. The black bollards and still in need of maintenance and will be sorted via a contractor once the weather permits. Cllrs. M Beckett and G Beckett will complete a risk assessment of headstones and PC amenities over the month of June – results of which are to be discussed in the July meeting. The new road signs welcoming people to the village are not as welcoming as they could be and new locations are questionable. Cllr. T Bridle has agreed to investigate this and report back in future meetings. c)Neighbourhood Plan With the parish Council’s application to designate Great Gonerby Parish as a Neighbourhood Area being accepted… The NP is now able to start working towards the next stage. The PC are aiming to get a plan of action for the next stage involving areas to be considered for grant applications and Action groups to be put together to assist in furthering the next steps of the neighbourhood plan; The aim is for this to be in place by November. 15. Notice of motions for future meetings Discussion to be had the Memorial Hall to consider having a clothing charity bin for Great Gonerby to use. Discussions to be had regarding having extra road markings around Marrotts Lane. Millenium Woods needs attention and maintaining. It has been requested that we reach of to PC Barr to do more spot check patrols around the area. 16. Any matters for urgent discussion Circulation: All Councillors, Notice Board, Cllr. Maughan LCC, SKDC Councillors, Web Site 2. Declarations of Interest/Dispensations None. 3. Minutes signed from previous meeting The Minutes of the meeting held on the 15th May were duly agreed and accepted as a true record. Proposed by Cllr. Fletcher and seconded by Cllr. Neal 4. Clerk and members to report bank on matters outstanding The Chairman advised that the matter of the “Lockdown” Photobooks had now been resolved and a revised invoice was in course to the Parish Council. It has been agreed to reimburse for two sets of photobooks. a) Clarification of Voting Procedures The Chairman advised that clarification has been sought from LALC and the correct procedure to elect Chair and vice chair persons is by way of show of hands. The Chairman asked for an update on the installation of the village signs and was advised that these should be in situ by the end of this week. 5. Official Correspondence and Circulation Correspondence from the Secretary of the Memorial Hall with regard to representation of the Parish Council at Memorial Hall meetings and requesting Cllr. Davey to resign as a Trustee as she will no longer be a representative. A long discussion took place with regard to Trustee status and trying to establish a better working relationship with the Trustees, the outcome of which was the Chairman agreed to arrange a meeting with the Chairman of the Memorial Hall to discuss a way forward. The issue of the picnic bench has also yet to be resolved. Email from Cllr. Maughan with regard to Public Rights of Way Project Funding to improve public rights of way footpaths/ stiles etc. Again another lengthy discussion regarding footpaths and the Clerk was asked to put forward the footpath which runs from Belvoir Close to Church Lane (Skinny Winton’s Path) for funding to cover the costs of improvement. Another request to resurface the bridge between Cox’s Walk and Long Street had already been submitted. Letter received from the Police Superintendent of East Division inviting parishes to put questions to senior officers at meetings, the first of which to be arranged in December 2023. The Chairman advised that he would be attending. 6. Review of Risk Assessments, Data Protection and Privacy Statement and Website Accessibility Statement All the above were reviewed and there being no changes were unanimously agreed. 7. Review of Standing Orders & Financial Regulations including quotation amounts All the above were reviewed including quotation amounts requiring three quotes for projects costing £1K to £25, three quotes, if possible, for amounts between £100 and £1k; which were confirmed to all Councillors. There being no changes all were unanimously agreed. 8. Financial Matters The Chairman read the following report from the Clerk:- The Clerk advised at our last meeting that our Internal Auditor was stepping down. Having been in contact with other local Parish Council they are using auditors arranged through LALC. Accordingly the Clerk has been in touch with LALC and established that the fee for the Internal Audit would be in the region of £260 for two audits a year: The proposed fee is £140 more than Malcolm Hall was charging but is subject to amendment according to individual Parish Council needs. It was agreed to arrange the Internal Audit through LALC. The Clerk is still waiting for confirmation from Virgin Money with regard to change of signatories on the account, in the meantime Cllr. Fletcher and the Clerk have been authorising payments. The Clerk met with the Chairman to discuss finances and budget reports, and going forward the Chairman will produce an up to date budget report prior to each meeting. Accounts for payment will be presented to each PC meeting in the usual manner. a) Accounts for Payment ACCOUNTS FOR PAYMENT 02.05.23Wilcox BakersCakes for Coronation Event116.00 04.05.23Cash FloatCoronation Event200.00 04.05.23Viking SignsPlaque for Coronation Tree83.81 04.05.23BDG Mowing2 x Grass Cutting and 1 x Verge Cutting584.00 04.05.23AmazonBalloon Weights Coronation Event14.99 04.05.23AmazonBalloon Weights - Coronation Event12.99 05.05.23M SelbyPayment made to Range for photo frame14.99 09.05.23EvriPostage to return Balloon weights due to late delivery5.96 11.05.23M L HallInternal Audit Fee120.00 15.05.23E J WalkerDowntown - Compost and plant feed for hanging baskets52.99 16.05.23Crimson KingsHedge cutting down Grantham Hill270.00 ZurichRenewal of Insurance policy586.08 19.05.23LidlPlants for Charlie's Planters18.51 21.05.23Raymond Manning Plants for Hanging Baskets442.50 26.05.23Staff SalariesMay salaries and Computer647.38 28.05.23AmazonWater Pump for High Street Watering14.20 29.05.23M Selby (chq. 45)Chairman's Allowance600.00 31.05.23G Burley & Sons LtdNew Wicks for High Street Planters58.80 RECEIPTS 02.05.23Virgin MoneyCash Back on Expenses Account2.21 05.05.23AmazonRefund for faulty photo frame26.99 15.05.23G H LinnellCemetery Fees in respect of Memorial for Plot 2AC130.00 11.05.23Events CommitteeCash Deposit500.00 11.05.23Events CommitteeCash Deposit1,067.81 11.05.23Mrs D VincentSupplement Maintenance Fee for Plot 2Y30.00 16.05.23AmazonRefund for balloon weights14.99 15.05.23SKDCCommunity Cleaner Grant694.98 31.05.23Virgin MoneyInterest on 95 Day Deposit Account54.98 31.05.23Virgin MoneyInterest on 30 Day Deposit Account1.54 The above accounts were approved for payment proposed by Cllr Critchley and seconded by Cllr. Bridle b) Budget Report The Chairman presented the following review which had been circulated to all Councillors and the Clerk prior to the meeting. Income Our spend Budget for 23/24 is allocated at £34,560 Our current balance across all Bank Accounts sits at £40,959.67 We have received our ½ year precept with a further donation due in October In addition, we can expect revenue to be generated from Cemetery Fees and VAT refunds though we expect Cemetery Fee funds to be lower than last year. The Events Team continues to “self-fund” events (these amounts are already considered in the Bank Balances). With this in mind, we have allocated these funds as a “budget” for expenditure. Expenditure Our Costs fall into 2 categories Fixed and Variable. Fixed costs include (for example) Salaries, Grass Cutting, Electricity, Auditors, and Insurances etc. Variable costs include, repairs, plants, stationary, events etc Summary The overall position relates to an overspend YTD of £109.30 and a good start to the year. 9. Setup of Grievance/Disciplinary and Appeal Panels A lengthy discussion took place following which it was decided four Councillors would sit on the Grievance and Disciplinary Panels. Cllrs. Critchley, Fletcher, Mavros and Bridle volunteered to do this. The Appeal Panel would consist of Cllr. Selby, as Chairman, and Cllr. Davey and one other being the choice of the interviewee. It was decided the Planning Panel would be headed up by the Chairman with Cllrs Fletcher, Critchley and Neal. 10. Advisory Groups a) Planning APPLICATIONS None received. APPROVED S23/0380 Mr G Thomas 36 Long Street, Great Gonerby Installation of electric vehicle charging point S23/0448 Mr J Cook Dale Farm Holdings, Kestrel Business Park, Gonerby Lane, Allington Recladding and extension of steel portal building for storage and distribution use. Notification from LCC with regard to Highway planning requirements in respect of the proposed solar farm on land off Green Lane, Gonerby Moor. This notification led to a discussion with regard to the Parish Council’s commitment to pay £10.000 to LCC Highways to show commitment towards the proposed new pelican crossing in the High Street. Cllr. Maughan explained the background of the commitment to the new Chairman. This commitment remains and will be paid once community monies are received in respect of the solar farm. b) Environment Cllr. Fletcher advised that he has been carrying out monthly risk assessments on the village bus shelters in the High Street, Grantham Road and Kelham Road. Six monthly assessments are also carried out on the block paved Pond area every six months and will start six monthly inspections of the new benches in the village. Cllr Fletcher has also carried out a visual inspection of headstones at St Sebastian’s and reported that one headstone needed to be laid down as very unsafe. He requested the Clerk to try and make contact with the owners. The Clerk is responsible for checking the cemetery at Hill Top on a monthly basis. c) Amenity Areas Nothing reported. d) Highways A discussion took place regarding the proposed double yellow lines on Pond Street and Long Street. It was thought these should be timed constraints rather than permanent so that parking for the corner shop does not become a problem. Cllr. Maughan agreed to put details of the proposals on the village Facebook site. Email received from Marston Parish Council with regard to an unlawful sign on the slip road to the A1. This matter is being dealt with and the sign will be removed. Cllr. Davey reported the cats eyes on the A1 slip road were not working. Cllr. Maughan reported the matter to Highways England to deal with. 10. Notice of motions for future meetings The Chairman advised that he would present the business case for a new website at the July meeting. A discussion place with regard to the pros and cons of drawing up a Neighbourhood Plan for the village following which it was suggested that we make contact with Corby Glen to ascertain their view point and for the proposed project to be re-visited at the September meeting. 11. Any Matters for urgent discussion None. There being no further business the meeting closed at 21.30. Flag Flying Days: 7th JulyLondon Bombing

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