Neighbourhood Plan - Information Page
Chair: Cllr M Selby
Vice Chair: Cllr. K Davey
Neighbourhood Plan Lead: Cllr. T Bridle
The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting and introduced the panel and then explained the format for the evening and advised the Parish Clerk would be taking Minutes to be shared online and the village website.
Development Plans
a) Barrowby Gate – Pennine Way
Cllr. Davey advised the meeting of two local developments which will have a huge impact on the village due to increased traffic. Cllr Davey advised the Parish Council had had no input to the planning decisions but were now faced with the consequences and this is the reason for the implementation of the Neighbourhood Plan.
One of the conditions of granting planning permission for the Barrowby Gate development was once a certain number of houses has been built a road link with Great Gonerby would need to be established. At the present time the developers are about 50 houses short of the required number.
The meeting was informed of a recent survey carried out by Cllr. Martin from SKDC indicating that 85% of Great Gonerby resident were in favour of the Pennine Way link road being established. This survey has not been substantiated and a further consultation with Great Gonerby villagers will be carried out by the Parish Council.
b) Manthorpe – Allison Homes
The Chairman advised of the development at Manthorpe which is due to commence in early 2024 and when complete will consist of an additional 450 houses. Allison Homes, the developers, have been consulting with the Parish Council and have recently advised of a change in access routes to the new development which will mean all traffic from the development will now exit onto Belton Lane.
The Parish Council have had a meeting with LCC Highways regarding the envisaged problems at the Newark Hill junction with Belton Lane.
Regarding the junction with Newark Hill, LCC have acknowledged the problems and are looking at short term solutions which will be advised to the Parish Council mid-December together with the suitability of Belton Lane being in mind in the foreseen increase in traffic.
Traffic Lights are to be installed at junction with the A607 and Allison Homes are progressing this with LCC Highways as quickly as possible.
The first stage of the Manthorpe development will consist of 50 houses to be completed by 2025 but the Parish Council is pushing for a working Newark Hill junction to be established in good time.
2. Neighbourhood Plan
Cllr. Bridle introduced the Neighbourhood Plan initiative through a presentation and outlined the reasons, benefits and requirements for the Neighbourhood Plan. He went on to explain the methodology planned to be taken and itemised the categories that would needed help and support from the public: -
a) Sustainability Development – a point for all categories
b) Governance and Authorities (housing & development, key views etc)
c) Economic, Recreation and Education (businesses, schools, group etc)
c) Infrastructure (telecoms, transport, village access, travel links etc)
d) Environment (green space, open Space, countryside etc)
e) Heritage (protect history, areas and buildings of interest etc)
f) Category Leaders and Volunteers
- Cllr Bridle asked for interested members of the public to contact him either by email or via the website to enable the different teams to be established and work together. Both Cllr. Bridle and the Chairman will support the different category leads.
i) Plan Ahead
– this neighbourhood plan will capture the voice and thoughts of the village, with a 6-to-10-year view and influence future developments at the proactive, initial development engagement, concept, and design stages of planning application.
The Chairman advised that there is an area on the website ( which will hold all the information regarding the Neighbourhood Plan.
Cllr Bridle said the next steps will be confirming the category leads and community teams before Christmas and having the first engagement with the local planning office.
The concept is to be widely publicised to get the support which is needed.
A show of hands at the meeting indicated that all attendees were in favour of the Neighbourhood Plan and their involvement.
The Chairman closed the meeting by thanking all the attendees.
There being no further business the meeting closed at 20.45
Questions and Answers
A query re construction traffic was raised.
The Chairman advised that Allison Homes are not looking to route construction traffic through the village and advised that if it did happen the issue would be reported to Allison Homes.
A query regarding a raised regarding a One-Way System through Long Street.
This was not thought to be feasible
A question regarding the impact of the proposed Downtown Retail Park was raised.
This issue has already been acknowledged by LCC Highways
A question regarding a roundabout at Manthorpe end
This has been superseded by proposed traffic lights and road widening
Concern was raised regarding improving Belton Lane which may encourage the creep of urban area.
The Chairman advised that the tone from LCC is that they wanted to carry out minimum improvements.
A question regarding Hill Top Cemetery
It was confirmed there will be no impact to the Cemetery when improvements are carried out to the Newark Hill Junction.
Question regarding safety of High Street and school children
A new pelican crossing is due to be installed in the High Street next financial year and it is thought there will be an addition school on the new Manthorpe development.
The Chairman advised that there will be forms for further questions posted on both the Parish Council website and Facebook.
To ask further questions regarding the Neighbourhood Plan or other developments in the Village, please click the button >>